Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 47 Warrior? Heavy Armor? What is the Almighty God of War?

When the three of them watched the entire battle video again, the expressions on Schiller and Anderson's faces were a little complicated, while Keyuya had a vague smile on his face.

She was thinking about what she would do if she stood on that battlefield and how long it would take to end the battle.

Just like that, the virtual spirit world exploration room fell into silence.

Finally, Anderson couldn't help but said to Schiller beside him:

"Schiller, please help me check and take a look. Which family might this Almighty God of War belong to?"

"Is it the secret weapon prepared by the other nine companies for the next martial arts competition among colleges and universities in the solar system?"

Hearing Anderson say this, the expression on Schiller's face became serious. If it is really related to the other nine companies, it needs to be taken seriously.

He took out his portable screen projection computer and began to search for all information related to the Almighty Martial God.

Keyuya ended the simulated battle in his mind. He looked at Anderson and Schiller and said:

"No need to check. This Almighty Martial God has nothing to do with the Jiu Family. He is probably an ordinary civilian."

After hearing this, Anderson's eyes widened and he couldn't help but retort:

"Boss, are you kidding me? How could there be such a person among civilians?"

The practice of martial arts requires a huge amount of resources, but where do civilians get the resources?

Keyuya ignored Anderson. He pulled the progress bar of the battle video back to the time when Anderson threw away the laser gun and started a frontal attack with both fists.

That was the only time in the entire battle that he suppressed the Almighty Martial God.

The suppression did not last long, and was quickly broken by the Almighty Martial God using a very fast mysterious combat skill.

"Anderson, tell me what combat skills your opponent used to disrupt your fighting rhythm." Keyua asked calmly.

Anderson manually slowed down the Almighty Martial God's move countless times. Looking at the shining sword light, the expression on his face was still confused.

As a member of the Stark family, he had witnessed countless combat skills since he was a child, but he really couldn't recognize the Almighty God of War.

"It should be some kind of newly developed A-level combat skill that I don't know about yet." He said uncertainly.

Keyua sneered and said, "Idiot, that's a C-level combat skill, Qingfeng Stab."

"It's just that the proficiency is so frightening. It's obvious that the opponent has spent countless hours practicing this combat skill, so a change in quality leads to a change in quality."

"But if it were any other big family, it would be impossible for such a talented clansman to spend time practicing such shabby C-level combat skills."

The expression on Anderson's face froze. C-level combat skills?

Did the opponent only use C-level combat skills to achieve the effect of A-level combat skills?

What a high level of proficiency this requires.

Could it be that the all-powerful god of martial arts spent several years specializing in a C-level combat skill?

The boss is right. If it were someone from the other nine families, it would be impossible for his disciple to waste time like this. But if this almighty god of martial arts mastered an A-level combat skill that suited him, the battle would have ended here.

He had no chance to use his powers at all.

"I must fight this almighty god of war again."

Anderson's eyes flashed with anger. He was an elite disciple trained by the Stark family. If he lost to an unknown person like this, where would he put his face?

And it's not like he has no chance of winning. In this battle, he also didn't use his specialized weapons.

Another fight, the outcome is unknown.

"Yes, you are ambitious." Keyua nodded and praised.

There is no aristocratic family in history that has always been victorious and eternally undefeated. The Stark family can be defeated, but cannot be knocked down.

This is the spirit passed down by their family.

At this moment, Schiller, who had been looking for information about the Almighty God of War, suddenly ran over and said with a strange expression.

"Boss, and Anderson, look at this."

Schiller sent a URL to the two of them. After Anderson clicked on it, the expression on his face immediately became extremely weird.

Martial God's House - the first communication home for fans of the Almighty Martial God.

"What the hell is this? Cannon Fodder Duan has a fan website?"

"Where did you find such an unlucky website?"

Anderson was speechless for a while, and Keyuya looked at Schiller expressionlessly to see what he was going to say.

"Don't worry about what the website is. Take a look at the videos uploaded on the website." Schiller said quickly.

After hearing this, Anderson turned down the page and saw two battle videos.

One game was the one he just fought against the Almighty Martial God, and there was another one...

After Anderson clicked on it, he looked at the opponent of the Almighty Martial God and saw that the opponent's ID name should be Assassin.

Next is the almighty warrior as a warrior fighting an assassin?

Damn it, he’s got random weapons again! Is this guy crazy?

Reinstall? Heavy equipment to fight assassins? And in this kind of terrain? Is there any mistake?

It turns out that when I was fighting with myself just now, didn't the Almighty Martial God deliberately provoke me and target me? Is randomizing weapons his normal operation?


Watching the entire video, Anderson’s head is filled with questions.

After seeing the victory of the Almighty God of War, he was even more confused.

He can defeat himself with a sword, and he can force an assassin to death with a heavy defensive shield.

What on earth was the guy I was fighting against just now?

After watching this video, Ke Yuya, who was standing by, gradually showed a lively expression on her face.

She was already extremely beautiful, and now she looked like a gem refracted by the sun, with a dazzling feeling.

The level of the warrior and the heavy armor was good. Although the quality of the soul power was still a little low, this almighty martial god could actually ignite a little fighting spirit in her.

Ke Yuya's black pupils gradually turned into a dark blue, and two balls of ghost fire seemed to be jumping in her eyes.

Anderson and Schiller, who were standing by, saw the captain like this, and they didn't dare to breathe. After looking at each other, they prepared to sneak away quietly.

The captain at this time was the most terrifying, and she must not attract her attention.

But the two of them were obviously late.

"Anderson and Schiller, accompany me to practice in the martial arts room tonight." Ke Yuya said in a high-spirited tone.


"Fuck, spare me, boss."

Anderson, the berserker of Stark University, and Schiller, the sniper, wailed.


In the dormitory of Su Gu, Starry Sky Martial Arts University

Su Gu took off his headgear, and then there was another voice in his mind.

[After the consciousness body fought in the virtual spirit world, you have a new understanding of martial arts. And with this understanding, complete the "Tianyuan Gong\

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