Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 225: powerful armor

Accompanied by the sound, Xiao Fang quickly rushed out with a thick sulphur poisonous mist, the breath was strong and the speed was extremely fast.

Among the people waiting outside, Liu Chuang from the fishing club was the most anxious. As soon as he saw Xiao Fang coming out, he boldly stopped him and said, "Xiao Fang, where is my father? Why did you come out by yourself?"

Xiao Fang raised his hand and threw a brimstone fireball, and snorted coldly: "If your father was still behind me, I would slap you to death right now, get out!" At the same time as he spoke, a powerful mental wave swept across. The people present were so frightened that they stepped back a few steps towards the back.

Just when Xiao Fang's nonsense took effect, he was about to leave here.

The dozens of people who were guarding outside were ostensibly a hunter's meeting, but in fact they were the third-level guardians of the Spirit Temple, and they all stood up and shouted, "This man ran out suddenly, there must be treasures on his body, everyone keep him!"

Seeing that someone came forward, the many scattered people who had been frightened before became a little more eager to move.

More people beat less people, everyone dares to do it.

Xiao Fang turned his head to look at the dozens of people, raised his hand and raised the sulphur poisonous mist and ignited it. He was a little anxious. If he couldn't get rid of these dozens of people with one blow, the rest would be like jackals who smelled blood. , rushing up.

But since those people dared to jump out, they also have a way to block Xiao Fang's sulfur poisonous mist.

I saw that the four guardians of the spiritual hall fired a stream of water arrows at the same time, covering the sulfur poisonous mist from four directions, and the fire was extinguished in an instant, and it was about to reveal the golden eagle and Chen Wangping that Xiao Fang wanted to cover.

At this moment, Chen Wangping snorted coldly, turned into an electric light, and jumped up from the back of the golden eagle.

"Whoosh whoosh"

He tossed and moved around the ten guardians of the spirit hall like an electric current, and smashed them on their heads with more than a dozen punches.

Just as they were about to escape from their spiritual bodies, the electric light that Chen Wangping had hidden on their bodies in advance suddenly burst out and exploded, instantly electrifying their bodies into coke.

The coke-like corpse fell from the air and shattered into several pieces before it hit the ground.

Suddenly, a black snowflake rose from the scene.

Seeing this cruel scene, all the scattered people present gasped and retreated to the back without looking back.

Who is this man? The strength is so powerful?

Xiao Fang also breathed a sigh of relief, continued to cover with sulfur poisonous mist, and quickly left here.

After leaving the Dusk Forest, the side effects of Chen Wangping's blood violent medicine appeared. He glanced at the status bar, and rows of negative prompts appeared: the upper limit of energy was temporarily reduced by 50%, the physical strength was reduced by 50%, and the upper limit of health was halved.

In addition to these, he also felt that his arms were mixed with a blender, and there was a crushing pain everywhere.

The force required to launch the lightning energy rocket is too great, which is all injuries caused by the shock force.

Chen Wangping looked at the radar and explained: "Xiao Fang, you can go back and do business. You can take back these two barrels of oil and this armor, enough for Fang to stop studying for a while, and stabilize this period of time."

Xiao Fang nodded, put away the oil and armor, let go of his hand, fell to the ground, and rushed towards Huo Niu City.

Chen Wangping lay flat on the golden eagle's back, gasping for breath to ease the discomfort in his body.

"It's better to use this thing sparingly in the future. If you can't kill the enemy, you can only wait to die."

After returning to the base, the golden eagle carefully flew to the bed.

Xiao Tiemu also found out that something was wrong with Chen Wangping, he quickly stretched out a branch, carefully dragged Chen Wangping's body, put him on the bed smoothly, and anxiously began to shine on the crown of the tree. .

Chen Wangping also discovered this, and hurriedly stopped him: "Don't, don't, no, I'm a sequelae of taking the medicine. It'll be fine after a day. You can improve your strength and go out to fight with me as soon as possible."

Hearing Chen Wangping's words, Xiao Tiemu silently extinguished the light on the canopy, shook the canopy, and worked hard to absorb the sunlight and improve his strength.

Chen Wangping breathed a sigh of relief, took out the beef soup and ate it, and checked the spoils.

He first found the oil in the big tin jars and checked them. The oil in these tin jars was a little dry, and a thick black lump formed on the surface.

???Semi-finished oil???

???Usage: finished petroleum raw materials???

[Negative special effects-drying: improper storage of semi-finished oil, lower quality, each tank of semi-finished oil can only be extracted into 10 parts of refined oil with a pump]

???Remarks: Win by quantity???

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction.

Although it is said that this is only semi-finished oil, one can only extract fifteen parts of refined oil, but just like the remarks, I have harvested a total of 534 cans of semi-finished oil in this wave. After all extraction, a total of More than 5,000 refined oil products can be harvested!

More than five thousand copies! Enough for a long time!

Great harvest!

Chen Wangping sighed a little, "If Shifang hadn't transplanted his body, maybe he could manage the black oil ruins better, and the oil-digging octopus might not have escaped."

However, then he shook his head again, "I can't say that either. If he didn't have his body transplanted, he would have disappeared like everyone else, and even this damaged sanity wouldn't be left behind."

This kind of choice is a dilemma, lose your mind if you survive, and only die if you stay sane.

He really had no choice.

Chen Wangping turned his head and glanced at the base, and vowed silently in his heart that he must eliminate the enemy, work hard to develop the base, and live better in this world.

He called the golden eagle to move the semi-finished oil near the pumping unit, rested for a while, and then took out the armor to check.

The appearance of this armor looks a bit similar to the armor of the golden eagle, but it is simpler. The style and size of each armor are exactly the same. I don't know why~www.readwn.com~ Whenever there are several armors When they are close together, the light on them will become more intense, as if they are gathering, which looks very interesting.

???Guardian Armor???

???Use: Soldier Armor???

[Special effects - change: the armor can automatically match the size of the soldier according to the size of the soldier, and the change rate does not exceed 20%]

[Special effect - energy storage: a single armor can store 10% of the energy in the soldier's body (the upper limit of the three-level ability)]

[Special Effects - Soldier Array: When there are a large number of Soldiers near the Soldier, the energy storage effect can be doubled, up to 100% of the energy stored in the body]

[Special effect - self-destruction: the armor can self-destruct before the remaining 1% of the energy reserve, causing a lot of damage to the enemy]

[Negative special effects - heavy: the armor is very heavy, and it is difficult to move after wearing it]

[Note: Armor is more suitable for positional warfare]

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