Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 127: Tang Huo Niu's Cow

In the magnetite cave, Chen Wangping dug for two full hours before stopping.

Even so, he only sweated on his temples, and his clothes were still dry.

"It's not the same when the physique is improved. It's much more enjoyable to dig mines."

Seeing that it was getting dark, he was going to go home and rest after a busy day.

As soon as I got home, the communicator rang.

Tang Xihe's voice was a little low, and it sounded slack, which made people sound a little distressed: "Hey~, where are you? Do you have time to go to the river to eat something at night?"

Chen Wangping glanced at the sky and said, "Let's go upstream, what to eat?"

Tang Xi and Wei said: "I'll take beef, I'll just eat something simple, but I'm not really hungry, I just want to relax."

Chen Wangping said: "Okay, see you in half an hour."

Tang Xihe hummed, and whispered "Thank you" before hanging up.

Putting down the communicator, Chen Wangping smiled and walked into the chicken coop.

As soon as he entered, he saw that the two roosters who had fought before were fighting again.

"It's not okay to fight, then you two."

After a few minutes, the two chickens were ready.

He learned the skill of killing chickens from a master at the construction site.

Chen Wangping has a good personality and likes to learn.

After thinking about it, he called Tang Xihe again and asked her to bring some lotus leaves.

Tang Xihe just got on the motorcycle and was a little puzzled by the task, but he still obediently turned around and went to get the big lotus leaf.

People who can't cook can only buy ingredients obediently when organizing a game.

In the base, Chen Wangping thought of beef, and Boss Tang wanted something simpler.

Then he smiled and had an idea.

Chen Wangping first took out the dried peanuts and mashed them together with other spices.

After finishing it, he didn't put the storage compartment, just put it in the bag and rushed to the river with the golden eagle.

The reason why it is left out is because the sauce needs to ferment for a while, and the taste will be better.

Arriving by the river, Chen Wangping saw that Tang Xihe had arrived here.

Under the dim light, Tang Xi and Qingsi Feifei were riding on the motorcycle, and their slender thighs were intriguing, but she didn't know it. At this time, there were some uncomfortable emotions on her face that she had never seen before.

Chen Wangping fell from the golden eagle, and he also felt the wrongness of Tang Xihe's aura, and said, "Boss Tang, where is the beef? Did you hunt or buy this beef?"

Tang Xihe came back to his senses, and when he saw Chen Wangping, he unconsciously laughed lightly, "I won't tell you, this beef is of high quality, how can we eat it?"

After she finished speaking, she took out a whole cow from the storage compartment and placed it on the slate by the river bank.

【Variation Fire Beef☆☆☆】

【Use: Foodstuffs】

[Special effect - Fire blood: After eating the mutant fire beef, the blood activity can be slightly increased and the efficiency of physical exercise can be improved]

[Remarks: This is a fire cow that died in the blood mutation, it is one of the treasures of Tang fire cow]

Chen Wangping: "..."

You call eating a whole cow to eat beef?

Or a mutant fire beef with such a high level?

He walked over to take a look, pressed the button, and found that the quality of the beef was very fresh, and it seemed that it was stored in the storage compartment as soon as it died.

However, although he already knew the origin, Chen Wangping asked curiously, "This beef is of high quality, where did it come from?"

Tang Xihe smiled mysteriously, and changed the topic: "Don't worry about this, we can just eat, hurry up and do it quickly, I'm very sad about today's incident, I just need to eat something."

Chen Wangping took out the knife and asked, "What happened today? What happened?"

Only then did Tang Xihe remember that Chen Wangping was not in the city and didn't know about the city. She took out two chairs and sat in a row with Chen Wangping, and told the story of the second hall master's self-destruction of the city master's envoy dismounting. .

After hearing this, Chen Wangping suddenly looked up and looked around, then looked up at the golden eagle.

To be honest, he was a little guilty.

What is this called?

In the afternoon, Tang Huoniu had just taken the blame, and in the evening, he followed his niece to eat his treasures by the river.

If Tang Huoniu knew, he would have to walk around if he couldn't eat.

Tang Xihe didn't notice Chen Wangping's abnormality, he sighed, leaned on the back of his chair and said, "Although with your help, we have dug out a lot of dark blue iron ore that can remove spiritual poison, but it will take a certain amount of time for that thing to be useful. Uncle's situation is still very difficult now, and I don't know who can kill the three guardians of the spirit hall in one go, this kind of strong dragon can't see the end, if only he can kill all the people in the spirit hall."

Chen Wangping first wrapped two chickens in lotus leaves, then wrapped them in mud and baked them under the pot.

Afterwards, he took off two large beef bones and put them in the pot and started to boil the soup.

After finishing this, he comforted him while picking the flesh: "Don't worry, your uncle must be thinking of a way. Besides, the person who killed the three guardians of the Spirit Palace may not be very strong, you can't hope Put it on people."

Tang Xihe shook his feet, shook his head and said seriously: "You haven't fought against the guardians of the spirit hall, you don't know, the powerhouses at the guardian level of the spirit hall are very powerful, and they are very cunning. Just ran away, this person must be very strong if he can kill the three guardians of the spirit hall!"

Chen Wangping nodded in agreement, "This is true, I agree."

Tang Xihe was amused by Chen Wangping's words, "You are serious in agreeing, okay, let's not talk about that, let's talk about what we eat? I think you've been cutting it for so long, why haven't you done it yet?"

During the chat, Chen Wangping had already cut eight pieces of meat from the mutant fire ox, and each piece of meat had a different shape.

"Don't worry, I'll let you eat right away."

Chen Wangping cut off the last piece of meat, beckoned at the golden eagle and said, "Diaobao, cut these pieces of meat into thin slices. The better you cut, the more you will eat."

When the golden eagle lying beside heard it, he immediately regained his spirits. He waved his wings and controlled the iron blade to fly up and down. In just ten seconds, he cut eight completely different pieces of meat into thin slices.

Now that it has advanced, the ability to control energy is much better than before.

Chen Wangping smiled, the craftsmanship of golden carving, even if he wore it in his previous life, he could be a meat cutter for Chaoshan beef hot pot.

The meat is cut here.


The beef bone broth has also been stewed over there.

Chen Wangping turned his head and introduced: "Okay, the beef hot pot I brought you today is called clear soup beef hot pot. It's a fresh one, and it's cooked for ten seconds."

Tang Xihe set up the table and chairs with great interest and sat down. Hearing this, he wondered: "What about the smell? Where does the smell come from?"

Chen Wangping took out the simple sand tea sauce that had been fermented for a while in the bag, and placed a bunch of wild onions, garlic, peanuts, and peppers next to it.

Tang Xihe's eyes lit up, "Adjust it yourself? Isn't that how spicy you want to be?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "No hurry, you can mix several bowls of small ingredients, and eat some light ones first."

Tang Xihe nodded, and adjusted six bowls of small ingredients according to the ratio taught by Chen Wangping, two bowls per person, plus two bowls of golden carvings.

Before she could eat it, she couldn't help licking the small spoon in the bowl, and said in surprise, "This sauce is so fragrant and delicious!"

Chen Wangping picked up a plate of five flowers and poured it into the boiling clear soup pot. He quickly picked it up in just ten seconds, and divided it into three equal portions. "Eat it, you must have never tasted this kind of taste."

After he finished speaking, he also ate happily.

Eating Chaoshan hot pot is very good at this point. You don’t need to arrange for someone to cook it.

He picked up a large piece of five flowers, wrapped it in homemade sand tea sauce, and bit it lightly.

This Zhengwuhua is the two small beef ham tendons on the inner thigh of the cow's hind leg. The taste is the most elastic. In addition, the time is short, the slices are thin, and the elastic teeth are not hard at the same time. It is very satisfying to chew. It also just happened to drive the rich peanut aroma to jump in the mouth.

This piece of meat is immediately cool.

On the other side, Tang Xi and a piece of meat were all stunned. She swallowed the meat and turned to look at the mutant fire cow next to her, "This, this is beef? Why is it completely different from what I ate before."

Chen Wangping smiled, "That's right, just keep eating."

The second kind of meat, his neck kernel, that is, snowflakes, this meat is fat and tender with a little bit of chew, and the meat is full of flavor.

After eating here, Tang Xihe didn't have time to speak, so he lowered his head and ate fiercely while giving a thumbs up.

Next, hanging dragon, spoon kernel, hanging Linglang, chest oil, beef tongue, and meat slices with colorful tastes are put into the pot one after another, and then the entrance.

Just five minutes.

Tang Xihe has already thrown his body to the ground in admiration.

The rich and satisfying meat fragrance dilutes the depression in her heart and brings her rich happiness.

After a while.

The two of them ate and drank and sat on the riverbank while admiring the stars and digesting their food.

Chen Wangping was also very happy to eat. He could feel the blood in his body was a little hot. Obviously, the fire-blood special effect was activated, which was increasing blood activity.

This thing is good, I will eat it often in the future.

Tang Xihe next to her had two red glows flying on her face at this time~www.readwn.com~ It looked very attractive, she turned her head, her eyes were very gentle, "Brother Ping, thank you."

Chen Wangping smiled, "You're welcome, you took the ingredients, I just processed them."

Tang Xihe snorted and leaned against the river bank. She remembered what she had seen before, and sighed: "Actually, our era is very deformed. Seeing that everything in the inner city is actually based on the relics. , we have dug up the ruins, and no one will study them if they can’t be dug up, and there are scrambles for the ruins everywhere, no one cares about the civilians, and the same is true for the Fire Bull City, a castle in the air, I don’t know when it will collapse.”

Chen Wangping nodded, turned his head to look in the direction of his own mine, and said firmly: "You can only rely on yourself to develop, not to mention changing the times, at least you can protect yourself, survive, and live better."

Tang Xihe thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes, survive and live better."

At this moment, Tang Xihe felt very comfortable, and the threshold of stepping to the fourth level seemed to loosen a little.

The night sky is full of stars, surrounded by frogs, quiet and melodious.

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