Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 174: Appear!

Chen Wangping could see that these three elders deserved to be the peak of the fourth level, and the free spirits released were all powerful, and some even had weapons in their hands.


When he rushed over, the division of labor was clear, some attackers grabbed legs.


I don't know how many people these three elders murdered to condense so many spiritual slaves.


Tang Xihe Jian could no longer run, she retreated sharply, raised her hand and waved countless fiery snakes, and Chen Wangping said, "His target is me, you find a chance to hit him!"


The Fire Snake itself has some restraint on the free spirit body, but the strength of the two is really a hard gap.


Plus it's raining again now.


The bean-sized raindrops themselves will affect the fire snake.


During the battle, as soon as the Fire Snake touched the free spirit body, it was torn to shreds and retreated step by step.


Seeing that the overall situation is settled, the third elder smiled kindly: "Tang Xihe, don't be stubborn, don't worry, I won't touch you, our goal is only the key, then if you change the key, presumably your uncle will agree. "


Tang Xihe angrily said, "Don't even think about it! Even if I commit suicide, I won't be taken away by you!"


Hearing this, the kindness on the third elder's face disappeared instantly, and he said with a wicked smile: "I don't know what is good or bad, but I want to see if you have a chance to commit suicide."


He waved his hands, and once again summoned countless ghosts from his body to grab Tang Xihe. At the same time, he also condensed his spiritual energy, turned it into a ball of light and shot one after another, with a very ferocious attack.


Next to the tree, Chen Wangping seized the chance to catch his breath, raised his hand and took out the sniper rifle, and a sniper shot towards the third elder's chest.


The third elder felt Chen Wangping's action, and dismissively thickened a layer of spiritual shield, which easily blocked the bullets of the sniper rifle.


Chen Wangping, who was beside the tree, didn't care about the result after shooting that shot. He cut out the rocket launcher in seconds and pointed it forward and pressed the launch button directly.


After pressing the launch button, Chen Wangping rushed forward, blocked Tang Xihe and took out the giant beetle armor, hugged Tang Xihe and hid under the armor.




Tang Xihe exclaimed, subconsciously hugged Chen Wangping with his backhand, and lowered his head.




A distance of just 20 meters is an instant explosion for a rocket.


When the three elders realized that the power of the ammunition was not right this time, it was too late.


The violent blast mixed with the shrapnel instantly tore the third elder's thickened spiritual shield, directly breaking one of his arms, and the shock of the shock caused black blood to flow from his mouth.


"Looking for death!"


The third elder was furious. He could feel that the remaining rocket head was about to explode. He quickly waved the spirit staff to control the spirit slave to throw the rocket head far away, and then controlled the ball of light to smash the two people under the vest. .


Chen Wangping hugged Tang Xihe and rolled sideways to avoid the ball of light, and let go of his hand to help her stand up, "It didn't kill a single rocket? That shield is too thick!"


Tang Xihe continued to control the fire snake to block the spirit slaves and explained: "The elders like them must already have the super-elemental weapons I told you about last time. You can see that the position of his torso is completely intact, he must be wearing them. Something special that can both protect the body and improve elemental control."


The third elder spit out the blood in his mouth: "You are knowledgeable, to tell the truth, I am in the water turtle armor rewarded by the temple master, and I specially deal with you fire-type abilities, even if Tang Huo Niu comes, it will not hurt me! Damn it! The boy, hurt my arm today, I must condense you into a spirit slave, so tortured!"


Water turtle shell?


This thing sounds like a good thing.


The problem is that it's a little hard to get good things when they're on others.


The third elder saw that Chen Wangping and Tang Xihe had no intention of giving up their resistance, and no longer persuaded them, and took the initiative to chase after them with countless spirit slaves.

The speed at which the two of them retreated was not as fast as the speed at which the third elder advanced.


Seeing that she was about to be caught, Tang Xihe gritted her teeth, and the energy source in her body throbbed suddenly. She saw scorching heat all over her body, and even her hair began to turn red, obviously it was not normal. condition.


"Is it useful?"


The third elder grinned, reaching out and grabbing towards the two of them.


Tang Xihe turned his head and stretched out his hand to stop him and shouted, "Run, you haven't visualized it yet. I'll hold him back. You and Jin Diao have dealt with Zhao Sheng and come back to help me."


But at this time, Chen Wangping did stretch out his hand to hold Tang Xihe's shoulders, and shouted, "Calm down, look at me." After speaking, he did not retreat, but advanced, and the tender seedlings of lightning in his body slammed and pumped out in an instant. Large stocks of lightning energy. This energy flowed through his body and limbs, and immediately raised the speed to an extreme.




I saw Chen Wangping's figure flashing, and he instantly approached the third elder, and threw a fist at the third elder's chest.


"The mantis arm is the car!"


Relying on the water turtle shell, the third elder didn't care about Chen Wangping's punch at all. Instead, he raised his chest and stretched out his hand to grab Chen Wangping's head with the strong wind.




Seeing this, Tang Xihe anxiously waved the fire snake to block the third elder's hand.


But the third elder's hand grabbed the fire snake directly, and he was about to catch Chen Wangping's head.




Chen Wangping's head lit up, and his fist hit the third elder's chest.


In the torrential rain in the dark night, a dazzling blue-purple light lit up.




As soon as the third elder touched the thunder and lightning, he immediately felt a piercing pain. He hurriedly retracted his hand, retreated violently, and exclaimed: "You turned out to be the lightning power! How is it possible! Huo Niu City does not have the lightning power! Could it be that you came from Tang Xihe from the land of fire?"


As everyone knows, at this time, Tang Xihe was also in shock. She never thought that the lightning power user she was looking for was actually by her side~www.readwn.com~ But Chen Wangping didn't speak at all, and Leiguang was under his feet. Surging, continued to catch up with the third elder, raised his hand and punched him in the chest again.


The third elder also came back to his senses at this time, and he took out a wooden spirit staff and smashed it on Chen Wangping's head.


Compared with Linglong and the others, the elders of Lingdian had more experience in dealing with lightning power users, and immediately thought of using a wooden staff to fight back.


But the third elder forgot that it was raining now.


Chen Wangping didn't retreat at all, he punched the third elder in the chest while raising his hand to block the wooden staff, exerting strength again.


The dazzling electric light spread all the way along the rainwater on the wooden staff to the hands of the third elder, and his hands were scorched by the electricity again.


Before he could figure out the key point, a piercing pain hit his chest again, which was so painful!


The third elder looked down and saw that a row of three small holes had been smashed out of the water turtle shell on his chest!


In these three small holes, there are actually three strands of lightning energy that are drilling into his body.


How is this possible?


Even if he is a lightning power user, it is impossible to break the turtle shell!


Lightning energy rushed in along the pierced flesh and blood, instantly scorching the internal organs of the third elder.


"You, when did you do it! It's impossible!"

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