Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 93 Fatty, you are so sexy...

The freshman competition is over, but the impact of this annual event at Xingwu University has not subsided immediately.

Cheng Ziwen and his mentor Lan Qing were busy helping Sugu review the exercises of Xingkong Martial Arts University and the approval process for re-entering the Thousand-story Martial Arts Pagoda. It is not in line with the school's rules for freshmen to enter the Thousand Layer Tower twice in a short period of time. The exercises are the foundation of the martial arts university, and others are generally prohibited from reading them.

Now even if the principal and instructor Lan Qing give the green light, it will take some time for the two things to process.

And during this time gap, Sugu was not idle either. In addition to starting normal classes and completing homework like other students, he also has to deal with emails of cooperation intentions sent by some martial arts forces. Some commercial cooperation is a win-win situation for both parties, so there is no harm in agreeing to it.

But because there were too many, it was too troublesome to screen them, and Sugu didn't want to waste time on this. So he could only ask his brother Ma Mingjie to help him check the situation.

In addition to these emails with hopes for cooperation, there are also some people who contact Sugu with malicious intent. Some martial arts forces with corporate attributes got Sugu's personal phone number from somewhere.

In the form of harassment, they hoped that Sugu could sign an electronic contract involving long-term cooperation issued by them.

Even if Sugu has clearly refused, he can still receive up to 999+ harassment messages from this power when he opens his mailbox and mobile phone address book every day.

"This is the side effect of becoming famous." Sugu said helplessly, holding his temples.

It is estimated that the main messenger behind this incident saw that Sugu did not join any mentor after the freshman competition. I just want to try to pinch it and test the softness and hardness of the persimmon.

And they had a good sense of proportion. Although their actions were disgusting, they did not cause direct personal harm to Sugu. It is not easy for school officials to intervene with forceful measures.

Sugu opened the chat software on his mobile phone and looked at Cheng Ziwen, General Yin, and Tutor Lan Qing who had been added during this period. These people all have the means and ability to help themselves solve this problem. Should we trouble them?

"Forget it, these guys are busy working on my affairs. It's not appropriate to bother them with such a small matter now. Find someone else to help."

Sugu downloaded the contact list on his mobile phone and found the senior Feng family he had met after the battle with Feng Yan.

He is not very good at dealing with these soft knives. He believes that these professionals can handle them perfectly.

After briefly explaining the matter, the Feng elder simply replied.

"You will not let Master Sugu down."

One day later, Sugu's email and phone information were much clearer.

The other party didn't say how it was done, and Sugu didn't bother to ask.

Both parties tacitly pretended to be confused.

"Brother Su, you are really good at summoning people. I am exhausted every day."

Ma Mingjie, who had been busy for four or five days because of those business cooperation emails, collapsed on the sofa and said loudly.

Seeing this situation, Sugu chuckled and said:

"Damn fat man, what do you have to complain about? Why don't you behave yourself when you get an advantage?"

Despite Ma Mingjie's daily complaints about how exhausted he was, every time he went out to help Sugu discuss business, his little eyes would sparkle and he would be more excited than anyone else.

As Sugu's spokesperson, he has been looking for people to cooperate with in the past few days and has made many connections. These may become a small help for him to build his own business territory in the future.

"Damn, of course it's nothing for normal people. Those Zheng family members I helped you with today, they are just a bunch of lunatics."

"The head of their family personally took off his shirt and carried a thorn stick on his back, just like the ancients who came to you to ask for forgiveness. If that's all, this guy is holding a big jar of black stuff, saying it is his son's ashes. Say thank you to Su Shaoxia for helping them clean up the house. I am very grateful."

"Damn, it makes me feel horrified just thinking about it. If these people hadn't really given me something good, I would have called the security office." Ma Mingjie said with lingering fear.

After hearing this, Sugu laughed twice.

"So where did you take the urn they gave you? Don't take it to the dormitory, disgusting person."

"Am I that mentally retarded?" Ma Mingjie rolled his eyes and said:

"I threw such a scary thing into the school septic tank. I guess the school cleaners have cleaned it up this morning."

"Yes, it's quite appropriate to throw it there."

Su Gudao.

The conversation between the two fell into silence.

After a while, Sugu rubbed his hands excitedly and said:

"Fat man, I've been busy these past few days and my hands are itchy again."

"Come with me to the virtual spiritual world."

Every time Sugu goes to the martial arts dojo in the spiritual world for a match, he has to call Ma Mingjie. This is the agreement between the two.

"Okay, but please wait a moment. I'll show you something." Ma Mingjie seemed to have remembered something and immediately responded.

Then he jumped up from the sofa where he was lying, and started operating on his mobile phone with a look of excitement on his face, and then said as if to show off:

"Brother Su, while you were doing that freshman competition, I was not idle either."

"I'll show you something good."

After saying that, a website came to Sugu’s phone. After opening it, he was stunned.

This is the community management website of Xingwu University. Looking at this page, it is obviously the administrator's backend.

This fat guy actually set up a club in the school in the past few days? And he himself became the leader?

"Brother Su, keep looking back and see the members who have registered." Ma Mingjie said with a smile.

Hearing this, Su Gu opened the member registration page and flipped through it casually.


He raised his eyebrows slightly.

Wow, there are more than 300 people. The key is that most of these more than 300 people are freshmen who entered this year, and they are in the same class as him and Ma Mingjie.

Among them, there are even the names of several special recruits, Zhan You, Wu Zhen, Xiao Junjian...

Wow, the most useless and the most incompetent person in this club is actually this fat leader.

Su Gu looked at Ma Mingjie with a strange face.

"How did you do it?"

"Brother Su, you will know by looking at the name of the club and the content of the activities." Ma Mingjie said with a smirk.

Su Gu glanced at it, and the expression on his face became twitchy.

Club name: Almighty Martial God Support Club

Club activities: We believe that the invincible virtual idol, the Almighty Martial God, can help us defeat the great demon king Su Gu.

"This... what the hell is going on!"

Su Gu was speechless.

"It's you, Brother Su." Ma Mingjie said excitedly:

"When you went to the freshman competition, I guessed that you were going to hit hard."

"By then, the students in our class will probably be beaten to despair by you, and will become worthless from then on, and will never be able to think about the first place again."

"I saw this business opportunity at that time and preached crazily in school... ah, no, this is called developing comrades."

"Sure enough, it's the same as I thought. When people lose hope in reality and become worthless, they will most likely embrace virtuality."

"Our club gathers those who want to defeat you, but they clearly feel that they and their classmates around them cannot do it. So they can only pin their hopes on the mysterious Almighty Martial God."

When Ma Mingjie spoke, his little eyes flashed and he laughed slyly.

"Brother Su, you don't know that the special recruits who rank higher in the school are the most interested in my club. They are probably the ones who know the gap between themselves and you the most."

"Those special recruits you beat up in various colleges, Zhan You, Xiao Junjian, and Wu Zhen, are the most obedient fat leeks, and they are worth slaughtering."

"I am now considering getting some materials and harvesting their credits."

After saying that, Ma Mingjie's little eyes looked at Su Gu, as if he wanted to open his eyes wide and act cute, so that Su Gu would agree to let him make some small commodities. But he didn't look cute at all.

"Brother Su, I promise you that I will never do anything too much. At most, I will use AI to generate a few novels of "Almighty Martial God vs. Su Gu" with hundreds of rounds of chapters, and they will have to give us credits."

"You beat our classmates so badly, and now let people YY, and make money. Just consider it as a contribution to the mental health of our school students."

Su Gu was silent for a long time.

So the current situation is that after I have caused trouble for many of my classmates, they have started to follow my account?

And then I can also get some credits here, killing two birds with one stone?

He looked at Ma Mingjie's seemingly honest round face, and after a long silence, he finally said:

"Fatty, you are so coquettish."

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