Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 268 Disgusting fighting style

"No wonder we often hear that even warriors of the same realm can show very different combat power.

If I face Su Gu in this state, I'm afraid I can't last more than three minutes."

Some of the students who were watching murmured.

"You can be more confident. I'm afraid there are very few people in our school who can resist this monster for three minutes.


This range also includes the teachers in the school."

These ordinary students watched the battle in the arena and analyzed the abilities of both sides in their eyes.

At this moment, under the siege of 17 Soul Shaping Realm masters, although Su Gu was slightly at a disadvantage, he did not show any signs of defeat.

It's just that his superpowers, under deliberate targeting, had almost no room to display.

Once he had the desire to release his superpowers, those melee warriors would retreat immediately.

The artillery of the long-range warriors would tilt down.

But even so, the ability he showed still made the audience feel a little awed.

Obviously, he was an alumnus of the same age as himself, or even a few years younger.

How could the gap between them be so big?

"But if this continues, Su Gu will still lose."

At this moment, someone said with certainty.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was immediately refuted.

"This... may not be the case. Although Su Gu is at a disadvantage now, he has not shown any signs of defeat.

Although I am also unhappy with this arrogant guy from the lower grade.

But when watching a battle, at least fairness and objectivity should be maintained."

After hearing this, the person who was refuted snorted and said:

"You really don't know anything."

"The biggest difference between the Soul Shaping Realm and the Finding Myself Realm is the soul fire. Once the soul fire is ignited, the soul fire will not be extinguished, and the soul power will not be extinguished."

"The mutual attack between Su Gu and these mentors has lasted for seven minutes."

"Under this high-intensity mutual attack, the mentor can rely on the lasting characteristics of the soul power in the Soul Shaping Realm to maintain this output."

"Su Gu, can you?"

After hearing this, the person who just spoke for Su Gu nodded in a daze.

Then, the man continued:

"The duel between Su Gu and the mentors now is a balance that barely maintains balance."

"And the collapse of the balance is often in an instant."


As if to confirm what these onlookers said, as time passed, wounds began to appear on Su Gu's body.

At the beginning, only the assassin could leave a scratch on him in the moment of his negligence.

Gradually, the long-range warriors whose main strategic purpose was to contain him also had a few soul bullets grazing Su Gu's shoulders.

Blood gushed out.

Even in a head-on fight, the warriors could suppress Su Gu and get an advantage in his hands.


A flying knife slashed across Su Gu's neck, blood gushed out, and it was just a hair away from causing a fatal injury.

Just a hair away from winning this battle.

Looking at the red on Su Gu's neck, the instructor of the Assassin Academy who shot the flying knife, like a bullfight attracted by the red, couldn't help but step forward.

Very good, Su Gu didn't find me.

Just one more strike, and this battle will end.

He couldn't help but hear this voice in his heart.

Just as he quietly moved forward and gave Su Gu another fatal blow.

A voice sounded in his ears.

"Don't go over there!"

Jiang Rusheng directly pulled him and said.

"Don't be greedy, since you have already won, don't give this guy in front of you any chance."

"Otherwise he will definitely seize the opportunity and make us pay the price."

The assassin mentor's expression was still unwilling.

"But if we drag on like this, I'm afraid that even if we win this battle, we will be criticized again."

"That's the criticism after winning." Jiang Rusheng said coldly:

"No matter what, we won."

"Think about it, if we lose, how will people outside look at us."

"And just now, Su Gu has proved that he has the ability to instantly kill the Soul Shaping Realm across levels."

Thinking about the three mentors who were familiar with him and were killed by the fire tornado just now in front of him.

The assassin couldn't help but shudder.

Then he stopped advancing, as if he was a precise gear running a machine.

Continue to fulfill his obligation to strangle Su Gu.


This was just one of the small episodes that happened between the mentors when the two sides fought.

After Su Gu defeated the three people and proved his strength.

The remaining 17 mentors gave them the greatest respect.

As warriors who are higher than a major realm, the way they chose to fight was to rely on their own soul power and number advantages.

Grind Su Gu to death.

I have to say that this fighting style is disgusting, but it is effective enough.

At this moment, Su Gu is like a lion being bitten by a pack of wolves.

He looks bruised and battered, and seems to be torn to pieces by these people at any time.

"Five minutes, judging from Su Gu's appearance, I'm afraid he can still hold on for about five minutes."

"Damn, how many minutes have passed now? How many minutes did you bet on the previous betting?"

"The mentor and Su Gu have been fighting for twenty minutes. They are really patient."

"Twenty minutes? This kind of battle can actually last for such a long time. I really learned something new."

"Those who have been betting for fifteen minutes are blessed. You can win a lot of credits this time."


Looking at this battle, twenty minutes have passed.

The students who were watching began to discuss heatedly again.

At this moment, Sugu's body had been cut several times.

Although he avoided fatal injuries, the blood had already dyed his uniform red.

In the eyes of these students, this long tug-of-war has already decided the winner.

It's not surprising when Sugu falls.

"Senior Bai, let me tell you, I won this battle in the end!"

At this moment, the student who started betting said to Bai Yujing extremely excitedly.

Now, he felt really relieved.

When Sugu killed the three instructors who came up, he was still worried.

Is it possible that I will really capsize in the gutter?

Now it seems that it was completely unnecessary.

"Two thousand credits, I'm afraid this is not a small amount of money for Senior Bai." The student who started the betting looked at Bai Yujing's beautiful profile and said:

"Do you want me to give you a reduction? You can just have a meal with me every night."

Hearing this, Bai Yujing smiled slightly and said:

"Let's wait until this battle is over."

The student who opened the betting frowned and looked at Bai Yujing and Qi Sugu's other teammates.

At this moment, the expressions on these people's faces were still so calm, and there was no trace of Sugu's anxiety about being defeated.

"It's impossible. These people must be bluffing. It's impossible to make a comeback after things like this."

He whispered in his mind.

At this moment in the martial arts field,

Jiang Rusheng looked at Sugu, who was already covered in bruises, with only indifference in his eyes.

This boring game is finally over.

At this moment, Sugu, who looked bruised and bruised, looked around at them calmly and said.

"Don't you find it boring to fight like this?"

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