Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 156: Petroleum crude oil

It is not difficult to build a shoulder-mounted bazooka.

But the easier this thing is, the more unsure Chen Wangping is.

This thing is shoulder-carrying, if you don't add some shock absorption, then the recoil after the launch can't give yourself a downfall all of a sudden!

Thinking of this, he rummaged through the storage compartment and found the brass he dug up earlier, and put it on the manufacturing bench to build the circuit board, and then build the shoulder-mounted bazooka.

[The shoulder-mounted rocket launcher is under construction, it is estimated to take 20 minutes]

After arranging these two items, Chen Wangping first called up the drawings of the machine gun wall to check.

[Energy Saving Drawing: Machine Gun Wall]

[Materials: [Gun Tip Wall] × 2, [Steel Plate] × 5, [Sulfur] × 10, [Circuit Board] × 5]

[Building method: manufacturing table]

[Note: The machine gun wall is an upgraded version of the gun tip wall]

After reading the blueprint, he didn't rush to build it, but called out the blueprint of the sniper rifle suit and looked at it.

【Standard Sniper Rifle】

【Material: 【Copper Plate】×10, 【Gear Set】×5, 【Steel Plate】×10, 【Wood】×5, 【Crystal】×5】

[Building method: manufacturing table]

[Remarks: Wooden stock can improve shooting stability]

【Sniper rifle bullet × 10】

【Material: 【Steel Plate】×5, 【Coal】×5, 【Sulfur】×50】

[Building method: manufacturing table/handmade]

[Note: sniper rifle bullets can be placed in armor-piercing magazines]

【Sniper Rifle Magazine】

【Material: 【Steel Plate】×2】

【Processing method: manufacturing table】

[Note: Special magazine for sniper rifle]

When he first saw the wood in the sniper rifle's construction material, Chen Wangping still didn't understand the use of this thing. After reading the remarks, he immediately understood.

If nothing else, the wooden stock is naturally shock-absorbing and heat-insulating, and it doesn't feel cold to the touch in winter.

Go back and find some special wood, and maybe add more exotic properties to the sniper rifle.

As for the crystal, he had guessed it. It is estimated that it is used as a scope for sniper rifles. At present, the glass cannot be found, but the crystal can be obtained from the psionic crystal ball.

Continuing to read the sniper rifle bullets, Chen Wangping turned his head and glanced in the direction of the extinct volcano.

From the current point of view, the creation of higher-level weapon series items requires the use of sulfur.

That being the case, either dig or grab.

Even if it is to dig, it is necessary to grab a piece of land before placing the mining machine.

It seems that there is bound to be a battle.

He walked to the manufacturing station, took out the corresponding materials and assigned the three manufacturing stations to the task of building sniper rifle suits.

[Standard sniper rifle is being built, it is estimated to take one hour]

[The sniper rifle bullet is being built, it is estimated to take half an hour]

After the arrangement was made, Chen Wangping didn't leave, standing next to the sniper rifle ammunition manufacturing station, watching intently.

With new bullets, it's time to visualize again.

Fifteen minutes later, a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"As soon as this bullet involves propellant, is the manufacturing process so complicated?"

If nothing else, the uniform ratio of the internal propellant will be busy for several minutes.

Looking at Chen Wangping's head is very big.

"Sniper rifle bullets are so complicated, aren't rocket bullets more complex?"

Chen Wangping took a sip of water and continued to watch silently.

Fifteen minutes later, a brand new ten-shot sniper rifle was created.

Chen Wangping took off the sniper rifle bullet, turned around quickly, took off the explosives made by another manufacturing station, and arranged the task of making rockets.

After finishing this, he immediately sat down with cross-legged eyes closed, and began to visualize the sniper rifle bullets with lightning energy according to the process he just wrote down.

This process was difficult. After only five minutes, an electric light appeared on Chen Wangping's body, and he was shocked.

Obviously, the first visualization of the sniper rifle bullet failed.

At this moment, Xiao Fang, or Xiao Fang, was standing on the ground wearing black clothes, looking at the No. 7 mine a hundred meters away from a distance, feeling very confused.

He actually didn't know what kind of character Chen Wangping was and whether he would cooperate with him.

But now that Fang Bie has found the clue, he has no time to hesitate any longer.

No matter how bad the situation is, could it be worse than it is now?

The clansmen are reduced to hard labor, and their relatives are reduced to bargaining chips. Every day is like a walking dead, and life is better than death.

Moreover, based on the information he had investigated, Xiao Fang speculated that Chen Wangping should be an animal and plant-based auxiliary ability.

After making up his mind, Xiao Fang hurried to the No. 7 mine, ready to talk to Chen Wangping to see what he thought.

in the mine.

Just when Chen Wangping was about to continue his visualization, he suddenly saw an unfamiliar red dot on the edge of the radar. Judging by the size of the red dot, his strength was at the peak of level three.

The red dot was very fast, and it came to the back of the mine in a flash, and then stopped.

A few seconds later, a voice came from the back of the mine: "Mine owner Chen, the heir of the Volcano tribe, Xiao Fang, seeks to see and conspire together."

Chen Wangping frowned, jumped up, flashed his figure, and appeared outside the mine. Behind him, the golden eagle who was cultivating also put down the psionic crystal, fluttered his wings and flew into the clouds along the vent. Little Ironwood also silently controlled the root system to grow rapidly towards the owner of the voice.

At the back of the mine, Chen Wangping saw that Xiao Fang was dressed in black with his hands raised, indicating that he had no weapons in his hands, and his face was not covered at all. He looked very sincere.

Looking at Xiao Fang's face, Chen Wangping felt a little familiar, but just now he was too mentally exhausted and couldn't think of it all at once, so he asked directly, "What volcano tribe? I haven't heard of it, why are you looking for me?"

Xiao Fang smiled bitterly, "Mine owner Chen, you may not be familiar with me, but I am very familiar with you. You killed Wang Jin, Guo Qikai, and Linglong, all of which were hidden from me. The reason why I said this, It's not that I have other ideas, it's that we don't have time to be polite."

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm just an ordinary miner, I've never killed anyone before."

Xiao Fang looked left and right, then raised his head and said, "Mine owner Chen, how about we go into the mine to chat? If you're worried, you can ask your Lingzhi to tie me up, I'll have nothing to say."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Okay, then don't struggle, be honest." He waved his hand, a dozen roots and branches sprang from the ground, tied Xiao Fang firmly in the air, and led him into a wide in the mine.

Chen Wangping followed behind and walked into the mine tunnel, and he was also a little murmured along the way.

Something's wrong, why is Xiao Fang's voice the same as the voice of 'City Lord Fang' he heard on the radio?

Could it be that the three brothers, the dragon, tiger and leopard in Lingdian, recognized the wrong person?


As for Xiao Fang's appearance, after a while, he remembered where he had seen it.

This Xiao Fang's appearance is very similar to that of the fruit-picking boy I saw yesterday, and it looks like a real brother.

Volcano tribe?

Chen Wangping seemed to understand Xiao Fang's intention.

After entering the mine tunnel, Xiao Fang didn't care that he was tied up, and said sincerely to Chen Wangping: "Mine owner Chen, I am the heir of the volcano tribe near the extinct volcano next to Los Angeles..."

Before he could continue, Chen Wangping suddenly interrupted: "I have seen your brother, it is in Zhao Sheng's hands."

When Xiao Fang heard the news, he immediately turned pale and asked anxiously, "How is my brother? Where did you meet him?"

Chen Wangping waved his hand, "Your brother is still alive, go on."

This heuristic method was also learned by him on the construction site from an old master. It is easier to get real information by interrupting the rhythm of strangers' conversation.

Sure enough, after hearing the news from his younger brother, Xiao Fang obviously became a lot more anxious, and continued to explain: "Fang Bie found our tribe when he was looking for sulfur near an extinct volcano five years ago. Forcibly suppressed our tribe, killed many of our tribe, and took me by his side, threatening me with the lives of my relatives and tribesmen to work for it and block his guns."

Chen Wangping said again and interrupted: "Linglong, Linghu, Lingbao, and the Fang City Lord you are pretending to see? Are you in the hall or Fang Bie?"

After listening to this, Xiao Fanglu was surprised, "How do you know these things? Could it be that there is someone from the eldest lady in the outer city government?"

Chen Wangping waved his hand, "How I know is not important, answer my question."

Xiao Fang was a little excited. Since he made up his mind to come here, the stronger Chen Wangping's strength and the more information he got, the better.

Just like just now, he never thought that Chen Wangping would meet his younger brother whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and even screamed that Zhao Sheng was in charge.


He replied: "That's right, about three years ago, Fang Bie used the collected sulfur to cultivate his abilities in the secret room. In order to conceal the news, it was me who took the token for him to meet the people in the spirit hall since then."

Chen Wangping frowned, "Using sulfur to cultivate abilities? What abilities can sulfur cultivate?"

Xiao Fang replied: "The shock ability, Fang's ability is related to vibration. He used the device dug out of the black oil ruins to make sulfur into explosives, and then detonated it, using the shock wave of the explosion to improve the level of the ability. , he has been promoted to the peak of the fourth-level last year, and I suspect that he may be on the edge of the fifth-level ability."

Chen Wangping wondered, "Is his darkroom in the city? Why has he never felt the vibration?"

Xiao Fang immediately replied: "The dark room is just 100 meters below the city lord's mansion in the outer city. As for the lack of vibration, that's because Fang Bie swallowed explosives in his belly when he was cultivating, and he digested all the vibrations."

Chen Wangping: "!!!!????"


Eating dynamite raw?

This is a cruel man.

From another angle, the strength of this side is indeed terrifying.

He turned his head to look at Xiao Fang, "Black Oil Ruins? Tell me about this."

Xiao Fang continued: "The black oil relic is an underground ancient relic on the north side of the Heishi Mine Slope. From time to time, black viscous oil will be spewed out of it, and poisonous gas is everywhere, which is very dangerous, but it also spews out from time to time. Some ancient equipment, such as Fang Bing's explosive machine and the hunter's gathering cannon, were dug out of the black oil ruins."

The more Chen Wangping listened to this black oil, the more familiar it became. He raised his head and asked, "Is there any black oil collected in your space device? Take it out and take a look."

Xiao Fang nodded, "All parties have collected some black oil for research, but this thing is useless, it feels like a waste of ancient ruins."

After he finished speaking, he waited for Little Tiemu to let go of his hand, took out a bottle of viscous oily liquid from the space device, and placed it on the branch.

Xiao Tiemu handed the thing to Chen Wangping and continued to bind Xiao Fang dutifully.

Chen Wangping took the black oil bottle, squatted down to open the lid, and dumped it a little on the ground.

Soon, the dark brown viscous liquid slowly flowed to the ground with a unique special smell.

Surprisingly, in addition to the system light, the liquid also had a faint green fluorescence that everyone could see. As it was poured out, the green fluorescence slowly disappeared.


【Use: Manufacturing raw materials】

[Mining way: pumping unit]

【Remarks: The drawing of the pumping unit will appear in the next level of the production series】

Chen Wangping was shocked when he saw this so-called black oil.

Is this scrap?

A bunch of illiterate people! Entering Baoshan without knowing it!

This is crude oil!

True industrial blood!

Not to mention, if there is crude oil, LPG can be directly decomposed to produce sulfuric acid.

Going further, the advanced fuels required for aircraft, tanks and cannons must be produced by crude oil.

That black oil relic might be built on the oil field!

Chen Wangping put the crude oil back into the bottle, turned his hand and put it away.

Seeing that Chen Wangping seemed to be very interested in black oil, Xiao Fang continued to add: "Fang Bie has always been very concerned about the items produced in the black oil ruins, and has been asking me to carry out the cleaning plan, Wang Jin next door, It was also one of the targets of the cleaning, but he died in your hands. I investigated this matter before, but I didn't report it, including the death of the three Linglong, Linghu, Lingbao and three people in your hands later. It was concealed, but yesterday you brought the cow back from the outer city's main mansion, and he was concerned about it. In addition, he also found out that you were in the No. 7 mine through other means. He specially asked me to investigate you today. The news can't be hidden. Stay, we have to work together."

After hearing this, Chen Wangping smiled, shook his head, walked to Xiao Fang and said seriously: "Xiao Fang, you are wrong, he asked you to investigate not me, but yourself, he didn't know that I got Wang Jin's hands. I got something, but he can investigate what you are hiding. To him, I'm just an ordinary passerby, but your reaction is what he pays attention to. Why do you hide information for me? It's because my strength can Kill the people in the temple? Or because you want to rebel and get freedom?"

After listening to Xiao Fang's words, Chen Wangping could guess without his supplement.

Xiao Fang found out that he killed Wang Jin after killing the three brothers, Linglong, Linghu, Lingbao.

It is precisely because of the rapid progress of his own strength that Xiao Fang, who was already seeking freedom, subconsciously concealed it for himself and did not come directly to ask for trouble.

To put it simply, Fang Bie's main goal now is to investigate Xiao Fang's loyalty, and the second is to **** Wang Jin's relic from himself.

After Xiao Fang heard Chen Wangping's analysis, he was immediately stunned.

He lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then sorted it out again as an outsider, and suddenly a cold sweat broke out behind him.

The authorities are fans, they really think wrong.

Although some preparations have been made, but if you make a rash move, even if you can ask Chen Wangping to join him~www.readwn.com~, the success rate is extremely low, but it will lead to a large number of deaths and injuries in the tribe.

Maybe the younger brother will also be reduced to his current end.

Xiao Fang asked subconsciously, "Then, Brother Ping, what should I do? I can't really fight with you, so I'll take you back."

Hearing this, Chen Wangping couldn't hold back and laughed out loud, "Xiao Fang, why do you think you can beat me? It's only a third-level peak, are you stronger than Linglong Linghu Lingbao?"

Xiao Fang shook his head and said, "I can feel that there are fourth-level spirit beasts and fourth-level spirit plants in your base. Although I can't beat them, I can beat you. My ability is sulfur poisonous mist. It's burning, and if it really starts, you won't be able to get out."

But he didn't expect that Chen Wangping's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he stepped forward and asked, "Sulphur poisonous mist? You can actually produce sulfur? Is it large? Hurry up and show me something."

Xiao Fang was puzzled, what's the situation?

Why was he inexplicably excited?

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