Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 9 The college entrance examination begins. Our team does not welcome trash.

That arrogant voice also attracted Sugu's attention.

He followed the sound and looked over, only to see an extremely burly, bald man two meters tall, holding an exaggerated battle ax.

"Holy shit, this is a high school student? How many years has this brother been repeating the class?" Ma Mingjie on the side couldn't help complaining.

"Don't be ridiculous, this is Zhong Pojian from the No. 1 Martial Arts High School in Hangzhou. He is an offensive heavy-armed warrior."

"With a B-level superpower that doubles the strength, and a battle ax made with Star Titan bone powder, he is our seed player in Hangzhou, and can hit the top 20 in the province."

Zheng Dike said on the side. When he talked about Zhong Pojian's powers and weapons, the expression on his face showed great envy.

B-level superpowers, coupled with weapons made from powerful star alien body parts.

This combination is the standard for the strength of the provincial first-tier team.

The students around them had angry faces after being sprayed by Zhong Pojian. After seeing who the speaker was, they were so aggrieved that they could only continue to be angry.

"To be able to subdue so many high-spirited martial arts students, it seems that we in Hangzhou have produced a good martial artist this year."

The mayor, the director of education and the presidents of major universities hid in a blind spot high in the basin, overlooking the overall situation.

After seeing the movement made by Zhong Pojian, the mayor nodded and praised.

"Zhong Pojian is the seed player of our school. If nothing else, he will be the top pick this year." The principal of Hangcheng Martial Arts No. 1 High School said proudly.

Before the exam even started, he had already assigned his students the first place, and no other principals at the scene expressed any objection.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second. As the best martial arts high school in Hangzhou, they have ranked first in the city in the college entrance examination for six consecutive years. This is a real achievement.

"I hope some of these kids can get a good place in the province this year, so that we can also take advantage of it."

The mayor said calmly.

At this time, Lu Yuanmin, the principal of Hangcheng No. 1 Middle School, was standing on the periphery of the mayor's circle. As the principal of a comprehensive high school, the martial arts test had nothing to do with him but not much. At this time, he was finding a remote location and making a phone call quietly.

"Teacher Zhou Li, what's going on with you? Didn't I tell you to tell the student named Sugu to just give up the exam and stop coming? Why did I just see him on the troop carrier in the martial arts exam class?"

"Principal, this kid Sugu has been working hard for three years, we must give him a chance."

"You are the teacher of the liberal arts exam class, you don't understand how dangerous the martial arts exam is! I will settle the score with you after this matter is over."

"When the martial arts exam starts later, the students' scores will be entered into the website for ranking. After your disobedient student comes out of the exam room, take him to the hospital for a checkup."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Then he looked with some envy at the principals of the martial arts high school sitting with the mayor, talking and laughing. As the principal of a comprehensive high school, he understands how difficult it is for him to squeeze into this circle.

"According to the teacher of the martial arts examination class, this year our school's martial arts examination class has produced a good prospect who is no less powerful than the students in the key class of the martial arts high school."

"It seems to be called Zheng Di. I hope he can achieve good results and let me squeeze into the inside of that circle."

At this moment, outside the examination room, the college entrance examination candidates are making final preparations for the martial arts test that will start in half an hour.

"The team is short of a heavy frontline, is there anyone here?"

"I am a swordsman and I need the help of a shooter to consume some long-range enemies."

"Let's form a team. The goal is to hit the key points. Don't let the weak come over and waste each other's time."


The college entrance examination does not prohibit students from forming teams. After all, after becoming a warrior, it is inevitable to cooperate with others.

Even the intelligent system of the college entrance examination will thoughtfully and directly assign kill credits to the team to allocate points and avoid conflicts.

"Sugu, I'm going to take the first step. My teammates are calling me." Zheng Di looked at Sugu and said politely.

Su Gu glanced casually and saw Wu Yi standing aside waiting for Zheng Di. He nodded and said, "Good luck in the college entrance examination."

Zheng Di did not leave immediately. He looked at Sugu and hesitated to speak.

He just noticed that those who were recruiting teammates immediately took a detour after seeing Sugu.

It’s no wonder that a normal martial artist would spend three years in high school, taking into account their own abilities and refining a weapon, and then become either an assassin, a heavy weapon, or a warrior, and then start to pursue their own path to martial arts.

And what about Sugu?

With three weapons, all three of which were made of obsolete materials like fine steel, he looked like an amateur at first glance.

Who would team up with such a layman in a college entrance examination related to life?

"How about I go talk to my team and you follow us to at least ensure your own safety..."

"If you're lucky and you survive long enough, you might be able to attend a college of your choice."

Sugu was stunned for a moment after hearing this. It took a moment to realize that Zheng Di was talking to him.

"No need, if you do this, your teammates will probably have objections."

Sugu declined with a smile, then pointed to Wu Yi beside him: "Look at his face turning dark now, it's better to say goodbye."

When Zheng Di saw this, he stopped insisting and left.

As soon as Zheng Di walked out, Wu Yi surrounded him.

"Old Zheng, what do you think, you still want to invite him? How can you cooperate with a waste on such a big thing as the college entrance examination!"

Zheng Di sighed slightly and said, "After all, he has been practicing martial arts very hard for three years, even harder than me, the class leader of the martial arts exam class. If his superpowers were not so bad, his grades would not be bad. I always think that people who work hard should not be let down."

"If you don't let him down, you will let us down. Let's go, let's go..."

The two of them left quickly and headed for their own team.

Ma Mingjie also shook his head helplessly and said, "Brother Su, I will come out as soon as I go in. It's just a formality. I won't go with you."

Su Gu said happily: "It's okay. See you at Xingkong Martial Arts University then."

Ma Mingjie smiled and said, "Okay."

Xingkong Martial Arts University, the top martial arts university in the country, is a holy place in the hearts of high school martial artists.

Ma Mingjie's father Ma Cai donated a building and took his son in. It is difficult for ordinary people to get in.

No one believes that Su Gu can get in, but no one will undermine the confidence of a candidate at the last minute.

"My goal is Wanghai Martial Arts College."

"I will go to Tianwu Martial Arts University no matter what."

"Didu Martial Arts University, here I come!"


The candidates have all received survival watches distributed by the Ministry of Education. Now the countdown to the college entrance examination has only ten seconds left.

At this time, everyone shouted out their goals at the same time.

After the countdown returned to zero,

Zhong Pojian took the lead and used his power to multiply his ability to strengthen his legs. He was ejected like a cannonball.

Then everyone, including Su Gu, rushed to the fallen city. The crowd was like waves rushing to the beach.

The small intelligent drone developed by the military began to rise and flew into the sky to have an overview of the situation.

At the same time, a ranking list was projected on the roof of the highest building in the entire fallen city.

This list records the scores of all candidates, and anyone can check it at any time. This fully open treatment prevents cheating.

Those senior officials and principals hiding in the dark stared at the list.

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