Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 180: Harvest

Looking back, Chen Wangping estimated the range of the Lingdian tent.

These tents are relatively scattered. If there is a sneak attack, fifty rockets will be fired at the same time, and the area will be fully ploughed.

Go back and save the rockets.

Blast it in a wave of Spirit Hall!

Even if you can't kill the second hall master, you can kill those elders!

As for the launchers who fired the rockets at the same time, they would have to go to the Volcano Tribe to pick them out and find some smart people with good health and brains to act as rocket soldiers.

After thinking about this, Chen Wangping also went to the vicinity of the volcano tribe.

Before he could get close, he saw two people wearing clothes similar to those of Zhao Sheng's yesterday patrolling. From a distance, they looked the same as yesterday.

Fortunately, Chen Wangping remembered the faces of the two and knew that they were from the Volcano tribe.

After the two patrolling saw the golden eagle, they knew that the benefactor was coming, and quickly turned around and shouted.

When Chen Wangping landed, Xiao Fang and Xiao Yuan were already waiting at the door, and the rest of the people also stood at the door spontaneously, waiting for Chen Wangping to come over.

After Chen Wangping landed, he took a look and found that the place had been swept clean, everyone had changed into clean clothes, and their faces were much rosier, filled with happy smiles, and still a little excited at this time.

Xiao Fang went to Qianhui to report: "Brother Chen, yesterday we have sorted out the spoils, a total of 413 Fire Bull City gold coins, 76 sulfur mines, 16 sets of weapons and armor, Guns and ammunition for 20 people, one space device, three trucks, and some food supplies, gold coins and weapons have been loaded into the space device, and the sulphur mine has been placed in the back warehouse." After speaking, he put his All the space bracelets were handed to Chen Wangping.

Chen Wangping took the space bracelet and looked at it. He took three hundred Huo Niu City gold coins and handed the space bracelet over with his backhand, "You take it, go back and ask someone to drive to Huo Niu City to buy some supplies for the winter. Improve the food."

Xiao Fang took the space bracelet and felt the more than 100 Fire Bull City gold coins in it. He was very excited and nodded again and again.

When Xiao Yu next to him saw Xiao Fang's reaction, she knew that Chen Wangping must have left a lot of money, and she felt relieved and hugged her tightly.

Chen Wangping turned his head to look at the people of the volcano tribe, and said loudly: "Everyone sit down, don't be so nervous, just rest when you need to rest."

When the people of the volcano tribe heard this, they nodded and dispersed, feeling more favorable towards Chen Wangping in their hearts.

Xiao Fang led Chen Wangping into the warehouse.

Chen Wangping entered the warehouse, reached out and put the seventy-six squares of sulfur ore into the storage compartment. In total, he harvested [Sulfur Ore☆]×540, and [Sulfur Ore☆☆]×228.

Enough to make fifteen rockets!

From the calculation of the storage grid, one side of sulfur ore is equivalent to ten pieces of sulfur ore, which is equivalent to one hundred parts of sulfur powder. In terms of quality, it is seven or three points, and high-quality ones account for 30%.

After making the calculations, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction.

Although the harvest of sulphur ore from 76 Fang is not too much this time, the main reason is that Zhao Shenggang sent a wave to Fang Bie not long ago, and there is not much inventory.

As long as the people of the Volcano Tribe rest well, the harvest of sulfur ore will continue.

Seeing that Chen Wangping was in a good mood, Xiao Fang walked over and said, "Brother Chen, I have to go back to the city later, and I can't leave Fangbie's side for too long. You can just tell my sister-in-law and brother about the next thing, we both last night. It's been negotiated."

Xiao Yu quickly walked two steps: "Don't worry, benefactor, Xiao Fang has already said that you need sulfur ore. I have arranged for a few recovered people to mine today. According to estimates, we can mine ten sulphur mines every day in a week's time. You can send someone to pick up the sulphur ore around the square, or we can deliver it to you.”

Hearing this, Chen Wangping raised his hand and interrupted, frowning: "Wait, call everyone up, what kind of mines are you digging if your health is not well maintained? Do you take me as Zhao Sheng?"

Xiao Yuan was stunned after hearing this, "My eldest brother and I both thought you were in a hurry. The few people who went to mine recovered very quickly, and they won't dig for too long."

Chen Wangping was a little helpless, but these people were very real, and they went mining again after a night's rest.

It seems that last night's trip was not in vain, and I met an honest man.

He said earnestly: "I understand your feelings, but you also know that mining is not a matter of one or two days. If you are in a hurry, take care of your body first. After a while, I will give you some detoxification herbs to detoxify."

Seeing this, Xiao Yu quickly asked Xiao Fang to call for someone to come up, she hugged Nan Nan with a wry smile: "Benefactor, in fact, we have no way to repay you, to be honest, even if it is the detoxification grass, we don't know. How to repay."

Xiao Yuan nodded, "Brother Chen, you know, even if we don't deliberately dig sulfur mines, we will inhale a lot of poisonous gas while living and cultivating here. The average life expectancy is only 60 years old, and my father is in his early 40s. He died, and after the detoxification herb was distributed last night, everyone spontaneously wanted to dig sulfur mines, thinking of changing more detoxification herbs for the children."

Chen Wangping thought about it and explained: "The cultivation speed of detoxification grass is not very fast. I am also working **** the research. The research process requires a lot of worm bones. After two days, you can rest. Xiao Yuan organizes people to go out and kill some volcanic jets. worm, collect its heart and bones."

Hearing this, Xiao Yuan nodded immediately, "Jet bugs? No problem, our tribe is very experienced in dealing with these bugs!"

He is not afraid of Chen Wangping's assignment of tasks now, but he is afraid that Chen Wangping's assignments are not enough.

Busy for the future hope of the tribe, no matter how busy he is, he will not feel tired.

Chen Wangping looked at Xiao Yuan's excited look, and reminded him: "Be sure to rest well before going back, dispatch in the evening, be safe first, don't move closer to Luocheng, if you encounter someone in the spiritual hall wearing a black robe, flee immediately."

Xiao Yuan nodded, took out the notebook and wrote down one by one.

What Chen Wangping didn't know was that in the case of the death of the third elder, the second hall master had already ordered to shrink the manpower and forbid leaving in private, but instead protected the newly reborn Volcano tribe.

After a while, Xiao Fang came up with four or five miners wearing long sleeves.

Among the four or five people, the young man who led the mining looked young, but he was tall and strong. After he saw Chen Wangping, he hurriedly came over and patted his chest, cracking, "Benefactor, my strangeness. Maybe you can use the absorption of sulfur to strengthen the body, the body is great, it's nothing to go down to dig, don't worry about me, let me go down and dig some more mines, you saved us, I can't do nothing and lie down Well then."

Chen Wangping smiled after listening, patted the man on the shoulder and said, "What's your name? What's your strength."

"My name is Xiao Tieniu~www.readwn.com~ I'm already in the mid-2nd stage, and I just advanced last night!"

Chen Wangping almost couldn't hold back his smile after hearing the name.

Xiao Tieniu? Little Iron Bull?

He patted Xiao Tieniu on the shoulder and said, "Mining can't be rushed. You can strengthen your body by absorbing sulfur, so is there any poisonous gas in your body? Will it affect your subsequent promotion?"

Xiao Tieniu said in a stern voice, "If I can advance to the third level in my life, the ancestral tombs are smoked, and I can't care about poisonous gas."

Chen Wangping looked left and right, and said helplessly: "Look at the surrounding environment, is it difficult to get some green smoke? You have to have ambition, what is the third level."

As soon as the voice fell, a large plume of yellow and green smoke burst out from a small hill in the distance, overwhelming the sky.

When Xiao Tieniu heard the sound, he widened his eyes in shock and said, "Damn it, my grandfather died there, it's really smoking!"

Chen Wangping: "......"

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