Feng Baobao stared at Jian Yang, frowning, and murmured: "Jian Yang? This name is so familiar, could he be the descendant of the Jian family, the oldest hidden family in the northern cultivation world of Dengtian Sect?"

When these words came out, the earth realm elders who were watching from a distance were horrified.

The Jian family, the name of this hidden family is simply well-known.

Because the last great heavenly realm power in the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory came from the Jian family.

In Dengtian Sect, some earth realm elders who were over a hundred years old heard that the descendant of the Jian family was born, and their eyes were filled with tears, as if they saw the shadow of the genius boy who was also from the Jian family a hundred years ago.

"They are back, they are all back."

Liu Yiyi, Song Tianling, and even some earth realm elders did not know the history of the Jian family and were very confused.

Feng Baobao only knew the glorious past of the Jian family because she was next to Zhao Zilin and got a lot of ancient information. She looked at Liu Yiyi and Song Tianling and explained softly.

A hundred years ago, the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory was still an evil land where evil cultivators were rampant and everywhere.

Many evil cultivators who could not survive in the southern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory ran to the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory to do evil, causing chaos in the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory. At that time, Dengtian Sect, Tianpeng Sect, and Yunhe Sect were unable to catch the evil cultivators and could only defend the mountain gate.

Although the southern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory had sent masters to arrest evil cultivators many times, the efficiency was not high, and finally they were even ignored.

And there is a conspiracy theory that the southern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory deliberately put some evil cultivators who were difficult to kill into the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory, thereby sealing off the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory into a prison and reducing the density of evil cultivators in the southern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory.

At that time, there were countless demon sects in the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory, and the most terrifying one was the Xuelian Demon Sect.

Although the Blood Pity Demon Cult has been silent in the present years, and even many people have never heard of their bad reputation.

But in the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory a hundred years ago, the Blood Pity Demon Cult was the embodiment of evil. They were obsessed with various flesh and blood transformation techniques and captured tens of millions of mortals to perform various evil secret methods.

But the Blood Pity Demon Cult had a great demon cultivator in the Heaven Realm, which was enough to sweep across the Dengtian Sect, Tianpeng Sect, and Yunhe Sect.

Dengtian Sect, Tianpeng Sect, and Yunhe Sect also had many earth-level elders who were captured and their flesh and blood were refined into a pool of mud.

If it weren't for the fact that Dengtian Sect, Tianpeng Sect, and Yunhe Sect had a glorious past, and had produced many great Heaven Realm masters and left behind many Heaven-level Dao tools, Dengtian Sect, Tianpeng Sect, and Yunhe Sect would definitely be directly crushed by the Blood Pity Demon Cult, and all the cultivators would have become flesh and blood sacrifices for the evil cultivators.

It was in this dark era that a young man from the Jian family came out of nowhere.

The genius boy of the Jian family rose rapidly from a humble background. In the process, he was targeted by countless blood-pity demons of the Blood-Pity Demon Cult, but in the end, he still could not control the genius boy of the Jian family.

In the end, the genius boy of the Jian family reached the peak of the Caixia realm of martial arts, and was about to step into the heavenly realm of martial arts-the Daotai realm, so as to sweep across the universe and suppress all evil demons.

However, the Blood-Pity Demon Cult also foresaw the future of its own destruction and tried its best to stop the genius boy of the Jian family.

Even the leader of the Blood-Pity Demon Cult, the great demon cultivator of the heavenly rank, personally came out and fought a terrifying and direct battle with the genius boy of the Jian family on the road to martial arts.

It is rumored that the battle between the genius boy of the Jian family and the leader of the Blood-Pity Demon Cult even destroyed a forbidden area left over from ancient times. The momentum was extremely terrifying, horrifying, and deafening.

No one knows the details of the battle between the genius boy of the Jian family and the leader of the Blood-Pity Demon Cult.

Everyone only knows that in the end, only the genius boy of the Jian family walked out of the forbidden area alive, and his realm also successfully broke through to the Daotai realm.

Since then, the righteous forces in the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory have their own great cultivators in the heavenly realm, directly reversing the gap between good and evil.

Under the leadership of the genius boy of the Jian family, the three sects of Dengtian Sect, Tianpeng Sect, and Yunhe Sect began to slaughter the demon cultivators continuously, and the dark history of nearly a hundred years came to an end.

At that time, except for a small number of demon cultivators who escaped the righteous battle royale, the rest of the demon cultivators were killed, and the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory finally eased from the situation of everyone being in danger.

What is even more unexpected is that the genius boy of the Jian family did not support his family and let them become a thousand-year-old giant clan, but still let them retreat to the mountains and forests and not participate in the outside world.

The genius boy of the Jian family was already a great man in the heavenly realm at that time. If he wanted, he could definitely support the Jian family to become the strongest thousand-year-old ancient clan in the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory, and even unify the entire northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory.

After all, the genius of the Jian family was a hero that everyone talked about at that time. His reputation was too high. The senior leaders of the three sects, Dengtian Sect, Tianpeng Sect, and Yunhe Sect, were basically his comrades-in-arms. If he came to unify the entire northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory, it would be what everyone expected, and there would be no obstacles.

However, the genius of the Jian family still rejected this proposal. He did not want to get involved in the secular world. He only pursued the ultimate in martial arts.

In the end, the genius of the Jian family left the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory and went to the southern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory. However, the genius of the Jian family did not stay in the southern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory for too long. He only stayed for a few years. After discussing Taoism and practicing with the masters of Tianwu Sect, he left the southern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory and went to the wider outer world.

The genius of the Jian family finally used the southern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory as a springboard to go to a higher level of cultivation world.

Since then, the northern cultivation world of Qiongbei Territory has never heard of the genius of the Jian family again.

Time flies, the glorious deeds of the Jian family have become a thing of the past. In the past hundred years, the masters of Dengtian Sect, Tianpeng Sect, and Yunhe Sect have been replaced one after another. Only the top and oldest group of Dijing elders still remember the glory of the Jian family and stand in awe.

Although the Jian family has been in seclusion, their Tianjing master has been gone for only a hundred years, and his legacy of heavenly means still retains the greatest effectiveness.

In addition to the killing and sect-stabilizing weapons, the Tianjing master left his descendants with terrifying means of washing marrow and cutting veins, and recreating potential.

There is no doubt that the genius boy named Jian Yang in front of him has inherited the Tianjing master of the Jian family a hundred years ago. He has washed his marrow and cut his veins, sublimated his flying feathers, and possessed the terrifying potential of the Tianjing master.

Thinking of this, Feng Baobao looked extremely solemn. Although Song Tianming defeated many talented young men such as Wu Xiangjun, Lian Hongyi, Xuanye, etc., this talented young man named Jianyang was very special. He had inherited the legacy of a great cultivator in the heavenly realm, and his marrow was cleansed and his veins were cut. His flesh and blood were sublimated, and he had a foundation and basis that surpassed his peers!

Even though Song Tianming was an immortal cultivator and could be called invincible in the same realm, it was still hard to predict the outcome in front of Jianyang who had undergone marrow cleansing and vein cutting.

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