Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 140: surprise

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Chen Wangping thought to himself that with these little blueberries, he could upgrade his technology when he got home.

Let's see if there is any special equipment.

Seeing that the sun was about to go down, Chen Wangping greeted the golden eagle to go home.

Get ready to pack up today's harvest.

If nothing else, just killing that big fat pig is very laborious.

Half an hour later, Chen Wangping flew home in a golden eagle, consuming a total of 6 star-eye blueberries and 11 small blueberries.

After arriving home, the golden eagle enthusiastically asked when will he go out again?

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "I'll have to drive myself when I go out later. Your ticket is too expensive, I can't afford it."

The golden eagle pouted, knowing that Chen Wangping was teasing him again, flew to his own nest, and continued to temper his spirit with the medium-purity psionic crystal.

Since it was promoted, the effect of medium-purity psionic crystals for tempering the spirit has become weaker, but it doesn't matter, the last harvest of medium-purity psionic crystals is enough, and three are not enough.

The little Tiemu over there is playing with six medium-purity psionic crystals while tempering, and from time to time, he plays with the crystals according to Chen Wangping's instructions.

However, Chen Wangping had a lot of things to do in the past few days, and he hadn't rested much, so he didn't dare to use the psionic crystal directly.

Today's trip out has been a good harvest, and he is in a much better mood. He plans to dedicate time tonight to temper his spirits.

If you want to advance to the third level, you have to grasp both physically and mentally.

After entering the base, Chen Wangping first walked to the planting area, found seven plots near the shade, and bent over to plant blueberry cuttings one by one.

After watering, these blueberry cuttings became green and green, and quickly began to differentiate and take root, adapting to the environment to grow.

Later, Chen Wangping picked up the land improvement machine again, walked a dozen meters to the side along the planting area, found an upper air outlet of the smelting area, and arranged improvement tasks.

He is going to plant maple saplings here.

Although he had planned to plant saplings near the boiler to absorb pollution, this maple sapling was different from the green birch sapling.

The sap of the maple tree is to be drunk.

It must not be allowed to absorb pollution.

Just plant the green birch saplings at night.

Looking back, it seems that the saplings that can produce drinkable sap are planted in the planting area, and can only be planted in the underground river as the wood.

After arranging these things, Chen Wangping walked to the side of Xiao Tiemu, took out the mutant wild boar, touched its trunk and said, "Xiao Tiemu, do me a favor and give this pig a haircut."

Xiao Tiemu grabbed the mutant wild boar and shook the canopy suspiciously, expressing that I don't understand.

Chen Wangping took its flaming branch, scratched the skin of the mutant wild boar a few times, and explained: "Just use the fire like this, control the intensity, don't burn the meat, and cut it from the middle after burning it. Wash the internal organs clean and put them away."

Little Tiemu clicked on the tree crown and started to burn pig hair seriously, working hard without complaining.

Not to mention, the efficiency of the small iron wood burning pig hair is very high. It first burns on it with a flame, and then scrapes it with the rough bark, and immediately scrapes off the dry pig hair on it. is clean.

Chen Wangping smiled and walked towards the small carp's fish pond, ready to see what happened to the little carp.

In the fish pond, the little carp were still wandering and confused, and they seemed to be sleeping soundly.

After a few seconds, it seemed to feel Chen Wangping, moved its eyes, swam over with a flick of its tail, and said hello happily, saying that it slept well and was happy today.

Chen Wangping reached into the water and pulled some water to tease the little carp, and asked, "It's like the essence of the water source from yesterday, how much more do you need to make up for the lack of source energy?"

After listening to it, the little carp opened its mouth and spit out bubbles. It seemed that it was just about to answer, but it seemed to think of something again. It shook its head and said no, I have woken up, and I can slowly recover.

Chen Wangping bent down, reached out his hand and touched the back of the little carp kindly and said, "Don't be polite to me, the loss of source power is no joke. What if it affects your leap to the Dragon Gate?"

After hearing the leaping dragon gate, the little carp shook his head and said: "I don't even know how to jump the dragon gate. Grandpa Jiang She told me that it has been a long time that the little carp has successfully jumped the dragon gate. I don't know if the dragon gate exists or not. Don't worry. .".

Chen Wangping nodded, co-authoring Xiao Liyu and he didn't even know how to jump over the Dragon Gate, so he would have to collect this knowledge for him in the future.

After a while, the little carp jumped out of the water to look around, and then swam around Chen Wangping's hand suspiciously, and said, what place is this? If you hide here, there won't be other fish and bad guys chasing after you, right?

Chen Wangping nodded, "It's very safe here, with your big brother Jindiao and little Tiemu here, no bad guys come to bully you, Gu Lian can cover up your breath, and you can grow up with peace of mind."

Hearing Chen Wangping's words, the golden eagle flew over diligently to say hello.

The little iron wood, which was burning pig's hair, also branched out and shook with the little carp.

The little carp jumped out of the water again happily, and waved its tail in return to the golden eagle and the little iron wood.

After returning to the water, the little carp was suddenly a little unhappy, and it whispered: "It's such a good place, if only Grandpa Jiang She could have a good rest."

After Chen Wangping heard this, he felt a little uncomfortable.

He took out a drop of spring water essence and handed it to the little carp: "Don't worry, Grandpa Jiang She also knows that you are in such a safe place. He was very happy before leaving, and told me to urge you to quickly recover and grow up. You I also know what it wants to see most."

The little carp originally planned to continue to refuse after seeing the essence of the water source.

In fact, the little carp also knew that this must be a good thing, but it always felt that it was useless, and it was embarrassed that it could not repay after eating other people's good things.

But after listening to Chen Wangping's words, the little carp recalled the experience on the way.

If he could be stronger, Grandpa Jiang She might not be injured, and now he won't go far away to distract the enemy.

Its eyes gradually became firm, swallowed the essence of the water source, nodded vigorously, and tried to digest it.

The little carp figured it out. Become strong first, so that he is eligible to repay the debt. The weak self can't even repay the debt.

The little carp said: "After absorbing this drop, one more drop is enough to make up for the deficit of the source. Now I am very weak, and the source of power is not much."

Chen Wangping touched the naked head of the little carp, and then took out a large piece of ancient lotus leaf and placed it on it, saying, "Slowly absorb it, after absorbing it, I will give you another drop. In addition, if you are tired, eat some ancient lotus leaf. Just take a bite first, and when the family grows up, I'll give you fresh ones."

The little carp was absorbing it, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the ancient lotus leaves blowing towards his face.

As soon as the ancient lotus leaves entered the water, it smelled a unique aroma and immediately became hungry.

It subconsciously took a bite, and its eyes narrowed happily.

Delicious lotus leaf! ! !

Even better than the lotus leaf it has ever eaten before!

And as soon as you eat it, the original breath will recover a little.

You must know that these ancient lotus leaves are all special treasures that Fang Bie has traded from other forces at a great price, in order to attract the king carp seedlings, full of fragrance and delicious taste, especially suitable for the appetite of king carp seedlings.

Unexpectedly, it was sent to Chen Wangping by accident.

The little carp ate several mouthfuls of ancient lotus leaves, and spit out bubbles, indicating that Brother Ping is so powerful! Thank you Ping brother~ I will try my best to grow!

Chen Wangping waved his hand, "You're welcome, just ask me for it after you've absorbed it, come on."

After feeding the little carp, Chen Wangping turned his head to look, and found that the little Tiemu had cleaned all the fur of the mutant wild boar, and the water had been hollowed out.

Chen Wangping patted Xiao Tiemu, "It's hard work, come here, how does it feel to try this drop of spring water essence."

As soon as he heard the essence of the spring water, Xiao Tiemu quickly put down the mutant wild boar and retracted all the branches, looking like he was fully prepared.

Chen Wangping looked at it and said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, this time it's the essence of the water source, not so exciting."

After he finished speaking, he walked over and dropped the last drop of the spring water essence on the root of the little iron wood.

The essence of the spring water immediately melted into the root of the small iron wood, and turned into countless light blue energy into the small iron wood's whole body, making up for the dark wounds and hidden dangers left when it participated in the war just after its breakthrough.

Seeing that Xiao Tiemu had also finished feeding, Chen Wangping was ready to feed himself and the golden eagle.

With such a big mutant wild boar, one or two meals would definitely not be enough.

He was about to study how to eat it, when he suddenly saw some faint rays of light appearing in the planting area.

Chen Wangping stood up and walked over curiously, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the light was actually emerging from the seedlings in the sweet potato area.

On the twelve green sweet potato seedlings, the young buds, young leaves and young stems in the middle all had a faint glow, and there was a glove sign next to them, indicating that they were ready to be picked.

"Meaning that the sweet potato leaves can be eaten now?"

Chen Wangping was very pleasantly surprised. He bent down and plucked all the radiant buds with his fingertips to check the properties.

【Sweet potato leaves】

【Use: Foodstuffs】

[Special effect-clearing blood: sweet potato leaves can remove blood waste and improve exercise efficiency within an hour after eating]

[Remarks: just stir-fry]

Chen Wangping is not unfamiliar with the special effect of sweet potato leaves. In the past, when he went to the vegetable market, he often heard from the old grandmother that eating sweet potato seedlings can reduce three highs. It is a similar effect.

He walked along and pinched it all the way, and soon he pinched out a large amount of sweet potato leaves, enough to fry two dishes.

Looking at the fading sweet potato seedlings, Chen Wangping plans to check again tomorrow morning to see if there will be sweet potato leaves.

If there is, then you can eat fresh vegetables every day.

So much better in winter.

According to the original owner's memory, when winter comes, the staple food in Huo Niu City is only various root and stem foods, which is very boring.

Chen Wangping washed the sweet potato leaves and put them aside for now. He turned around and walked to the vicinity of the mutant wild boar, turned the mutant wild boar over, and used a knife to remove a large piece of lard from its abdomen near the ribs.

This is pork suet.

That's right, he was going to make some lard, and just used the oil residue to fry the sweet potato leaves.

Stir-fried vegetables with lard, absolutely! Soon, Chen Wangping cut a large plate of lard suet into small squares two centimeters square, evenly sized.

Immediately afterwards, he first boiled water mountain ginger, wild onion and lard suet to remove foam and blood.

When the water was boiled, Chen Wangping couldn't help but sighed: "This pig is really sensible, and there is almost no odor on his body."

Even if you raise pigs by yourself in the future, you have to get rid of the pigs you are going to eat from an early age.

Boiled lard suet, put some water, put it in a pot and boil it on medium heat.

After boiling for a while, the water gradually dried, the lard began to come out, and the aroma gradually came out.

Gradually, the lard pieces became smaller and smaller, the liquid lard became more and more, and the aroma of the oil residue became stronger and stronger.

The golden eagle couldn't help but continue to temper his spirit. It flew to the side of the pot and looked into the pot with a look of surprise. Beep said that this thing is so fragrant?

Chen Wangping smiled, "When the sweet potatoes are mature tomorrow, there will be sweet potato starch, cut some meat, wrap it in some flour and fry it for a while, that little crispy meat will definitely make you cry."

The golden eagle swallowed, and the beep said that I was about to cry now!

Chen Wangping ignored him and concentrated on frying the oil residue to a square centimeter and stopped frying.

At this time, the oil residue is golden and crispy, and the taste is the best.

After he fished it out~www.readwn.com~ he couldn't hold back, picked up a piece and blew it, chewing it.


So delicious.

The freshly fried lard residue has no fishy smell at all. It has a crispy taste at the first entrance, accompanied by the rich meat and oil aroma, which makes people unable to resist the smell of the tongue.

He ate several pieces of the original flavor in a row, and then took out the salt and pepper and chili noodles and sprinkled them on it, and after eating it, it was another flavor.

After eating seven or eight yuan, Chen Wang calmed down.

Of course, he didn't forget the golden eagle, grabbed a handful and handed it to it while eating.

The golden eagle picked up the lard residue and was shocked after eating it, one after another, without raising his head.

Chen Wangping put away most of the oil residue, left a small part cut in half, and let it cool for later use.

At this time, he found a large pot, poured the lard into it, and let it cool naturally in a cool place.

Looking at the large jar of lard, Chen Wangping felt a sense of accomplishment.

Really good.

Afterwards, he cut some garlic, heated the base oil in the pan, put in minced garlic and fried it. After frying the garlic, he poured the sweet potato leaves into it and fry it on high heat.

Stir fry until the sweet potato leaves become soft, throw in the lard residue and continue to stir fry, simply sprinkle some salt, and serve as soon as the heat is up.

Fried sweet potato leaves with lard residue.

Chen Wangping couldn't wait to put up a large chopstick and eat the sweet potato leaves.

The fresh sweet potato leaves are full of juice and sweet on the tip of the tongue. Then it is also combined with the aroma of lard. In one bite, it has both the fragrance of vegetables and the oily aroma of lard. With the crispy taste of the lard residue on the top, there are many layers. , is extremely satisfied.

After eating a few bites, he took out the loach king bone soup and the spicy stir-fried sturgeon dragon fish king tendon that he made yesterday, and ate one as porridge and the other as pickles.

After a meal, Chen Wangping sat back in his chair with satisfaction, not wanting to move at all.

too delicious.

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