Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 88 The school director takes back the order! The commendation ceremony begins!

Cheng Ziwen looked at the five school directors, and the smile on his face was not so bright.

"According to the practice of previous years, the first freshman and those who performed particularly well in the battle can make several requests to the school that are not excessive."

"And this year's situation is even more special. The first freshman competition and those who performed particularly well must be one person."

"So I want to discuss with the school directors about Su Gu's winning the first prize."

Looking at Cheng Ziwen's bright smile, the five people gritted their teeth, resisted the discomfort in their hearts, and said in a deep voice:

"What is there to report! According to the practice of previous years, can't you, the principal, make the final decision on such matters? Why are you looking for us?"

"This year is the same. You are fully responsible and we will never intervene."

Hearing these words Later, Cheng Ziwen's smile became even bigger, but he still shook his head and said:

"If it was the situation in previous years, I would not bother you, but this year's situation is special."

Cheng Ziwen said with a smile:

"You just rejected the request I made for Su Gu to re-enter the Martial Arts Thousand Layer Tower. In the current situation, if Su Gu still wants to enter the Martial Arts Thousand Layer Tower of our school to study, what should I do?"

"According to the opinions of several school directors, my huge Xingwu University has to reject even this small request of Tianjiao, which makes it very difficult for me as the principal."

Listening to Cheng Ziwen's words, the school directors cursed his family tree ten thousand times in their hearts.

In the past, when we rejected some of your administrative orders in the school, didn't you have a way to bypass us to promote the instructions?

This time, you are so particular about procedures? You still come to ask us for instructions.

The five school directors looked very ugly. They wanted to flip the table directly to show that Su Gu should not be allowed to enter the Martial Arts Thousand Layer Tower for further study.

But Su Gu's performance in the freshman competition was too tough.

So tough that if they showed this attitude, it might affect the reputation of Xingwu University.

You have this attitude towards your own top geniuses, how can ordinary students get any benefits from you?

"So what do you want?" The two-meter-tall man among the school directors looked at Cheng Zi and asked.

"How can I do anything? I am a small principal, how can I manage such a big thing." Cheng Ziwen said with a smile: "Since the five school directors rejected the request I handed to Su Gu to go to the Martial Arts Thousand Layer Tower, please take back your opinions."


A hot-tempered school director crushed the handle of the chair.

The retraction of the rebuttal to Cheng Ziwen was about Su Gu, who made them uncomfortable for a long time.

This is simply unbearable!

However, the five people looked at each other. Although this matter made them uncomfortable, no one took the initiative to refuse.

As I said, Su Gu's record is too tough. They pondered for a long time, but couldn't find an excuse to refuse.

"School directors, whether you agree or not, just say something, why don't you say anything."

"If you don't say it, people from the outside world will ask me in the future, and it was the opinion of the school directors that rejected the request of our school's Tianjiao." Cheng Ziwen said with a smile.

The veins on the foreheads of the five people bulged. If the anger could be transformed into substance, they would probably have slapped the guy in front of them who was gloating.

But in the end, they still sighed and said weakly:

"Yes, Su Gu can enter the Thousand Layers Tower of Martial Arts again."

"I agree, I can make an exception for Tianjiao."

"Compared to his record, the request is indeed not excessive, I agree."


Hanging up the video, Cheng Ziwen let out a long breath and said:

"It's great."

When the school was running normally, his administrative orders were often rejected by these school directors, and he was disgusted.

Today, he can be regarded as letting out the pent-up anger in his heart.

Looking at the school directors who usually eat tofu and say there are bones in it, after seeing Su Gu's performance, they can only nod and agree to his request. Cheng Ziwen felt an indescribable sense of comfort in his heart, and his favor for Su Gu increased greatly.

"Even if this kid helped me vent my anger, I have to find him a wave of benefits this year." Cheng Ziwen said comfortably in his heart.

The freshman competition has ended, and these new freshmen have once again lined up in a square formation, waiting for the school to reward the students who performed well in this competition.

"Brother Su, congratulations. With your performance, Xingwu University will definitely give you a generous reward."

Feng Yan has recovered from his injuries after being nursed by his own people. He only needs to rest for a while.

And he will naturally not miss such a good thing. Now he is being pushed in a wheelchair and walking towards Su Gu.

Su Gu looked at Feng Yan, who was no longer in danger, and smiled and replied:

"These are all trivial matters."

"Your last superpower was fully activated, and your last superpower state was quite good. If there is another chance in the future, let's practice again."

As he spoke, his eyes shone with a little brilliance, and there was a sense of excitement on his face. Without using the newly learned A-level combat skills, facing Feng Yan in that state, Su Gu actually felt a sense of crisis.

Fortunately, he had already familiarized himself with Feng Yan's attack routines in the previous fight, and he lost consciousness and could not complete the change of moves.

Otherwise, it would be really dangerous.

This feeling of danger made Sugu feel excited for a long time.

After hearing Sugu's words, Feng Yan felt his fighting spirit, and the smile on his face froze. The Feng family member who was pushing the wheelchair for him also took a step back and looked at Sugu warily.

"Brother Su, please let me go. If I do it with you again, I'm afraid I will really be crippled."

"And I can't fully control that state now. With my current state, I won't be able to use my powers for at least a month."

After hearing this, Sugu nodded with regret.

"In that case, let's forget it."

The two of them stood in the front row of the school's freshman formation, chatting incessantly.

And this loose chat ended as a suspended spacecraft slowly descended in the sky.

Five directors of Starry Sky Martial Arts University walked out, followed closely by the school's principal, instructor Lan Qing, and General Yin, who was specially invited by the school.

There are also some other excellent mentors who have also come out of it.

When these big guys who could influence their student careers for the next four years appeared, the entire square of students fell into silence.

The eyes of these students, without exception, all looked towards these big guys, and many of them straightened their waists to make themselves look more energetic.

Next, these mentors may recruit some outstanding disciples into their ranks. Once you follow a tutor, the resources you will enjoy in the future are beyond the reach of ordinary students.

They hope to gain a little chance for themselves at this last moment.

Compared with the eyes of ordinary students looking at him, the eyes of these big guys all looked at Sugu who was standing at the front of the team.

Their eyes contain a subtle complexity.

Before the end of this freshman competition, no one expected that he actually had such potential and power. Those tutors who wanted to select students to be their disciples looked at Sugu with excitement in their eyes, as if they were trying to restrain something.

After a brief stalemate, Cheng Ziwen stood among the five school directors, coughed lightly and said:

"Next, as the principal, I will reward the young warriors who have performed well in this year's freshman competition."

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