Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 159: New instrument

Chen Wangping looked at the rain and was about to go home.

When he turned his head, he found some faint khaki rays of light emerging from the foot of the mountain next to him, which looked very inconspicuous.

If it wasn't for the rain just getting smaller, he really wouldn't have been able to spot the light.

"The khaki glow? What is this?"

Chen Wangping walked over curiously, ready to take a look.

A few minutes later, he walked to the foot of the mountain and found that only some of the khaki light was exposed on the ground, and more were hidden underground.

Looking closely, these rays of light are all emanating from some delicate soil, which is very peculiar.

Looking at the soil, Chen Wangping was overjoyed, and squatted down and stretched out his hand to dig.


It's clay!

Now you don't have to go to the river to dig, you can go home and build a feed machine.

The clay here feels very good, he stretched out his hand and kneaded it, a ball for a while, a cake for a while, and got back a little childhood feeling.

【Yellow Clay☆】

【Use: Bonding】

[Special effects-adhesion: the finished product made of yellow clay is easier to condense]

[Note: Yellow clay must be washed out in water]

"Does it have to be washed out in water?"

Chen Wangping digged the yellow clay and drenched it in the rain, and found that it was true.

The rain will wash down the ordinary soil attached to the yellow clay, leaving a sticky yellow clay.

He pondered while digging: "However, this special effect looks a little weird, and the finished product is easier to condense, is this good or bad?"

For now, the feed machine made out of this clay is used to make feed, so it should be fine even if the thing is coagulated into lumps.

These chickens, quails, and ox teeth raised at home are all good.

Try it out first.

Chen Wangping digs harder and harder, and is very devoted.

At this moment.

Fire Bull City Outer City.

Xiao Fang walked into the dark room with some trepidation. Fortunately, it was dark enough here, and Fang Bie didn't notice it.

"Tell me, what did you investigate?"

Xiao Fang lowered his head, remembered what Chen Wangping had explained, and respectfully reported: "Sir, after investigation, I found out that this Chen Wangping is the nephew of Tang Huoniu, and his father is the illegitimate son of Tang Huoniu's father. Weapons, killing Wang Jin is easy."

"What? Tang Huoniu's nephew?"

Fang Bian sat up in disbelief when he heard the news.

But he thought about it based on the information he had obtained, and found that it was really the case.

"No wonder Tang Xihe has a close relationship with him, and the co-authors are cousins? In just one month, this kid's strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and he can even contract the No. 7 mine. It turned out that Tang Huoniu was standing behind him."

Fang Bie nodded in satisfaction. The person he sent just now also reported that Xiao Fang was beaten by Chen Wangping and was injured.

If Chen Wangping is Tang Huoniu's nephew, it is normal to do this.

The power of the relic weapon has little to do with the strength of the user, as long as there is energy.

When he got this information, he was both surprised and a little disappointed. He was surprised by Chen Wangping's identity, and disappointed because it turned out that Chen Wangping's strength soared all because of his uncle.

Fang Bie waved his hand and said, "Being able to investigate this news shows that you are still you. But! You can't just forget about the news you hid from me before. I am a person with clear rewards and punishments. I will reward you with a hundred pieces of sulfur as a cultivation resource. I will punish you for not being able to meet your relatives for the next year, so go ahead."

Xiao Fanglu said anxiously: "But, my lord, you promised me to see my brother before." His expression was very accurate.

Fang Bie turned around and said, "Look at your future performance, don't let me find out what you are hiding from me! Cultivation with peace of mind, and reward you with fifty pieces of sulfur ore."

Xiao Fang gritted his teeth unwillingly, cupped his hands and said, "Yes, thank you sir."

After leaving the dark room, Xiao Fang glanced at the direction of the No. 7 mine, and his heart filled with admiration.

Brother Chen is really amazing, he really guessed Fang's thoughts!

This time, I got another hundred and fifty pieces of sulfur ore, and I sent them to him when I turned around.

I hope Brother Chen can succeed!

After making up his mind, Xiao Fang hurriedly left, preparing to secretly investigate what Chen Wangping told him.

Yongjiang River.

Lingdao has already tried his best to get here, he panted and looked around, very anxious.

But looking at it, his heart froze.

The lower reaches of the Yongjiang River don't even have a fisherman, it's quiet.

"Where's the man? Where's the gun?"


After half an hour.

Chen Wangping put away the shovel, took out a jar of river water, and asked the golden eagle to help him turn it upside down, cleaning the soil on his hands with satisfaction.

"It would be great if I could bring the little carp out, and I can take a bath then."

Jin Diao saw through Chen Wangping's thoughts at a glance, and when he finished washing his hands, he flapped some clay on his hands with one wing, and then flew to the side and laughed.

Chen Wangping: "......"

He continued to wash his hands with the river water, and said in a hurry, "Isn't it right, your meat is gone."

As soon as this statement came out, the golden eagle immediately became anxious. It felt a little bit of clay on its wings, and shook it flatteringly, indicating that I also have it now.

Chen Wangping was amused by its appearance, and threw it across the river: "Clean it up and prepare to go home."

Thanks to the heavy rain, he just dug [Yellow Clay]×42.

Enough for eight feeders.

Soon, one person and one sculpture returned to the base.

Chen Wangping walked to the manufacturing table, took out the material of the feed machine and put it on it, selected the drawings of the feed machine and started to build it.

[The first-level feed machine is under construction, and it is expected to take one hour]

After arranging the task, he first ate some loach king bones and sturgeon dragon fish king tendons, and then walked to the sniper rifle bullet manufacturing station again and watched intently.

Visualize the sniper bullet first, so that you can visualize the bazooka with more gunpowder inside.

An hour later, Chen Wangping shook his head, picked up the water chestnuts and gnawed it.

Dizzy, too tired to watch this stuff.

Go to the chicken.

He walked over to the manufacturing table and reached out to take down the already built first-class feeder.

The first-level feed machine looks a bit like a water dispenser. There is a large conical injection port on the top~www.readwn.com~ and there are two discharge ports at the bottom. It seems that it can produce two kinds of feed.

【First-class feed machine】

【Power: 3kW】

[Special effects-adhesion: the first-level feed machine can produce pelleted feed and agglomerated feed]

[Durability: 3000/3000]

[Note: Large-sized livestock prefer block feed]

"Meaning this cow likes hard grass?"

Chen Wangping stuffed a piece of worm meat into the feed inlet doubtfully, and a prompt quickly appeared on it:

[Feed raw materials: insect meat (1/5), plants (0/5)]

Chen Wangping tried to throw in another four pieces of worm meat, clicked the forge button, and found that he could also forge it this way.

It's pure meat.

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