Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 152: fire milk

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After eating and drinking, Chen Wangping pulled the land improvement machine and continued to improve the land.

Judging from the harvest of mugwort and peanuts, the yield of red and black land is about 5% higher than that of pure red land. In fact, the difference is not very big.

He reckons it may have to continue to find better soils to make a big difference.

After all, the soil in this mine is really bad.

If you can open a fertile land in another place and renovate it, the output will definitely increase.

However, this is not urgent. At present, the ore output of No. 7 mine is OK, and it is not too late to change the base when it is hollowed out.

After arranging the task of improving the land, Chen Wangping was not in a hurry to sow the seeds. He planned to come back in the evening and plant the peanut seeds and mugwort seeds from yesterday, so as to facilitate the calculation of the maturity time.

After this busy time, the sunlight outside gradually dimmed, and the light rain started to fall, making the outside wet.

Chen Wangping washed his hands, walked over to the radio to take a picture, and listened to the situation today.

【Weather forecast】

There will be moderate rain within 50 kilometers near Huo Niucheng tomorrow, and the wind will be two to three.

【Tips for Wasteland】

Stronger weapons bring more resources.

【Indescribable reminder】

Take the initiative!

【The sound of the wind】

"Hey, sigh, it hurts."

"It seems to be getting more and more serious. No, I have to speed up and resolve the matter on my uncle's side as soon as possible."

Listening to the voice on the radio, Chen Wangping showed anxiety.

This is Tang Xihe's voice.

What's up with her?

Chen Wangping didn't care about other content on the radio, so he took out the communicator and called Tang Xihe.

After a few beeps, the communicator is connected.

"Chen Wangping? What's wrong?"

Tang Xihe's voice was a little weak and lacked strength.

Chen Wangping asked, "What's wrong with you? Your voice is so weak?"

At this time, Tang Xihe was lying on the bed, with a hot water bottle on his abdomen, his face was pale and pale, holding the communicator, he replied weakly: "I have some abdominal pain, it's nothing, it will be fine in a few days, what's wrong with you? "

Chen Wangping understood, he glanced at the sauce maker, walked over and put peppers and eggs while asking, "Is the abdominal pain serious? I have some ways to relieve the abdominal pain. Do you want me to try it for you?"

Tang Xihe was weak at this time, and she wanted to see Chen Wangping, but she thought that Chen Wangping seemed to be busy and worried about affecting him, so she asked carefully, "Will it bother you?"

Chen Wangping said, "It's alright, where are you now? Should I go to my house or should I look for you?"

Tang Xihe was a little excited and said happily, "I'm in the outer city office. It's very quiet today. Come to me directly. I'll ask Aunt Ren to pick you up."

Chen Wangping agreed: "Then you wait a while, I'll go over later."

Tang Xihe hummed happily, hung up the communicator, and was just about to get up and get dressed, but at this time, her lower abdomen was tugging violently for a while, her brows were wrinkled in pain, and she couldn't move.

Even so, she raised her head and shouted, "Aunt Ren, come and wipe my face."


Putting down the communicator, Chen Wangping also breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

Judging from the situation just now, Mr. Tang may have had dysmenorrhea, but she said that it seemed to be getting worse, and she had to speed up and resolve the matter on her uncle's side as soon as possible.

What does severe dysmenorrhea have to do with speeding up?

After the settlement, is she going to leave?

Chen Wangping had a few thoughts in his mind, but then he shook his head and shook off these thoughts.

It's useless to think about it, just have a good time and talk about it.

Now that he knew that Tang Xi and the other side had no problem, he also re-read the contents of the radio in the notebook and analyzed it.

Light rain today, moderate rain tomorrow, the recent temperature may drop very quickly.

An autumn rain and a cold.

Fortunately, there is enough coal at home, and it is definitely no problem to spend the winter.

The information in the tips is also what Chen Wangping thought.

At present, my physique is not improving so fast. If you want to improve your strength as soon as possible, you must continue to click on the weapon technology tree.

Five hundred first-level mechanical crystals are required to continue to upgrade.

He walked to the storage box next to the manufacturing table and looked at it. During this time, he had accumulated a total of 214 first-level mechanical crystals.

The main limitation is magnetite, which cannot be mined automatically, and can only be mined manually by Chen Wangping.

"I'll dig another wave of magnetite when I come back, and upgrade the weapon series to another level early to see if there are any better weapons."

After putting away the first-level mechanical crystal, Chen Wangping went to the battery manufacturing station to check.

After this night, the furnace has converted 68 pieces of sulfur ore into sulfur powder, and sent it to the manufacturing station to make batteries.

However, the process of making batteries with sulfur powder is a bit long, and only two batteries were built in one night.

Chen Wangping took off the two fully charged batteries and put the two empty ones to charge.

After having a battery, I always feel that something is missing if I don't bring a few when I go out.

It's like in the past life, I always wanted to bring a power bank when I went out.

When you take it, you feel at ease.

It's not raining much today, and since he's entering the city again, Chen Wangping intends to drive there, so that the golden eagle can continue to temper his spirit while sitting in the co-pilot.

Two do not delay.

After a while, the machine gun off-road vehicle roared down the passage dug out by the small iron wood, and drove all the way towards Huo Niu City.

An hour later, Chen Wangping in disguise arrived at the Huoniu City Outer City Office. As soon as he walked to the door, he saw a middle-aged woman walking over with an umbrella. She had no expression on her face, not enthusiastic but not indifferent. .

From the radar point of view, the strength of this middle-aged woman is at the peak of the third level, including the strong.

After Ren Gui saw Chen Wangping, he glanced at him and found that he couldn't see through his breath.

This person is so young, could it be that he is the son of some great power?

Thinking of this, the expression on Ren Gui's face became a little more enthusiastic, and he smiled and said, "Is it Chen Wangping?"

Chen Wangping nodded and said nothing.

Ren Gui turned around and walked inside, "Come in with me, Miss is waiting for you in the room."

Soon, Chen Wangping walked into the room, Ren Gui didn't follow him, he closed the door and walked away.

Chen Wangping glanced at the radar, Ren Gui stopped ten meters away, and seemed to be worried about himself.

He didn't care, he walked quickly to the back room and saw Tang Xihe with a pale face.

At this time, she was combing her hair. When she saw Chen Wangping walking in, she was a little embarrassed and said, "You came so quickly, I haven't combed my hair yet."

Chen Wangping sat down and asked, "Have you eaten?"

Tang Xihe shook his head and said pitifully, "I have eaten all the braised pork, so I have no appetite."

Chen Wangping smiled, took out the prepared chili egg sauce pan and handed it over: "Try this, it can promote blood circulation, maybe it will ease."

Before receiving the pancake, Tang Xihe couldn't help swallowing when he smelled the chili egg sauce, and quickly sat up, took the chili egg sauce obediently, smiled embarrassedly, and lowered his head to eat.

Chen Wangping leaned back on the chair and watched Tang Xihe eat with a smile.

Watching her eat is also a kind of relaxation.

Just like Chen Wangping, Tang Xihe's face turned red immediately after taking a few bites, and he took a deep breath.

Chen Wangping handed over some warm water and said, "Eat slowly and drink some water, this pepper is quite spicy."

As soon as Tang Xihe drank the warm water, he immediately put down the cup, stuck out his tongue and said, "It's so hot, the more you drink, the more spicy it becomes."

Chen Wangping said helplessly: "In your special period, you should drink less cold water."

Tang Xihe smiled slyly, raised his head and shouted, "Aunt Ren, give me some warm milk, I want to drink it."

Ren Gui outside the house was a little puzzled after hearing it. He couldn't eat just now, so why do he want to drink milk now.

But it's good to be willing to drink milk. She went to the kitchen to take out the milk, warmed two cups, and delivered it to the door.

Chen Wangping took the milk, saw that there were two cups with the system light on them, and thanked him with a smile.

Ren Gui took a peek and saw that Tang Xihe's face was much better, and his face was replaced with a smile.

Closing the door, Chen Wangping looked at the milk curiously.

Just as I thought, Teacher Tang really has milk.

Not sure how it tastes.

Back in the room, Chen Wangping handed the milk to Tang Xihe, who took the milk and drank it in small sips, and soon recovered.

After the addiction, she took a sip of the pancake and the milk, and it was a pleasure to eat.

Chen Wangping looked at Tang Xihe and thought it was very interesting.

After watching for a while, he turned to look at the properties of milk.

【Fire Milk☆】

【Uses: food, medicinal materials】

[Special effect-warm: After drinking, it can improve the efficiency of physical exercise, absorption efficiency, and sleep efficiency]

[Remarks: Fire milk is very precious]

Can this thing actually improve three efficiencies?

so strong?

On the other side, seeing that Chen Wangping didn't drink milk, Tang Xihe raised his head and said, "Drink, this is fire milk, the yield is very low, but it tastes very good."

Chen Wangping smiled, picked it up and drank it. It seemed that the hot milk had not been processed too much, and it had a bit of a stinky smell, but the flaws were not concealed. www.readwn.com~ After a few mouthfuls, he could obviously feel the tingling sensation in his bones eased a little.

"The absorption efficiency improved by this fire milk and the sturgeon dragon fish king tendon can take effect at the same time? If there is enough fire milk, the time to digest the loach king bone will be shorter!"

Chen Wangping's eyes lit up.

This fire milk is a good thing, I have to find a way to get it.

Just like Chen Wangping likes to watch Tang Xihe, Tang Xihe has been watching Chen Wangping all the time, and he is also very proud when he finds that his eyes light up.

Soon, both of them finished drinking the milk, and Tang Xihe also finished eating the pancakes. After eating the chili and egg sauce pancakes, she could obviously feel her body warm, as if her blood was moving, and the stasis in her abdomen was good. The pain has eased a little bit, and it's not as painful as before.

Chen Wangping put down the cup and asked with concern, "How are you feeling? Are you feeling better?"

Tang Xihe nodded, "Much better, did you make this egg sauce yourself? It's delicious, I didn't expect it to have such an effect."

Chen Wangping took out the remaining three servings of chili egg sauce and handed them over: "Put it away, and eat it with rice when you have no appetite."

Tang Xihe was not polite, and took the chili egg sauce. She knew that Chen Wangping had the king loach bone, and she could naturally think that fire milk would have an effect on the absorption of the king loach bone. She covered the quilt, turned her head and asked, "Are you used to drinking the fire milk just now? I'll ask Aunt Ren to give you some to hold. Remember to drink it quickly, even if it's in the storage device. In two days, the effect will become very poor.”

Chen Wangping nodded, no wonder he had never seen Teacher Tang say that there is such a restriction on co-fired milk.

If that's the case, then we need to find a way to get a fire cow back.

Drink fresh every day.

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