Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 3 Ten minutes, A-level combat skills training has achieved minor success

Finally, under Ma Mingjie's extremely complicated gaze, Su Gu got a copy of the A-level combat skill "Lion Roaring Ten Thousand Tigers Sword".

This combat skill was born from the famous boxing of a general in the Earth Federation.

The sword is fierce and domineering. When it is practiced to perfection, there will be a roar of a lion and a tiger when swinging the sword, which will shock the enemy's mind.

"I spent three years to practice this combat skill to perfection." Ma Mingjie said proudly. Then he used his hand as a knife and waved it casually.

There seemed to be a real sound coming out of his fat body.


"Cough cough." Ma Mingjie failed to pretend and coughed dryly a few times.

"Brother, you should practice hard in the next ten days. As long as you can master the A-level combat skills to the extent of a glimpse of the door, it will not be a problem to save your life in the martial arts exam."

Su Gu was very satisfied after flipping through the combat skills casually.

"Thanks, brother, I will go to Starry Sky Martial Arts University with you."

Ma Mingjie smiled and didn't care about this sentence.

After Su Gu said goodbye to him, he went home to learn combat skills.

While riding the bus, he was fascinated by the demonstration video of "Lion Roaring Ten Thousand Tiger Swords" sent by Ma Mingjie on his mobile phone, as well as the text explanation.

Being immersed in one thing, time passed quickly, and Su Gu returned home.

As an orphan with no income, Su Gu's home was allocated by the federal government.

Since it is a residence allocation, many things are naturally not as good as expected. The community where he lives is not only remote, but also several houses have not been inspected for many years and are dangerous buildings.

Su Gu went upstairs and pushed the door to enter his home. His home is a cement house without any fancy decorations.

All the donations and government relief funds he received were used to buy energy supplements and training weapons needed to become a warrior, and meals were provided free of charge by the school.

The only furniture in the house was a futon.

Su Gu took out a knife and sat on the futon, holding the knife in one hand and carefully flipping through the combat skills book on his mobile phone with the other hand.

When he finally finished reading the combat book, he sat cross-legged on the mat and closed his eyes.

His experience in [Basic Swordsmanship] gained from three years of points helped him understand this new combat skill at a speed that others could not imagine.

After a moment, Su Gu took a deep breath like a whale sucking water, and then exhaled slowly.

When he finished exhaling, a voice sounded in his mind.

[Complete a breath], [A-level combat skill Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tiger Sword] experience +1, [Current combat skill proficiency is, a glimpse of the door]

"It's done!"

Su Gu said lightly.

Relying on the practice in his brain, he got started with this combat skill.

Next, it is to rely on repeated practice to gain experience points and increase skill proficiency.

In Su Gu's mind, the experience of using the combat skill "Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tiger Sword" keeps increasing with every breath he takes.

[Complete a breath], [Combat skill "Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tiger Sword" experience +1.

[Complete a breath], [Combat skill "Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tiger Sword" experience +1.

[Complete a breath], [Combat Skill "Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tigers Sword\

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