Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 195: Get the board

Putting away the two D alloys, Chen Wangping suddenly remembered the LD alloy dissolving agent he had obtained from Wang Jin.

He hadn't asked Tang Huoniu about the Seventh Research Institute.

The reason is also very simple.

The third key is in his own hands, and this matter is very sensitive.

After the black oil ruins are busy, their strength will increase, and then they will go to the Seventh Research Institute.

He frowned, "This is D alloy? The LD dissolving agent obtained from Wang Jin before is used to dissolve LD alloy. What is the connection between these two alloys?"

Chen Wangping is still unknown and can only be reserved for later attempts.

Soon, he squatted down, broke open the armor on the chest of the mechanical puppet, searched carefully, and found that the circuit board inside was shining with a faint green light:

【Repair module circuit board (damaged)】

[Use: Manufacturing and maintenance robots]

[Special effect-over-limit maintenance: After the maintenance robot is repaired, the upper limit of the durability of the maintenance equipment can be increased]

[Remarks: The baked pot will not smash]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping glanced at the front door in surprise, "This thing turns out to be a maintenance robot?"

Could it be that so many in the main entrance are all maintenance robots?

so much?

So, what about those devices that need servicing?

Are they all hidden in other vaults in the Quartermaster Department?

Chen Wangping was a little itchy.

Have to find a chance to enter the main entrance to explore.

As for now, he quickly disassembles the maintenance module circuit board, preparing to take it back and put it on the manufacturing bench to analyze it, see if it can be repaired, and make good use of it.

At present, the durability of some stone furnaces and crafting benches at home is about to bottom out, and he is worried about how to repair it.

This is not a chance.

And it is still a higher level of maintenance, and the durability can be improved after repairing.


Chen Wangping moved quickly, and soon collected [Maintenance Module Circuit Board (Damage)] × 12, [D Alloy] × 38 on the nine mechanical puppets.

When digging, he found that the number of circuit boards in these mechanical puppets was also different, some had only one, and some had two, presumably because of the different division of labor.

He didn't waste the remaining iron lumps, and put them away together, ready to take them back and smelt them in the steel furnace to see what good things could be smelted.

Tang Xihe also sorted out the team at this time, came over and patted his chest and said: "Fortunately, you came here. Those who fell down earlier also woke up after drinking the juice of the antidote, and the loss of personnel was not large."

Chen Wangping smiled, just when he saw Tang Xihe's hair hanging down, he naturally reached out to help her pull it behind her ear.

Before she could put it away, he saw that her ears were red.

Tang Xihe was a little embarrassed and pointed to the firewood room next to him: "Would you like to go in and have a look? The firewood house who led the team didn't have time to go in last time. Now that you can restrain those iron bumps, you can just try to grab some refreshment. medicine."

Chen Wangping also had this intention. He followed Tang Xihe to the firewood room on the right and made a directional detection.

Well, there are eight mechanical puppets hidden inside.

Judging from the light spot of the red square, it should have just run in.

Tang Xihe made a gesture, and there were several city guards beside him who ran over carrying a golden pillar, aimed at the door lock above the firewood house, and rammed it hard.

Seeing Chen Wangping puzzled, she explained, "This key was obtained outside before. After trying a few times, I found this way to open the door. It can be opened by hitting the door."

Chen Wangping nodded and warned: "Eight mechanical puppets ran in just now, and let them retreat immediately after hitting them."

Tang Xihe nodded and explained immediately.

Chen Wangping poured a bottle of water on his body, and at the same time the electric light surged in his hand, ready to shoot at any time.

Now there is a lot of lightning energy in the body. Although the wave just spent 3,000 points of lightning energy, it is only one-sixth. With the reply of the water turtle shell, there is no need to worry!

"Boom, boom"

The city guards used force one after another, knocking the right firewood door open in a few strokes.

At the moment when the right door was opened, the maintenance robot that had fled inside seemed to be stimulated. Two large knives suddenly appeared from the hands that were originally fists, and then they swung their arms vigorously, aiming the sixteen large knives at the same time. The city guards who were blocking the main entrance threw it.

"Side away!"

Chen Wangping shouted immediately, and he also pulled Tang Xihe to the side.

Fortunately, he had reminded before that these city guards had already fled to the side after hitting the door.

For a time, the large blades thrown by these maintenance robots did not hurt everyone.

But when everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Wangping suddenly realized something was wrong. He raised his hand and aimed at several large blades flying in the air and released electric arrows, and instantly knocked down eight large blades.

But that's not enough.

After the remaining big blades flew out of the right firewood room, they drew an arc in the air and smashed obliquely on the front door previously sealed by Chen Wangping.

"No, run away!"

Chen Wangping reacted and rushed over immediately, preparing to take out the steel plate to block the position where the big blade hit.

But at this moment, those seemingly inconspicuous big blades suddenly spun by themselves, like an electric drill, humming a big hole in the steel plate.

In the next second, countless poisonous gas was released again along the big hole towards the outside, and even the dozen or so larger mechanical puppets inside were reactivated, smashed the front door with a punch of red light, and rushed out. .


Seeing that there was not much poison gas out, Tang Xihe raised his hand to condense small fire snakes and threw them at the feet of the mechanical puppets to explode, blocking their speed, and at the same time abandoning the right firewood house, and rushing outside with the city guards.

Chen Wangping shouted quickly: "You go out to rest first, don't wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, he did not retreat but advanced~www.readwn.com~ Relying on the ability of the mugwort fossil in his arms to disperse poisonous gas, the electric light surged under his feet, and he rushed into the right firewood room at high speed, punched the maintenance robot in succession, and quickly Its beat down.

Seeing that the giant mechanical puppets outside had not come yet, Chen Wangping quickly swept across the shelves above the right firewood room, and at a glance saw the three jars with the words "calling gods" written in Xiaozhuan. in the grid.

Before he could check the attributes carefully, he immediately grabbed the mechanical puppet on the ground, put it away, and rushed towards the door of the woodshed.

At this time, Tang Xihe had already escaped from the secret vault with the city guards.

The dozen or so giant mechanical puppets who lost their targets all turned their heads, raised their arms far away at the right firewood room, activated a larger blade, and threw their arms towards Chen Wangping.

"Swish swish"

Chen Wangping had already rushed to the door. Seeing that a dozen large blades flew over, he could only suspend his escape and retreat to the right firewood to avoid the edge.

"This big guy, the circuit board on his body must be better."

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