Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 148: Batteries and Sulphur

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Twenty minutes later.

Chen Wangping opened his eyes and put the lightning armor-piercing bullet in his hand into the storage compartment.

By the way, he also glanced at the previous bullet.

The bullet that counted down an hour before has now counted down to zero, and you can't see any change just by looking at the icon.

Chen Wangping had a guess.

This thing is actually a condensed element of lightning.

Since it cannot continue to condense, will it explode when it is taken out?

He walked out of the base, stretched out his hand to aim at the rock wall, quickly took out the bullet that had ended the countdown, and threw it, and then he retreated violently.

Sure enough, the bullet at the end of the countdown was similar to what he thought.

As soon as the bullet left the storage compartment, it disintegrated violently, and before it hit the rock wall, it slammed into a ball of electric light and disappeared.

Chen Wangping walked over to check the moss on the rock wall, and found that only the small piece of moss at the center of the vertical explosion was slightly scorched, and the rest of the moss had no scorched changes.

"That's it?"

Chen Wangping shook his head, it seemed that the bullets at the end of the countdown were useless.

Just when he was about to turn around to look at the properties of the battery.

Suddenly, he stopped, walked back to the center of the explosion, and squatted down to check the half-meter-high herbs on the ground.

The few herbs in the center of the vertical explosion were also scorched, but the rest of the surrounding herbs were all crooked in the shape of an upside-down pot lid, as if they were crushed by the airflow.

Chen Wangping thoughtfully, walked over to another herbaceous plant, and then went to take out the second bullet whose countdown was over.

The second bullet that left the storage compartment was also the same as the previous bullet. It also turned into an electric light group with a squeak in the air, and then disappeared.

But this time, Chen Wangping, who had been feeling it carefully, found that at the moment when the electro-optical cluster disappeared, a heart-shattering wave swayed from the center of the disappearance.

It is this wave that shakes the herbaceous plants to the side one after another, forming a scene in the shape of an upside-down pot lid.

The reason why he didn't feel the fluctuation for the first time was because the fluctuation was absorbed by the lightning sprout as soon as it touched him, and he didn't feel it at all.

Looking at the last lightning armor-piercing bullet that was still counting down, Chen Wangping was a little shocked.

Does the blasted lightning energy even have a concussion effect?

He raised his hand and released a burst of lightning energy, trying to imitate the appearance of the previous electro-optical group, controlling the lightning energy to explode.


But this explosion did explode, but it didn't have such strong fluctuations.

Chen Wangping withdrew his hand, and he somewhat understood.

My current energy control ability is not enough, I can't achieve the effect of nature's influence on lightning energy, and naturally I can't blow up the effect of shock.

But he was not depressed, but in a good mood.

With the shock effect, even the lightning armor-piercing bullets that were not fired in time have their own usage.

In this way, when you practice visualization, you can let go of the agglomeration.

After researching the bullets, Chen Wangping returned to the base and turned around to see that the two batteries had been successfully built, so he hurried over to check.

The built battery looks similar in shape and very cute. Two cylindrical cans are placed side by side. The terminals at the top are one red and one blue. It covers an area of ​​about one square meter and looks very heavy.

【Small battery】

【Use: store electricity, release electricity】

[Capacity energy: 1mJ]

[Power demand power: 50kW]

【Power output: 50kW】

[Durability: 300/300]

[Note: Please be careful about the location]

Chen Wangping looked at the battery on the ground and tried to pull a utility pole to connect it to the power grid.

The moment it was incorporated, the light bulb, which was an indicator light, dimmed a bit.

Fortunately, there are very few manufacturing tasks now, and the manufacturing station is only half opened, even if a small battery is added, it will have no effect.

"It seems that we will continue to build steam generators, so that we can store excess electricity for small batteries."

Chen Wangping walked to the rest of the manufacturing platforms, arranged the task, and started building the steam generator when the battery was fully charged.

During the charging time, he originally planned to continue to visualize armor-piercing bullets, but as soon as he started thinking about it, some ideas popped up in his heart, and he quickly called out the energy technology tree to check.

Looking at the drawings on the technology tree, Chen Wangping thought: "Small solar panels, small batteries, since these two drawings appear together, doesn't that mean that these two things should be used together?"

At present, the biggest problem restricting the use of solar energy is that it cannot generate electricity at night, which makes it passive when calculating the amount of electricity generated and arranging work tasks.

After all, there is no function built by time period on the secondary manufacturing platform. Once it is arranged, it will be done. If the work is arranged according to the power generation of small solar panels during the day, some equipment will go on strike at night.

But what about combining small solar panels with batteries?

Use the excess power of the small solar panel to charge the battery during the day, and use the battery to generate electricity at night when the small solar panel is not working to ensure that the power in the grid is constant during the day and night, which makes it much easier to schedule tasks.

The more Chen Wangping thought about it, the more he felt that the battery would be more useful in this way.

Of course, even with the steam generator, the effect of the battery can also be exerted to maintain the stability of the power grid, just in case.

After all, the steam generator is completely protected by the gun tip fence, and there is a possibility of damage.

After clearing his mind, Chen Wangping continued to close his eyes and began to visualize the lightning armor-piercing bullet.

Time passed minute by minute, and the clouds in the sky continued to grow thicker and thicker.

Two hours later, Chen Wangping opened his eyes with no end in sight, and stuffed a water chestnut into his mouth to relieve the headache.

There are five more lightning armor-piercing bullets in the storage grid.

After some proficiency, the condensation time of a single lightning armor-piercing bullet was reduced to 24 minutes!

"24 minutes, that's not enough, look at Teacher Tang, a lot of fire snakes came out with a wave of his hand."

Chen Wangping stood up and turned his head to see that the battery was fully charged. At this time, the periphery of the two large round tanks was glowing with light blue light, which made people feel very safe.

He walked over, first took down the telephone pole, and then reached out to put away the battery.

Since I made up my mind to build some batteries, I had to go to an extinct volcano.

Chen Wangping turned his head, "Brother Diao, let's go, I'll take you to a new place for a stroll, there's barbecue to eat."

Just like before, when he heard the barbecue, the golden eagle jumped out.

Without even waiting for Chen Wangping to sit on it, the golden eagle knocked Chen Wangping down with a sprint and carried him straight into the sky.

Chen Wangping turned over to adjust his posture, reached out and tapped the golden eagle's head, "Don't make a surprise attack next time, if you fall to death, who will give you something delicious."

The golden eagle beeped nonchalantly twice, indicating that it is impossible, brother eagle, my current wind element control ability is super strong! Even a fan can fan you out.

After finishing speaking, it swung hard towards the cloud next to it, and fanned out a fan-shaped gap in the cloud layer from a distance. Obviously, its strength has improved a lot.

Seeing this, Chen Wangping sighed. He was thinking about visualization last night, but he didn't even have time to use the psionic crystal.

Although visualization can improve control, psionic crystals can actually increase the upper limit of mental power.

Still have to combine.

"In the future, I will exercise my spirit in the first half of the night, and visualize the bullets in the latter half of the night, so that the bullets visualized can still be used during the day."

After making a plan, Chen Wangping stopped thinking about other things, relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful scenery among the clouds.

There are no big birds among the clouds in Huo Niu City, it is empty.

In this case, the golden eagle's speed is fully open, and it is about to fly out of the sound barrier.

Forty minutes later, Chen Wangping saw the ruins of Los Angeles from a distance in the air. He patted the golden eagle and motioned to fly down to have a look.

Considering the high probability of relic hunters appearing near the ruins of Los Angeles, he did not let the golden eagle fly too low, and controlled the distance of fifty or sixty meters.

With the clouds blocking the sunlight, Chen Wangping quickly scanned the ruins of Los Angeles.

Luocheng is a big city that was destroyed in the middle of the wasteland. The ruins of the city have both marble traces before the wasteland and traces of the early wasteland. It looks fragmented but harmonious.

To this day, the ruins of Luocheng have been occupied by alien beasts and alien plants. Looking down from a height, the northern city is densely populated with alien plants, while the southern city is scattered with many beast nests, and a few alien beasts will pop out from time to time. .


When flying over the ruins of Los Angeles, the golden eagle instantly lifted up, indicating that there are alien plants that are stronger than it, and their attack range is larger than 50 meters.

"The attack range is so large?"

"How much wood can you get from hacking it down!"

Chen Wangping wrote down this location, and was ready to slowly explore the ruins of Los Angeles after finishing the battery.

It's a pity that the machine gun car body is too small to travel with the small iron wood.

Chen Wangping thought back, "If I can get a truck, I can bring the little iron wood here."

Soon, the golden eagle flew away from the center of the Luocheng ruins. Just as it flew out of the Luocheng ruins, Chen Wangping looked down and was surprised to find rows of black tents in an orderly manner.

There were no words on these black tents, but the people near the tents were all wearing black robes, and some of them were holding spiritual staffs. At a glance, they knew that they were people from the spiritual hall.

"These people from the Spirit Hall are the ones who made trouble in the Huo Niu City mine? They are all hiding here."

Chen Wangping secretly wrote down the location, ready to go back and reveal it.

Just as he was thinking about whether to fly down to check the strength of the people in the hall.

But suddenly!

A dissatisfied hum came from the big tent in the middle.

This humming was not loud, but it was extremely penetrating, and it instantly shook Jin Diao and Chen Wangping through the height of seventy or eighty meters.

The golden eagle chirped angrily, and while raising his position, he waved a few wind walls to block the fluctuations.

Chen Wangping also got down and held the steel plate, blocked the sound wave for a moment, and then quickly put it away.

But even so, the angry snort of the second hall master still shook the golden eagle, and in an instant, some bloodstains appeared on its wings, the feathers were broken, and the body sank.


Chen Wangping, who was on the back of the golden eagle, was also affected by the aftermath, and suddenly felt that his internal organs were uncomfortable, and his throat was a little sweet.

Chen Wangping took out a piece of hot beef and stuffed it into Jindiao's mouth, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Go, get out of here first!"

After receiving this blow, his health value dropped by half, and he can no longer stay around here!

The golden eagle was very angry, but it also felt the power of the second hall master of the spiritual hall, and quickly fluttered its wings and flew away without stopping.

After flying far, Chen Wangping turned his head to look at the black tent on the ground, and was very angry.

Hall of Fame, right?

Sneak attack, right?

Wait, the young master will kill you sooner or later!

Chen Wangping also knew that his strength could be seen from the sonic shock of the second hall master just now.

You must know that even the spirit dragon who has broken through to the fourth level has not displayed similar skills, which means that the second hall master is at least a fifth-level powerhouse.

According to the introduction in Tang Xihe's notes, the fifth-level powerhouse has completely controlled the connection between supernatural energy and the body. Except for some special powers, most fifth-level powerhouses have the ability to stay in the air in a small area. At the same time, it can slightly affect the power elements of the outside world to achieve the effect of ultra-long-range attack!


Chen Wangping gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Diao, let's go to the extinct volcano first, no hurry, let's fight for the speed of development, we can definitely kill him!"


In the spirit hall tent, the second hall master retracted his thoughts, picked up the teacup and took a slow sip.

Seeing the opportunity, Lingma, who was on duty, hurriedly flattered: "The second hall master is majestic! This technique of spiritual breath is superb, even if it is placed in the middle, it can shock one side."

Thousands of wears, no flattery.

The second hall master took advantage of it in his heart, but the corner of his mouth smiled disdainfully: "There are too many alien beasts in Luocheng, and I don't know where a fourth-level alien beast that doesn't know how to live or die."

Lingma hurriedly nodded and said: "That is, it runs fast, otherwise, the second hall master, if you snort again, you can kill the fourth-level alien beasts from the air, and frighten the alien plants next to you!"

"Okay, I can't perform this equidistant spiritual breath technique continuously, let's practice, I'm fine now."

After listening to the compliment, the second hall master closed his eyes with satisfaction and did not pay any more attention to this episode.

Ten minutes later, the breaths of Chen Wangping and the golden eagle in the air stabilized.

The recovery ability of fire beef and diluted fire source water is very good, and the response to the sonic attack just now was very timely, and now their injuries have completely recovered.

Chen Wangping leaned on the back of the golden eagle and looked down, and soon saw the bare extinct volcano.

This extinct volcano has a large area, but its height is not high. At a glance, it is dozens of kilometers from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. Perhaps because it has not erupted for a long time, there is already a circle of groves more than ten meters high at the foot of the mountain, but The influence of the extinct volcano still exists, and the further you go to the center of the extinct volcano, the more bare it becomes.

Chen Wangping explained: "Don't rush down, go around and see which terrain is better."

The golden eagle took the lead and started to circle in circles.

Looking all the way, the vegetation on the south side of the extinct volcano is much richer than on the north side, but the probability of sulfur on the ground on the north side is higher.

It only took a few minutes to fly, and Chen Wangping had already seen two large chunks of sulfur exposed on the ground.

After observing for a while, he decided to let the golden eagle fall at the foot of the mountain to the north, and then take down the first large piece of sulfur he saw.

After lowering the height, Chen Wangping jumped off the back of the golden eagle. He first squatted and touched the ground.

The temperature is the same as the rest of the place, there is no abnormal rise, the humidity in the air is very low, and there is a unique smell of sulfur. If you look up again, there will be hot poisonous steam released from some rock crevices halfway up the mountain. Some yellow.

Chen Wangping put on a mask himself, and at the same time turned around to put a mask on the golden eagle, and explained, "If you are not feeling well, tell me earlier."

The golden eagle beeped to indicate that he understood.

With a submachine gun in his hand, a solar crystal hood on his head, and a ground worm breastplate on his back, Chen Wangping slowly ran towards the first large sulfur ore on the **** 70 meters away.

"Tap Tap"

His speed is very fast, and he has already rushed to the side of the big sulfur ore in just ten seconds.

Before Chen Wangping could mine, seven or eight large beetles, one meter long and forty centimeters high, suddenly appeared at the bottom of the sulfur ore. Half of these large beetles spewed yellow poisonous mist towards Chen Wangping, and the other half rubbed their mouthparts with pliers. Immediately afterwards, their mouthparts sprayed hard, only to see that the poisonous mist was ignited with sparks.


A violent flame instantly ignited at the position where Chen Wangping was two seconds ago.

Chen Wangping, who had retreated 15 meters, raised his submachine gun with lingering fears, and shot three lightning armor-piercing bullets and more than 30 ordinary bullets directly out!

“Da da da da da”

The first three lightning armor-piercing bullets flew out in a zigzag shape, instantly hitting the carapace of the big beetle, and then drilling into it~www.readwn.com~ In an instant, the three lightning armor-piercing bullets exploded in different big beetles. , a circular electro-optical area with a radius of eight meters suddenly rose up, covering all the big beetles.

Not waiting for the big beetle to react.

Immediately afterwards, the other armor-piercing bullets also flew one by one, instantly penetrating their carapaces, hitting the soft insect flesh inside, and plundering their health!


The golden eagle in the air fell, and one claws grabbed the flesh on the back of the big beetle, and took a breath to make up for Chen Wangping.

Chen Wangping put on the magazine for ordinary bullets, and went over again, killing all the big beetles.

He could notice that the electric field of lightning that had risen earlier seemed to have smashed the carapace defense of the big beetle, which made the armor-piercing bullet behind it hit effortlessly and hit the insect's flesh in an instant.

[Life energy +354]


【Life Energy +324】

Seeing a series of red lights flying, Chen Wangping was in a good mood. He changed the magazine and asked the golden eagle to guard the surroundings. He went straight to the big beetle to check it.

Under the electric light, many insect flesh was already scorched.

Perhaps because of this reason, only the bones of these big beetles glowed with light.

【Volcanic jet worm bone】

[Use: building materials, feed]

[Special Effects - Jet: Increase the effect by 20% when creating gas jet-related items or equipment]

[Note: They feed on sulfur ore]

"Jet effect? ​​In the near future, if it is made into fertilizer, it may have a bonus to the hot effect of Chaotian pepper, so it should be gas, right? In the long run, maybe it can be used when shooting flamethrowers. "

Chen Wangping happily held the knife and quickly peeled off the [Volcanic Jet Bone]×12.

The harvest is not bad, let's dig the sulfur mine~

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