Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 215: Powerful energy-saving plug-in

A steady stream of electrical energy poured into the mutant black rice seeds.

This process lasted for half an hour, and Chen Wangping was a little worried about whether the mutant black rice seeds had been electrocuted.

Finally, the mutant black rice seeds stopped absorbing energy and slowly bloomed with a rich black light.

Chen Wangping expectantly took out the mutant black rice seeds almost the size of peanuts to check the properties:

【Variation Black Rice Mother Seed☆☆☆】

【Mature time: 5 days】

[Special effect-fast growth: After the first sowing of the mutant black rice parent seeds, a small amount of mutant black rice seeds can be quickly produced]

[Special effect - strong: After eating, the physical strength can be slowly and continuously improved, and the highest level can be increased to the fifth-level ability]

[Result frequency: one time]

[Note: It can't wait to convert the energy in the body into life energy]

"Fast-growing? It means that after planting this one, you will soon reap a large number of seeds."

"And after the improvement, the strong special effects of this seed have also been improved, and it is enough to eat the fifth level. Then use the tonic to improve the physique to the fourth-level ability user, and the black rice must be planted at that time. , Eat it together, Level 5 can be expected!"

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, these special effects are very good.

It didn't waste so much energy.

The wave just now passed, and the batteries that were brought back to charge at home were all empty.

He walked to the planting area at the entrance of the mine, picked a piece of land with the best sunlight, fertilized it, and then carefully planted the seeds of the mutant black rice parent.

After watering, the seeds of the mutant black rice parent immediately began to germinate, full of vitality.

After doing all this, Chen Wangping was also a little tired. He glanced at the giant guard robot in the distance, and lay on the bed tiredly and slowly fell asleep.

at the same time.

In the spirit hall.

The second hall master is holding a golden skull.

On the golden skull, a man dressed as the master of the second hall with a face similar to the master of the second hall asked with a cold face: "Second, how long has it been, my elder brother and I have helped you lure so many people with thunder and lightning abilities, as a result you I haven't even got the key to the Seventh Research Institute, when will I be able to catch the research body?"

The second hall master sighed and complained: "Thirdest, you don't know how wretched Tang Dead Niu is, for so long, he has never been out of his tortoise shell-like Huo Niu City, and he has not even recovered his strength. Now, you and eldest brother insist a little longer, and in more than a month, my Myriad Spirit Formation will be completed. At that time, all the minerals around Huo Niu City will be used as fuel, and the Tang Huo Niu will be hardened. Not only can you get the key, Wouldn't it be beautiful to be able to subdue him as a spiritual slave?"

The third hall master snorted coldly, "Brother said, I can't hold it for so long, the next season of Leiyuan Land will be the period of withering thunder, I will rush over to help you now, cooperate with the internal response, and strive to win the Fire Bull City within half a month. ."

After hearing this, the second hall master changed his face and was about to refuse, but at this time the golden skull in his hand suddenly went out.

"Damn! Want to pick my peaches? No way!"

"Pass it on, let the elders speed up."

"It can also be activated in the black oil ruins, I will destroy them all!"


The next day.

Chen Wangping woke up slowly and glanced at the weather outside.

Autumn is high and the air is cool, and the temperature is slightly lower, but it is not cold, it is very cool.

He knocked on the radio while washing.

【Weather forecast】

There is no climate change inside the black oil ruins of Tomorrow, and the wind power is level 4.

【Tips for Wasteland】

First strike is stronger

【Indescribable Tips】

Time will take away everything

【The sound of the wind】

"Damn octopus, that's what it is!"

"I really want to go out."

"Shut up, our mission is to persevere."

"If the bones and scum are gone, stick to your ass! Wouldn't it be good to go out and see the new era?"

"Don't think about it."

After listening to the radio, Chen Wangping frowned.

I can't feel anything about the information in the previous items.

Among the voices brought by the wind at the end, the voices of these conversations were the voices of Shifang. It sounds like the conflict between his two personalities is still obvious.

Hold on and leave.

This is an irreconcilable contradiction.

However, this has little to do with me at the moment. Anyway, as long as I take out the oil, it will be over.

Yes, oil.

Chen Wangping couldn't wait to walk to the manufacturing table to check.

Overnight, the plastic and integrated circuit boards were made.

He first picked up a piece of plastic that had just been delivered on the conveyor belt and looked at it.

This plastic is transparent throughout, about 60 centimeters long, 20 centimeters high and wide, and it feels a little warm to the touch.


【Usage: Material for manufacturing medium and high-grade equipment】

[Note: After putting in different color masterbatches, it will have various colors]

"Color masterbatch? Let's talk about dyeing later. Transparent ones are pretty good too."

Chen Wangping put the plastic back, went back to the manufacturing table, took off the built integrated circuit and checked it.

The appearance of the integrated circuit looks very technological. The transparent bottom plate is densely arranged with various circuits with different functions. Its properties are not special, and there are no special effects attached.

At this time, a newly built first-class energy-saving plug-in just appeared.

The appearance of the first-level energy-saving plug-in is light green, and it looks a bit like a flat building block, and the interface at the bottom shines with metal light.

【First-class energy-saving plug-in】

【Use: save energy】

[Special effect - energy saving: after inserting the slot, the power consumption of the device is reduced by 20%]

【Durability: 1000/1000】

[Note: Energy-saving plug-ins will help you greatly increase productivity]

After reading the property~www.readwn.com~ Chen Wangping was shocked.

Plug in this gadget and reduce power consumption by one-fifth?

This is too fragrant.

He couldn't wait to pick up two first-level energy-saving plug-ins, rushed to the oil refinery, and inserted them into the slots.


[The first-level energy-saving plug-in has been loaded]

With the appearance of the prompt, two faint green rays of light lingered on the oil refinery, which means that two first-level energy-saving plug-ins have been inserted.

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand to check its power consumption, and nodded with satisfaction.

The power consumption of this oil refinery has been reduced from the previous 60kW to 36kW!

This is equivalent to saving the power of several manufacturing benches!

This energy-saving plug-in is too fragrant.

Chen Wangping couldn't wait to return to the base, and arranged the task of building an oil refinery and a chemical plant for the manufacturing station.

Hurry up and create more energy-saving plug-ins!

With this good thing, the energy problem that I worried about yesterday will not be alleviated.

Chen Wangping looked at the manufacturing platform and thought silently in his heart: "Since there are energy-saving plug-ins, maybe there will be plug-ins to increase production capacity, so we must hurry up and use technology!"

If you save another 200 first-level mechanical crystals, you will be able to order the technology of the energy series!

Just as I was thinking, a scent of mugwort came over.

The second batch of mugwort is ripe.

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