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Now that the blueprints are available, Chen Wangping is going to go to the mine first.

Staring at gem mines while digging for magnetite.

Soon, he entered the mine, and he did not forget to check the situation of the telephone poles while he was on his way.

When he walked near the coal mine, Chen Wangping could see some mouse footprints and some small tooth marks at the bottom of the utility poles. It seemed that the mice in the mine cave should have studied the utility poles.

Chen Wangping looked into the depths of the mine, thinking that as long as you don't mess with me, I won't be bothered to take the time to clean it up.

If it really delays my industrial plan, I can only get some worm bones to make fertilizer.

Arriving near the magnetite, Chen Wangping took a mineral detector and digged hard with a lightning strike iron and wood pickaxe.

More than an hour later, another gem mine was refreshed, and it happened to be at the entrance of the magnetite mine.

Chen Wangping walked over quickly, cut out the Qinggang ore pick and went down with three picks.


The gemstones shattered, revealing the round gemstones inside.

【Earth Crystal】×4.

Although there are no boutique little stars, but there are enough of them, there is still one left to play after finishing the sauce maker.

Chen Wangping glanced at the time, it was only after nine in the morning, and there was still time. He simply went into the city to find Laoguan to buy something, and by the way inquired about the extinct volcano.

There has not been much progress in battery construction, and we have to find a way.

Half an hour later, Chen Wangping drove to the vicinity of Huo Niu City, disguised himself, put on a solar crystal hood, carried a golden eagle on his back, and entered the city along the north gate.

After entering the city, he could clearly feel that there were more people in the city, but he couldn't tell what kind of people there were.

Chen Wangping didn't think about it carefully, and walked to the door of Laoguan store at the end of Yuanfang Street, "Is Laoguan there? I'll buy something."

Lao Guan heard Chen Wangping's voice, came out and asked, "What do you want? Now only gold coins are accepted for payment, no dark blue iron ore."

Chen Wangping raised his hand and took out a dozen gold coins and shook it, "Is there sulfur? It's a light yellow brittle crystal or powder produced near the volcano."

When Lao Guan heard Chen Wangping's name, she didn't respond. After hearing the description, she turned over and took out a glass bottle, which contained pale yellow crystals.

Lao Guan handed it over and asked, "Look, do you want this kind of yellow fire crystal?"

Chen Wangping reached out to take it and checked the properties:


[Use: to create materials]

[Remarks: General quality sulfur]

Don't worry about the quality, it's just sulfur.

Chen Wangping nodded, "This is it, how much do you have in your hand?"

According to the scale on the drawing, a battery needs 100 parts of sulfur to make.

Laoguan took out a large glass jar, filled with a lot of pale yellow crystals, and added: "This is all I have in my hands, there are too many dangers around the Los Angeles volcano, no one has passed, if you want , I'll give you a special price, 20 gold coins."

Chen Wangping took out twenty gold coins and put it in his hand, and said with a smile: "The money is fine, send me some news about the situation of the volcano near Luocheng."

Lao Guan took the money in one hand and gave the sulfur to Chen Wangping, nodded and said, "Yes, I have only been to the volcanoes near Luocheng a few times. Those volcanoes have been active in recent years, and there are many special volcanic creatures in them. Even a mouse can master the element of fire. I suggest that if you want to go, it is best to wait until it rains or in winter. For example, this kind of yellow fire crystal can only be produced after entering a hundred meters near the volcano, where the temperature is very high. , to bring cool treasures in advance."

Chen Wangping carefully took down the information, nodded and said, "Thank you. Besides, do you have a way to cultivate supernatural powers? You need to go deeper."

Before Lao Guan could answer, Chen Wangping suddenly saw a familiar red dot appear on the radar.

Tang Xihe.

How did she get here?

After listening, Lao Guan replied: "There is, but there is, but there is only water element, and the price is not cheap. We only accept things in exchange."

Chen Wangping waved his hand, "Forget it, I'll talk about it next time."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

But as soon as he took two steps, he saw a flash of red light in front of him.

Tang Xihe stopped him in surprise, "Are you here too? What are you buying?"

Chen Wangping reluctantly used his eyes to indicate that there were people beside him.

Tang Xi and Ao snorted, turned around and took out a large piece of beef, and handed it to Lao Guan with a smile: "Aunt Guan, the weather is cold, my uncle asked me to send a large piece of beef to my aunt so that she can stew to warm up. "

Lao Guan said helplessly, "As long as you have a sweet mouth, Tang Huoniu wouldn't do such a thing. Don't say good things about him."

Tang Xihe shook the beef and said, "Really, my uncle is thin-skinned. He doesn't say it, he must have thought so in his heart."

Lao Guan took the beef with a smile, "Okay, then I'll thank you for your Aunt Han. Besides, do you know that person? Are you okay?"

Tang Xihe nodded and admitted: "It's good, that's my good friend, he's here to buy something from you?"

Lao Guan paused for a while, "Good friend, then I still have several ways to train my supernatural abilities. You ask your friend if you want to see it?"

Tang Xihe understood in his heart after listening, and waved his hand and said, "No need, Aunt Guan, you are busy, I'll go first."

After speaking ~www.readwn.com~, she walked quickly to Chen Wangping's side and motioned for him to run away.

Lao Guan looked at Tang Xihe like that, angry and funny, "Okay, you are afraid that I will make money from your friends."

Tang Xi and Quan Dang didn't hear it, stuck out their tongues, and left Yuanfang Street with Chen Wangping.

Chen Wangping saw that there were a lot of people on the road, so he simply suggested: "Have you eaten at noon? Do you want to eat together?"

Tang Xihe waited for these words, and immediately nodded, "Okay, okay, let's go to your house first."

Chen Wangping snorted, "Separate action, my family gathers."

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at Chen Wangping's house.

Chen Wangping walked into the kitchen and said while cleaning up, "Do you know the old man? Or are you going to exchange beef with her?"

Sitting on the small stool, Tang Xihe waved his hand and said, "Lao Guan is the person next to my aunt Han Bingfeng, and she can be regarded as an eyeliner. Usually, she will report some things about Huo Niu City to her aunt."

Chen Wangping heard the name a little familiar, and said, "Han Bingfeng? Tang Huoniu? Is your aunt the city owner of Bingfeng City?"

Tang Xihe nodded, "Yes, let's not talk about this, you just asked her to buy a way to cultivate power? Don't ask her to spend money to buy it, I'll find it for you, are you an elemental power or something else? can?"

Chen Wangping thought for a while, Tang Xi and now have two hearts, so it's okay to let her know something, "Elemental."

Tang Xihe clapped his hands, "The element class is easy to handle. I can teach you now, and with my notes, it will definitely be effective."

Chen Wangping showed a happy expression, "That's good, I got a lot of good things in Dusk Forest yesterday, I'll make them for you later."

Just by looking at Tang Xi and the flamboyant Fire Snake, she knew that her cultivation method must be very powerful!

It seems that I will be calling Mr. Tang in the future.

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