Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 145: Visualization is determined

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The two of them ate and drank, not feeling the passage of time at all.

Chen Wangping looked at the half-pot of braised pork left in the pot, found a pot to put it in, and handed it to Tang Xihe and said, "Mr. Tang, pack these back and eat slowly."

Tang Xihe snorted, took the braised pork, and explained by the way: "When visualizing, don't be too lofty, just like you are stewing meat, cut it into pieces, and the stew is delicious, too large or Powerful individual, your current mental power can only be superficial, without divine will, and it will be broken when you imagine it."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Mr. Tang is right."

Tang Xihe: "......"

Feeling the exhaustion of her body, she took out a drop of fire source water essence from the storage compartment and handed it over: "Here, I got another drop recently. Since you are a wood-type ability, then this spring water is useful for you to water your flowers."

Chen Wangping took the essence of Huoyuan water and explained: "I'm not a wood type. Growing vegetables is purely a hobby. If I don't grow anything a day, I feel uncomfortable."

Tang Xihe reached out and touched the golden eagle, "I'll go back and ask someone to see if there are any wheat seeds or rice seeds left before, but I don't have much hope. There are many planting fields in the water source, and a lot of grain is sold every season." After speaking, she got up to say goodbye, carried the packaged braised pork, and went back to rest happily.

Chen Wangping nodded, and after waiting for Tang Xihe to walk away, he called the golden eagle and went back to the base.

There was a lot of dust on the ground today, and as soon as I got home, the golden eagle couldn't wait to take a shower.

Chen Wangping walked to the manufacturing table and saw that the sauce maker had been made. He first took it off, and then added wood and copper plates to the manufacturing table, and arranged the task of building a sap collector.

He looked at the location, took out the sauce maker and placed it on the ground next to the planting area.

The appearance of the sauce maker looks like a water dispenser. The top is the feeding port, the bottom is the discharging port, and there is a power cord next to it, which obviously needs to be powered on.

【Sauce maker】

【Use: to make sauces】

【Power: 2kW】

[Durability: 3000/3000]

[Special Effects-Earth Nurturing: The speed of manufacturing finished products is increased by 20%]

[Remarks: When conditions permit, it is best to let each sauce maker only produce a single sauce]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping shook his head helplessly.

There are no conditions, a sauce maker needs five earth crystals, and it is too troublesome to find.

Looking at the meaning of this remark, is it possible that the sauce maker still smells?

Chen Wangping took out two red peppers, opened the lid of the sauce maker, and tried to add them inside:

【Raw material: 2/5】

"One sauce requires five ingredients."

He continued to throw another red pepper to the sky. When he was about to continue putting it, he suddenly remembered that the chili sauce alone was not nutritious, so he simply put two eggs in it.

After throwing the eggs, a prompt appeared on the sauce maker:

[Current ingredients can be used to make sauces: chili egg sauce/egg chili sauce]

【Please choose the sauce】

Chen Wangping: "???"

Thinking back, he chose chili egg sauce.

The chili egg sauce is good, it's good to eat and eat.

【The chili egg sauce is being brewed, the estimated time is 4 hours】

Chen Wangping watched the position in the middle of the sauce maker roaring, and after listening to the sound, the noise was only 20 to 30 decibels, not too loud.

He went back to the bed and sat down, closing his eyes and thinking about what he should visualize.

"Since it needs to be quickly transformed into combat power, it must be smaller and easier to visualize, so that the lightning energy can be substantiated."

"Little one, wait, what did the radio say this morning? Two in one?"

Chen Wangping suddenly had an idea. Since the smaller the visual object, the better, it is better to simply visualise the bullet.

This thing is small in size and has few details, so it definitely takes less time to visualize!

He took out a bullet and placed it in front of him, trying to stare at the bullet. Following the method in Tang Xihe's notes, he constructed the shape of the bullet with lightning energy in his heart, and tried to compress the lightning energy with mental power.

Compressed, compressed, lightning flashed on his body.


Energy leaked and failed.

He didn't lose his temper. According to the notes, Tang Xihe visualized the first little fire snake for ten days. Even at this speed, he could be called a genius.

An hour later, Chen Wangping opened his eyes and looked at the bullets condensed with lightning energy in his palm with surprise.

Compared with the original bullet, the whole body of this lightning bullet is blue-purple, the air near the shell is a little distorted, and the weight is also lighter.

Chen Wangping took out a standard pistol that had not been used for a long time, carefully loaded the electronic bomb into the magazine, walked out of the base, and shot at the rock wall.


After pulling the trigger, the thunder bullet successfully flew out of the muzzle, swishing a blue-purple flame in the darkness, hitting the rock wall instantly.

"Zi La"

In the next second, a circular electro-optical area with a radius of two meters rose up from the rock wall~www.readwn.com~ The sound of electric current made people's teeth sour.

The electric light flashed by, and when I looked again, there was a layer of blackness on the rock wall, and some of the moss and grass above were all electro-scorched.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction.

This effect is very good ah.

He imagined that this lightning bomb cost a total of 400 points of lightning energy, but the final formidable power was higher than the direct throw of 400 points of lightning energy, and the distance was farther.

Chen Wangping sighed in his heart, "It's right to combine two into one, as long as I combine my own lightning energy in the form of ammunition with various gun launchers of the weapon series, so as to achieve the effect of 1+1>2, two are one. As long as one of them is increased, then my attack limit can be increased by a bit!"

He believes that since sulfur is involved in the technology tree, there will definitely be weapon launchers such as rocket launchers and artillery launchers in the follow-up weapon upgrade route.

At that time, launch the lightning rocket launcher that you imagined.

Tsk tsk, whoever dares to provoke me will kill it directly!

Chen Wangping suppressed his excitement, took out an armor-piercing bullet, and visualized it again.

After watching for a while, he didn't notice the difference between the two bullets.

Thinking of the note saying that it depends on the details, he walked to the manufacturing station with the armor-piercing bullet, selected the analysis function, and watched the robotic arm analyze the manufacturing process of the armor-piercing bullet step by step for him.

After watching the whole process, Chen Wangping had a general understanding of armor-piercing bullets. He smiled and said with emotion: "Choose the ammunition as the visualization, and there is no need to worry about the construction details. The greater the advantage of the visualization route, and if there is a mecha blueprint behind, simply wear a layer of mecha, and then visualize a layer of mecha over it, double protection! Double the power!"

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