Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 6 First, let’s rule out the correct answer

Wu Yi and Zheng Di took the elevator and headed towards the martial arts training room.

During this period, Wu Yi took her mobile phone and used the internal app of the martial arts studio to check the status of the batch of human flesh piles that had just been purchased at home.

Wu Yi looked at the picture on her mobile phone of the recycling warehouse with piles of human flesh, and she fell into a state of jaw-dropping.

"A group of masters came to my martial arts gym today?"

He poked Zheng Di beside him and showed him the picture on his phone.

Zheng Di glanced at it and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Thousands of human corpses were damaged. Some seemed to have been shot directly through the head by sharpshooters, some were torn in half by berserkers with bare hands, and some were crushed into pulp by heavily armored warriors. There were some visible wounds. It was obviously the swordsman's doing.

"Could it be that a group of professional martial artists got into trouble and then formed a team to come to my martial arts gym for a racing competition to dismantle human piles?"

Wu Yi thought for a long time before thinking of this possibility, and then said: "But there are not many visitors to my house today. Is the ratio of experts today so high?"

"Is it possible that all these human flesh piles were destroyed by one person?" Zheng Di said this as if he was whimsical.

Wu Yi immediately rolled his eyes and said: "Are you stupid? Let's not mention that it is impossible for anyone to master so many completely different styles of fighting skills at the same time. One person can cut down thousands of human stakes? I will kill my family If I take out the inventory and ask you to cut it in one day, can you do it?”

Zheng Di knew that he had just said something stupid and immediately pursed his lips and shook his head.

Just kidding, the mannequin can move and very fast. Moreover, if the intelligent system inside the human body does not determine that the human body has not been fatally injured, it will not stop moving at all.

He usually cuts three hundred and reaches his limit.

"Look at these human stakes? They seem to be made by assassins. You can judge the opponent's level."

Zheng Di threw the phone away, and Wu Yi was stunned when she looked at the photo of the human body.

One hundred human stakes were all inserted directly into the heart, and no signs of struggle could be seen from the wounds. Obviously the person who did it was extremely fast and his movements were very neat.

If there was only one human body like this, Zheng Di asked himself if he was lucky and in good condition today, he could do it, but if more than a hundred of them were like this, it would be a bit scary.

In Zheng Di's mind, the image of a cold-blooded, ruthless, efficient and terrifying killer had begun to form.

"I feel like these hundred human corpses were all solved using [Shunpo]." He said with some uncertainty.

"One hundred human corpses, all using [Shunpo]." Wu Yi clicked her tongue.

"There is only one possibility, or he uses a step combat skill that is even more advanced than [Shunpo]. Even so, I estimate that it will take a minute and a half to defeat a hundred of them."

"That's scary enough. You have to know that assassins who are just human beings suffer more than other types of warriors." Zheng Di said leisurely:

"With such martial arts ability, as long as he has a passable C-level ability, he will most likely be among the top 100 in the province."

"But I estimate that those who can do this are most likely not students. After all, it's impossible that I haven't heard of assassins of the same age at this level."

While the two were chatting, the elevator door dinged and they arrived on their floor.

The elevator door opened, and the four people inside and outside the door were stunned for a moment.

Sugu really didn't expect that he would meet these two people again by such a coincidence today. He stepped aside to let the two of them out, and then squeezed into the elevator with Ma Mingjie.

"Sugu, come on for the martial arts test." Before the elevator door closed, Zheng Di suddenly turned around and said to Sugu, who was from the same school.

"Come on, too." Sugu's voice floated out from the elevator.

After the two groups passed each other, they went about their own business. Sugu and Ma Mingjie went out to look for food, while Zheng Di and Wu Yi continued to look for the source of the sound that seemed to explode just now.

The two of them went to search for the martial arts training room on this floor one by one. When they entered the martial arts training room that Sugu had just walked out of, they fell into a state of jaw-dropping.

"I'll be a good boy." Wu Yi murmured.

In the martial arts room, there were hundreds of human corpses lying in random directions. These were items that had failed to be recovered even as the metal rollers used to move the human corpses were damaged.

Normally, one or two bodies can be found in a martial arts room at most, and exaggeratedly there are only dozens of them. For all the years Wu Yi's family has been running a martial arts studio, they have never seen hundreds of bodies placed in one room.

This is not the focus of what happened in this martial arts room.

A sharp and extremely violent slashing combat skill cut the entire room in half.

Sunlight shines through the broken holes in the black alloy wall and shines on their faces.

"Have you cut corners on the protection of your martial arts training room?" Zheng Di murmured.

"You fart! The metal on the walls around my martial arts room is made of black gold. This is the hardest metal synthesized by humans and can be made into weapons for professional warriors!"

Wu Yi stared and said, "To be able to cause such destructive power, it must be an offensive power above A level."

"Perhaps he has mastered an extremely terrifying combat skill; or it is simply the work of a strong person in the Xunwo Realm." Wu Yi added two possibilities and continued:

"Do you think the ones who caused such damage could be students in the same grade as us?"

"If it is really a student who did it, then he will use his ability to hit the top three in the province." Wu Yi murmured:

"However, I am more inclined to think that this is a strong man who is hiding in the city, or an officially registered professional warrior. Otherwise, I would not be able to name such a high-level warrior of the same year."

Zheng Di asked cautiously: "Can your family find out the identity of the warrior who caused such damage?"

Wu Yi rolled her eyes: "Are you stupid? How private are the martial arts among warriors? Why do you still need me to educate you? It is against the laws of the Earth Federation to randomly inquire about other people's hidden skills and combat skills. "

"If we can find out the identity of this martial artist from my martial arts school, he doesn't have to do anything. He just needs to publicize this matter and my family's business will be over."

Zheng Di nodded with great regret and said: "What a pity. I still thought I could meet this master and let him give me some advice before the college entrance examination."

Wu Yi nodded and said: "If this happens, it's a chance. Maybe it can help us climb tenth place in the college entrance examination in the province."

"It's a pity that on the way to this martial arts room, we met Ma Mingjie and Sugu. It seems that we are destined to miss this senior."

"And the ideas are indeed memorized. Even though there are so many powerful warriors with different styles coming to my martial arts gym today, we actually haven't met any of them."

Both of them shook their heads sadly.

Then Wu Yi took her cell phone and took crazy photos in this martial arts training room.

"What are you doing, still thinking about filing a claim for compensation?"

"I'm sorry. Such an awesome martial artist came to my martial arts studio. I'm just taking photos and promoting them later."


At the strong request of Ma Mingjie, who was hit by a butcher and was covered in bruises, Sugu accompanied him to find a medicinal restaurant.

"I called ten meat stakes and chased them for half an hour, but I couldn't catch them and I was hit with bruises all over my body."

Ma Mingjie took off his school uniform in the restaurant, revealing his round belly that was rounded out by his military uniform.

"Don't come to me about this in the future. My life will be ruined every day."

Ma Mingjie looked at Su Gu who was drinking tea and said:

"But I don't think there's anything wrong with you kid. You didn't ask me to come over, but you ended up just lazing around in the martial arts room."

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