Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 218: blood crystal

Xiao Fang responded, raised his hand and raised a large thick yellow sulphur poisonous mist, blocking everyone's sight.

Chen Wangping aimed for a moment, aimed at the head of the juvenile octopus, and pulled the trigger.


Under his deliberate control, the light on this lightning sniper bullet was very little, and it was inconspicuous in other people's bullets.

The moment the bullet hit the head of the juvenile octopus in the water, it exploded immediately, turning into countless electric snakes and covering the juvenile octopus. The value dropped sharply by two-thirds.

Judging from the name of the feedback after the hit, the name of this juvenile octopus is: [Giant Octopus King Clone One].

Sure enough!

Seeing that Wang was hit, several adult octopuses nearby hurriedly closed in, trying to block the surrounding attacks and escorting the juvenile octopus to dive deeper.

At the same time, the momentum of the giant octopus king also fluctuated. It subconsciously moved closer to the clone, trying to protect the clone that it had finally cultivated.

"Want to run? No way!"

Chen Wangping didn't want to miss this opportunity. He didn't care that the sulphur smoke had already dissipated. He picked up the sniper rifle and aimed at the juvenile octopus again, and shot it again with his backhand.


This lightning sniper bullet penetrated the tentacles of the adult octopus and hit the juvenile octopus on the head.

And it just hit the previous bullet hole.

The lightning energy attached to the bullet was quantified into a series of electric lights wrapped around the juvenile octopus, continuously reducing its health value, completely emptying its blood bar in just a few seconds, successfully killing this giant octopus king clone!

Cao Gou, Liu Yuwang and Hei Rose saw this scene, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Cao Gou's heart filled with questions: "This man is so good at marksmanship? It seems that he uses special element bullets. Why haven't I heard of such a number one person in the city before?"

Black Rose asked directly: "General Xiao Fang, no wonder only two people came in this time in the main mansion of the outer city. It turns out that this secret weapon is still hidden. The little brother looks young, do you want to come and chat with my sister? what."

Liu Yuwang also wondered: "I don't know what bullet you used just now, why is it so powerful? Can you sell me some fishing clubs?"

Xiao Fang raised his hand and spread the sulphur poisonous mist around, continuing to cover his sight.

In the smoke, Chen Wangping said coldly: "Don't bother everyone, it's more important to kill the octopus now, let's survive." After saying this, he vaguely aimed at the death of the giant octopus king. The blood red light, so he quickly let the golden eagle fly over to pick it up.

Blood red light? What is this good stuff?

At this time, the giant octopus king found that the clone had been killed, and suddenly became more ferocious. His body was full of anger, and his tentacles were more powerful. Even those who escaped into the building had to be pulled out and killed Lose.

Dense crowds of adult octopuses flocked to the shore, carrying more and more black oil, embezzling a lot of land.

Seeing this, many people realized that the square after coming this time seemed to be much smaller, and it was obviously swallowed up by these adult octopuses.

After more than ten minutes, everyone fled to the depths of the building complex. Those with keys used the keys to open the doors of the buildings and escaped in. Those without keys sought to hide in high places, as long as they were not covered by black oil. Those people ran to the military camp with their heads sullen, seeking shelter.

Chen Wangping had taken Xiao Fang to the outside of the barracks early. He reached out and took a red crystal covered with black oil from the golden eagle's claws, and looked at it suspiciously.

The crystal is transparent, and the shadow of an octopus can be vaguely seen inside. The red color on it is so deep that it seems to be able to bleed. At a glance, you can tell that it is not ordinary.

[Giant octopus king clone blood crystal]

[Use: to enhance strength]

[Special effect - blood energy: use blood as a guide, cut the palm, and absorb the current total power by 5%]

[Remarks: The effects of different beast blood crystals are different]

"Blood crystal?"

Chen Wangping just remembered that this thing should be a bonus skill given by a second-level alien hunter.

"Take blood as a guide? Cut your palm?"

Seeing that the giant octopus king would not be able to attack the military camp for a while, he simply picked up the blood crystal and aimed it at his palm and cut it hard.

The moment the wound appeared, the red color on the blood crystal rushed towards his blood like a liquid, accompanied by a feeling of numbness and pain.

"Help me protect the law."

Chen Wangping leaned against the wall, closed his eyes to digest the feeling brought by the blood crystals, and waited silently, the skin of his whole body suddenly became hot and terrifying.

Xiao Fang nodded, silently covering the place with a poisonous sulphur mist.

do not know why.

He felt like a walking smoke bomb.

By the wall, Chen Wangping's face became more and more red.

Fortunately, this feeling comes and goes quickly.

Two minutes later, his complexion gradually recovered, and the strange feeling on his body also subsided until it disappeared.

[The blood crystal absorption of the giant octopus king clone is completed, and the next blood crystal can be absorbed after thorough digestion]

Looking at the prompt in front of him, Chen Wangping clenched his fist, took out his sniper rifle and weighed it. He could obviously feel that his strength had improved. After being promoted to the third-level ability user, his ability to control his body has also improved a lot. At present, although the strength improvement has not reached the level of 5%, it is at least about 3%.

"Blood crystal, this thing is really a good thing."

Chen Wangping held a sniper rifle and looked around at the radar, trying to find another clone of the giant octopus king to kill.

Although the description of this blood crystal is that any alien beast can be produced, but thinking about it, it is also known that the stronger the alien beast, the easier it is to produce.

If you fight ordinary octopus, you don't know that you will fight until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Chen Wangping searched for a while, but found nothing for the time being. He could only put away the radar. Seeing that the giant octopus king in front of him was killing more and more, he turned his head and shouted towards the side door: "Wait? Everyone will die if you wait."

As soon as the voice fell ~www.readwn.com~ the gate of the military camp suddenly opened with a bang.

Xiao Fang, who heard Chen Wangping's words, was startled and quickly leaned to the side.

The people from the other major forces who also rushed here also avoided them one after another, wondering what happened to the door opening.

However, when the door was opened, it was empty, not even a shadow.

Just when everyone was puzzled, a giant energy cannon with a length of 20 meters appeared above the barracks. The giant energy cannon turned its direction and aimed at the giant octopus queen with the gate as the base. White light flashed one after another, and suddenly shot ten Several specially crafted giant energy bombs.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Under the baptism of cannonballs, the giant octopus king's army was smashed and flew around, causing heavy losses. Even the giant octopus king himself was smashed to four or five tentacles, and his breath weakened.

"Beast! How dare you rebel, and you will die for me if you mutate!"

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