Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 118: Carved treasure promotion

The bubbles flashed by, but disappeared.

Chen Wangping recalled the colors he saw when he was fishing the Yongjiang Grass Carp King, "Golden bubbles? Could it be some kind of fish king? Blind bass fish king?"

He deliberately looked around, but found that the bubble never appeared again, as if he had seen it wrong before.

Seeing that the time was about to come, Chen Wangping returned to the shore, took out a standard pistol and tried it underwater.

There is no problem with launching, but the bullet will have some deviations when underwater, and it should be enough to adapt to it.

Now the water battle is no problem.

Putting away the gun, Chen Wangping pointed to the side and shouted to the golden eagle: "Diaobao, come and try the feeling of entering the water."

He could see that the property page number of the golden eagle also had a special effect of melting water, so there must be no problem.

The golden eagle looked at the water and shook his head, indicating that he did not want to go into the water.

Entering the water has nothing to do with the golden eagle.

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "Come down and try it out, you have eaten the squid on the iron plate, and now there is no resistance in the water."

The golden eagle still shook his head, and his little paws retreated quietly towards the back.

Chen Wangping used his trump card, "Come down, time is about to pass, think about it, you can catch fish by yourself in the future, and if you don't come down, you won't be given hot plate squid."

The charm of food is invincible.

Thirty seconds later.

The golden eagle was moving up and down in the water, and it looked as skilled as a teal.

Even under water, its speed is very fast, like a torpedo, and it can jump out a dozen meters suddenly.

Chen Wangping saw the effect of the melting water effect on the golden eagle, and greeted with satisfaction: "Okay, the effect is not bad, we went ashore and went home to rest."

The golden eagle flew out of the water and circled in place several times, shaking off the water on his body.

When they got ashore, Chen Wangping thought that he had to go back and catch some squid.

This melt water effect is really good.

There is one more hole card in the future.

When he got home, Chen Wangping changed his clothes and clicked on the property page of Diaobao. He was going to see what special changes Diaobao had in this promotion.

【Battle Pet: Carved Treasure】

【Type: Meteorite Golden Eagle】

【Quality: ☆☆☆☆☆】

【Stage: Growth period】

[Level: Level 4]

[Attribute: Gold, Wind]

[Satisfaction: 96 (can only be improved by eating metal)]

[Basic Skills: Claw Attack, Steel Peck, Wing Slash, Charge]

[Attribute skills: Iron Storm Ball (skilled), Riding the Wind (Beginner), Hurricane Wall (Beginner), Metal Storm (to be learned), Instant Kill (to be learned), Wind Pressure (to be learned), Tornado (to be learned) Learn)】

[Racial Skill: Devour Metal]

[Hobbies: Eating, fighting]

[Remarks: Meteorite golden eagles in the growing period need more metal]

This promotion not only reaches the growth stage, but more importantly, it has three more attribute skills, one basic skill, and the original skills have also been improved. After becoming a leader of the wind, although the proficiency has dropped, but if you continue to practice, your strength will definitely be much stronger than before.

"Instant kill, charge? This should be a melee skill."

"Wind pressure, this may be a skill related to mental power."

"Tornado, this may be the same as the original storm ball. It is a long-range skill."

Chen Wangping called over to Diaobao, and first looked at its current size.

After a measurement, I found out that the eagle's wings have now reached an astonishing 3.6 meters, and the back has become much wider, and the muscles, feathers, and claws have become more powerful.

"If you are three meters six, you should be able to sit on it."

If you sit on the golden eagle, or lie on the golden eagle, your body can be hidden, so that you can be more concealed when approaching the enemy.

However, another problem arises.

Do you have to use a parachute just in case?

If you lie on top, you won't have much effort, and if you are thrown off, it will be very troublesome.

After making up his mind, Chen Wangping went to the manufacturing table to design it, and prepared to use the black horn sheepskin and tube worm skin to make a simple parachute, just in case.

After a lot of work, one person and one carving were very tired, so they went back to their respective nests.

Lying on the bed, Chen Wangping was not in a hurry to fall asleep. He slowly communicated with the lightning tender seedlings, drawing out a stream of energy that continued to temper his body and continued to improve his physique.

Although the process is numb and painful, you will always get used to it.

He was numb, he fell asleep.

Late at night, in the secret room of the Lord's Mansion in the outer city of Huo Niu City.

Fang Bie, dressed in black, sat in the darkness.

In front of him, a person who was the same height as him but wearing armor reported: "Sir, we have arranged for the three dragons, tigers and leopards to stay in the northern courtyard, and we have arranged for the dead to watch."

Fang Bie nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, Xiao Fang, they didn't find anything unusual about you, right?"

Xiaofang shook his head and said, "I didn't find out. They think I'm you now, and they used the spirit hall method to leave a hidden mark on me. I don't know if I should remove it?"

Fang Bie sneered, "It's just a small trick, there's no need to remove it. When they die, this thing will naturally dissipate." After speaking ~www.readwn.com~ he reached out and clicked on the table, took a sip of tea, and sighed. : "The three of them came at the right time. Huo Niu City is missing a few catfish now. By the way, how is the clearing work going?"

Xiao Fang took out a list and handed it over, "A total of 18 people have successfully escaped from the Heiyou Ruins, 13 people have been cleared, and the 14th person is called Wang Jin. "

Fang Bian frowned: "Wang Jin? I have an impression that it is the one with the aiming ability. It stands to reason that his auxiliary ability will not hunt alone. If he disappears, he should be dead. What about the family? What's the situation?"

Xiaofang replied: "The house is in a mess. After investigation, Guo Qikai asked me for a drink a few days before he disappeared. After drinking, he deliberately went to Wang Jin's house to search. It seemed that he wanted to make money, but he couldn't find it. What, someone got there first."

Fang Bie tapped his finger, "Guo Qikai wanted to find Wang Jin, but Wang Jin died first, and now Guo Qikai is also dead. Go, let half of the people investigate the cause of Guo Qikai's death and see if there are any clues."

Xiaofang nodded, "I didn't find anything in my previous investigation, mainly because when Guo Qikai disappeared, all the dogs around him also disappeared, and there was no clue. Law enforcement's Black Dog investigation will also be contacted."

Fang Bie nodded, "Continue to implement the removal plan. If there is nothing to gain from the remaining four, we will send all forces to investigate Wang Jin. Tang Huoniu's injury is recovering, and the Lingdian plan will be implemented in at most two months. We Time is pressing."

Xiao Fang replied: "Understood, don't worry, sir, Xiao Fang will definitely complete the task with all his heart!"

"Well, let's go, your family is doing well."

"Thank you, sir."

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