Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 79 Ningguang's Arrow! This time, we won!

When Yu Cunxiao's voice of starting the battle just sounded, the three representatives of the long-range academy, led by Wu Zhen, immediately raised their long-range weapons and fired at Su Gu.

If Su Gu used the slash that eliminated Zhan You in one encounter, they would lose. The rapid shooting of these three people was to prevent Su Gu from drawing his sword.

It really worked. In order to avoid the bullets, Su Gu paused for a moment to draw his sword. With an extremely strange step, he avoided the blow to the vitals and only suffered some scratches in the rain of bullets.

After the rapid shooting lasted for two seconds, Wu Zhen, who was holding a longbow, stopped suppressing the firepower, and the bow and arrow in his hand began to accumulate and stack soul power.

On the empty bowstring, a light arrow shining with soul power gradually began to condense.

The light arrow flickered, like a beating heart. The power contained in it kept stacking as time went by, and the direction of the arrow pointed directly at Su Gu.

A-level combat skill, the arrow of condensed light.

Feeling the threat from the arrow, Su Gu's eyebrows slightly raised, he turned his steps and began to try to rush forward to kill the ranged.

But at this moment, how could the remaining nine melee warriors let him do what he wanted?

The heavy armor and the warriors fought with him alternately in pairs. The three assassins formed a horn shape with each other, and once Su Gu showed the slightest flaw, they would assassinate him mercilessly.

The remaining two ranged saw that the vital shooting was ineffective, and in order not to interfere with their teammates, they began to predict and blockade shooting. The rest of the people began to oppress Su Gu, forcing him to show his flaws.

This was the first time for the twelve people to cooperate, but as the best students of Starry Sky Martial Arts University this year, they showed amazing fighting qualities at this moment.

Su Gu's provocation made the anger in their hearts vent out without reservation in the battle.

Dang! Dong! Ping, pong! Bang!

Su Gu held a knife and faced the alternating attacks of these people. Even though he used exquisite moves to avoid the blows to the fatal parts, he still seemed a little helpless at this time.

"Su Gu lost."

The audience were all young warriors. Looking at the appearance of both sides on the ring, they quickly made a judgment.

"When warriors of different professional attributes cooperate with each other, it is not as simple as one plus one."

"Wu Zhen's condensed light arrow is about to condense to the limit. The power of this arrow is not inferior to high-intensity explosives at all, and the range is extremely wide, and it can be used for tracking shooting. The only disadvantage is that it takes too long to accumulate soul power, and with Wu Zhen's ability, he cannot move when accumulating and superimposing soul power. It is impossible for him to condense to this extent in a normal battle."

"Su Gu is too arrogant to do things relying on his own ability. He provokes twelve people by himself. This can be said to be looking down on all the warriors of our Xingwu University this year. Now he has suffered such a big loss, and he deserves it."

"Now let's bet on how long Su Gu can hold on. The result will come out soon."

The various discussions of the audience naturally reached the ears of Yu Cunxiao, the referee.

He looked at Su Gu with a complicated expression on his face. At this moment, he looked like he was still suppressed, and there was really no hope of victory. What on earth is he doing? Picking so many people at once, isn't this just looking for trouble?

"Is Su Gu really going to lose?" Lan Qing looked at the two students beside him and said slowly.

"The Lion Roaring Ten Thousand Tigers Sword is not a combat skill that can be instantly used. Unless Su Gu has mastered the proficiency of other A-level combat skills to a very high level, the possibility of winning is really small." Cheng Ziwen said calmly.

There was a hint of apology and regret on his face. It seemed that when he talked with Su Gu yesterday, he let him win the undisputed first place, which put too much pressure on him.

Otherwise, why would he make such an irrational move today. If he was really eliminated like this, with the nature of those people in the school board, maybe the next Star Air Brigade would reject him.

"Have you mastered the proficiency of other A-level combat skills to a very high level?" Lan Qing showed a bitter smile on his face.

This Lion Roaring Ten Thousand Tigers Sword was learned before he was admitted to university, and he should have been honing it for a long time. With Su Gu's family, this should be the only A-level combat skill he has.

Although Su Gu went to the Thousand Layers Pagoda of Martial Arts before school started. But it was less than a month. How far can the new A-level combat skills be developed in such a short time?

"Don't draw conclusions so early." General Yin interrupted the two people's thoughts, and he looked at the top of the ring with a sharp gaze.

Although he is still at a disadvantage, he still has confidence in Su Gu.

At this moment on the ring,

Xiao Junjian, a special recruit of the Assassin Academy, Sun Shengjun, a special recruit of the Warrior Academy, and Liu Guang, a heavy-armored warrior, suppressed Su Gu in a round-robin battle.

But the three of them joined forces, and with the assistance of two long-range warriors using firepower, they still couldn't get any advantage from Su Gu.

Even as time went on, they felt that their suppression of Su Gu became more and more difficult.

This monster, actually completed the adaptation in such a short time. If it continues to drag on, this person may really turn the tables!

"Unfortunately, you should never, ever, challenge all of us directly."

"Wu Zhen's arrow of condensed light is almost complete. The speed of this arrow can catch up with the assassin, and the power is enough to blast the heavy shield of the heavy armor with one blow."

"Without any means of defense, you are doomed to lose."

Xiao Junjian looked at Su Gu and said coldly.

He had the most arrogant character. Seeing that he couldn't defeat Su Gu in close combat even if they joined forces, he felt humiliated.

But fortunately, the final victory still belonged to them!

"Don't think you have some ability and look down on others. As long as we want, we can still deal with you."

"This time, I will send you to the martial arts hospital for a few days,"

Sun Shengjun and Liu Guang also said.

Although they couldn't defeat Su Gu in close combat, fortunately, Wu Zhen's arrow of condensed light had been charged. As long as Su Gu was hit by this arrow head-on, the final victory would definitely be theirs.

Facing this seemingly desperate scene, Su Gu still had a relaxed smile on his face at this moment.

Looking at the smile on his face, the hearts of the three people tightened at the same time.

"Old Sun, Old Liu, you stay and continue to contain him, even if you are hit by the arrow of condensed light together. You must ensure that he takes this arrow head-on, as long as you can ensure that he is seriously injured. Next, I will definitely be able to finish him off." Xiao Junjian commanded loudly at this moment.

Sun Shengjun and Liu Guangjun nodded.

Just as Xiao Junjian was about to use his assassin's body skills to retreat, Wu Zhen loosened the bowstring in his right hand.

Facing the suppression of the two special recruits of the Warrior and the Heavy Armor Academy, Su Gu leisurely commented: "Good tactics."

The three of them were immediately alarmed, but it was too late.

Su Gu's left hand suddenly touched the blade, and the blade began to tremble slightly in an instant, and began to emit a faint light.

Then a roar like a beast in ancient times sounded on the blade. The terrifying roar was even more powerful than the one he slashed at Zhan You.

"Lion Roaring Tiger Blade? How is it possible? This combat skill can't be instantly cast." Principal Cheng Ziwen said with wide eyes, incredulous.

"Old, you are surprised by what you have seen before."

"Su Gu's sword has no killing power at all. He abandoned the killing power of the Lion Roaring Ten Thousand Tiger Sword and only left the sound of this fighting skill as a sonic fighting skill."

General Yin said casually, but his eyes were already full of heat.

I didn't expect that the degraded fighting skills spread from him would be developed to this level by one of his juniors. If it weren't for the busy military affairs, he would have really thought of accepting a disciple.


The close-range sound whistle seemed to ring a brass bell in the ears of the three people, and they felt a tearing pain in their ears. They couldn't help but cover their ears.

And the terrifying sonic fighting skill also affected Wu Zhen who was aiming at Su Gu.

The look on his face was absent-minded for a moment.

And in that moment of absent-mindedness, Su Gu directly knocked down the soldier Sun Shengjun and took the spear in his hand.

Then he threw it directly in the direction of Wu Zhen like throwing a javelin.

Wu Zhen's face tightened, and he looked at the spear that was coming at him, and madness gradually appeared in his eyes. At this last moment, he chose to aim at Su Gu without dodging.

He loosened the bowstring, and the shining arrow of light shot out, and at the same time the spear pierced his shoulder.

"The arrow of condensed light has been shot out, and we won in the end!" Wu Zhen's shoulder was pierced with blood, but his face was full of morbid madness.

Although Su Gu's final counterattack was unexpected, the victory belonged to them after all! He didn't believe that this arrow condensed by a long-range warrior could be resisted by a warrior!

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