Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 207: Upgrade production technology!

Chen Wangping thought about it for a while, but he hasn't come up with the most suitable use for the time being. He can only throw the giant robot circuit board into the manufacturing bench to choose and analyze it, and then look at the drawings.

[In the analysis of the giant robot circuit board, the estimated time is one hour]

Seeing that it only took an hour, Chen Wangping nodded and walked to the wooden storage box next to him with anticipation.

He took out the first-class mechanical crystals and carefully counted them. Counting the newly created ones in the past two days, the number of first-class mechanical crystals has reached 513, which is enough to upgrade the production technology!

Finally got enough!

He couldn't wait to open the technology tree, and chose the production technology to upgrade.

【Congratulations on your successful upgrade of production technology】

[You have unlocked the production series [Petroleum Refinery] blueprint, [Chemical Plant] blueprint, and [Magnetic Furnace] blueprint]

Only three blueprints were given away in the tech tree this time, but all three were blueprints that Chen Wangping desperately needed.

【Petroleum Refinery】

【Use: Refining petroleum】

【Material: 【Circuit Board】×20, 【Gear】×20, 【Pipe】×10, 【Steel Plate】×50, 【Stone】×20】

[Building method: secondary manufacturing platform]

[Remarks: The oil refinery is more polluted and requires higher ventilation]

【Chemical Plant】

【Use: Utilize petroleum to manufacture petroleum products】

【Material: 【Circuit Board】×20, 【Gear】×10, 【Pipe】×40, 【Steel Plate】×50】

[Building method: secondary manufacturing platform]

[Remarks: Chemical plants are polluting and have high requirements for ventilation]

[Energy Saving Drawing: Magnet Stove]

【Use: to produce magnets】

【Material: 【Steel Furnace】×1, 【Magnetic Coil】×40】

[Building method: secondary manufacturing platform]

[Note: Large instruments that are not non-magnet stoves cannot be placed near the magnet stove]

After reading the two oil-related drawings, Chen Wangping frowned.

These two things are very polluting. If they continue to be released into the underground river, it is very likely to break the power generation environment balance that has been created with great difficulty.

No, it has to be put in another place.

Chen Wangping glanced at the back mountain, thinking that he would simply build a fence around the back mountain and place an oil refinery and chemical plant in the open air.

It shouldn't be a problem to do this in a short time.

After all, the consumables for these two things are very large, and the steel plate alone will cost hundreds of yuan, and it is not easy to expand the scale.

"So many consumables, presumably the effect should be very good."

Chen Wangping took out the materials in anticipation and placed them on two secondary manufacturing platforms, and chose to build them one by one.

[The oil refinery is under construction, it is estimated that it will take five hours]

[The chemical plant is under construction, it is estimated that it will take five hours]

Chen Wangping frowned at the hint that appeared, "It takes a long time to build such a large-scale building, and one manufacturing machine can only make more than four machines a day at full power."

He glanced at the first-level energy-saving plug-ins of the collection series on the technology tree, thinking that since there are energy-saving plug-ins, there may be efficient plug-ins in the future, and we will study them later.

Recovering his thoughts, Chen Wangping glanced at the magnet reserve.

After building these 500 first-class mechanical crystals, there is not a single magnet in the house.

He reluctantly picked up the lightning strike iron wood pickaxe and ran towards the magnetite.

Quickly dig some magnets and hit a few magnet stoves to see the effect.

After arriving at the mine, Chen Wangping skillfully picked up the mining pick and aimed it at the large magnet and smashed it. After drinking the strong tonic, his current strength has increased a lot, and he can smash a pick with a pick. Large holes, the efficiency is doubled.

Not to mention, this feeling of smashing mines is pretty good. The more he smashes, the more he feels the sudden increase in the power in his body, and his whole body is comfortable.

At this moment, in the black oil ruins.

Tang Xihe, who led the team to explore the medical department, was in a fierce battle at this time. Her enemies were a group of humanoid monsters who were not afraid of death. Each monster had many long tentacles all over its body. It's extremely annoying, but it can't be beaten to death.

It seemed that he was about to be killed, but the monster was not slippery. Once seriously injured, he immediately fled to the rear with the help of the tentacles, and appeared alive again a few minutes later.

Fortunately, these monsters are not very strong in combat, and their tentacles are not as powerful as those mutant octopuses outside. The battle situation is now in a stalemate. If it continues to drag on, Tang Xihe will definitely return without success this time.

The commander of the city guards who led the team shouted loudly: "Miss, should we quit? The brothers are all tired, and this ghost can't be killed!"

Tang Xihe glanced at his watch, and suddenly remembered what Chen Wangping had explained. She quickly explained, "Everyone take out the windbreak pads and kerosene they brought with them when they set out in the morning, and they will follow my orders later and kill all these monsters."

Although the city guard commander did not understand, he immediately nodded, "No!"

Tang Xihe stared at his watch and waited for thirty seconds. When noon arrived, a huge wind suddenly blew across the black oil ruins where there was no wind.

The medical office was no exception. The violent wind blew violently towards the interior of the medical office along the entrance of the medical office.

Tang Xihe was overjoyed, "It's now, throw the kerosene!"

The city guards wrapped in windproof pads raised their hands and threw large barrels of kerosene at the monster in front of them.

Before waiting for these monsters to react, Tang Xihe took a deep breath, the ruby ​​on his chest suddenly lit up, and he pushed his hands in the direction of the monster!

all of a sudden.

Hundreds of imposing little fire snakes carried the wind, wrapped in kerosene, and blew in the direction of the monster.

In the blink of an eye, these little fiery snakes grew up against the wind, and in an instant they turned into five-meter-long fiery snakes.

"Give me death!"

Tang Xihe controlled the uncontrollable huge fire and smashed it towards the monster~www.readwn.com~ and instantly ignited all the monsters present.

"Tear and tear!"

When the hot wind blew, these monsters were instantly dehydrated, and then ignited by flames, turning into fireballs, and then into ashes.

This strong wind came and went quickly, and disappeared in just a few seconds.

When the strong wind disappeared, all the ashes of these monsters were lifted up, and the scene was immediately clean.

The commander of the city guards, like the other city guards, was stunned. He sincerely bowed to Tang Xihe and said, "Eldest Miss has a clever plan, and the fire uses the wind to destroy the enemy with one blow!"

"Eldest Miss's magic tricks!"

"It's amazing! It's even more powerful than the city owner!"

"The city owner is too old, and I still have to look at the eldest lady in the future!"

Tang Xihe smiled at the crowd and waved his hand: "I didn't figure it out, Chen Wangping told me in advance, okay, now that the monster is gone, let's continue exploring and go back with something good."


The city guards shouted in admiration, and excitedly walked towards the inside.

Tang Xihe walked behind, recalling the huge fire just now, and nodded with satisfaction, thinking that Brother Ping is really powerful, he can even calculate such a sudden wind.

However, why is his lightning ability so complicated? Anything?

Could it be calculated from the magnetic field?

I'm really curious, I'll have to ask more carefully.

two hours later.

Chen Wangping was still indulging in the joy of digging magnetite, one after another.

Suddenly, in the corner of his vision, he saw a series of small white rays of light emerging from the magnetite cave.

Chen Wangping turned his head to look, and was overjoyed, "A gemstone mine has appeared again? Baiguang? Is it a new variety of gemstones?"

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