Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 236: Quantitative change leads to qualitative change!

Wasteland farming is to save the first time to wasteland Chapter 236 Quantitative change causes qualitative change! Half an hour later, Chen Wangping kept his hands open, trying to maintain the size of the thunder cage.

The oil-loving bacteria are also working hard to devour the waste oil. They are getting bigger and bigger, and they are about to fill the thunder cage.

At this moment, Chen Wangping compresses the thunder cage with both hands, and directly controls the electric current to compress the oil-loving bacteria, constantly obliterating the excess body shape around it.

At this time, the oil-loving bacteria also seemed to feel the crisis. Due to the rapid expansion, the body that was somewhat shaky and dark also surged, and quickly concentrated the dark as ink towards the middle, leaving the gray inferior body outside for the electric current. obliterate.

Chen Wangping smiled slightly, which was exactly what he wanted.

The current oil-loving bacteria can only produce petroleum fertilizers. If it is improved, maybe they can produce petroleum fertilizers with stars.

He looked at it earlier. The terrain inside the black oil ruins is relatively complicated, and it is almost impossible to transmit light, which means that the poisonous gas problem here cannot be solved by planting ordinary plants.

In this way, the hope of solving the poison gas can only be placed on oil plants, and the more fertilizers, the better.

After a while, the oil-loving bacteria returned to their original size and began to devour the waste oil again.

And this time, it gnawed faster than the original five-meter square.

After the concentration, the oil-loving bacteria also seemed to have changed, and a light yellow color appeared on its jet-black body.

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Yellow has also evolved? Will it turn into colorful black if it continues?"

Two hours later, as the oil-loving bacteria devoured, the poisonous gas in the passage became much lighter to the naked eye. Chen Wangping deliberately put away the mugwort fossil and tried it, and there was no major problem.

At this time, the yellow color of the oil-loving bacteria also became more, and it looked very gorgeous.

Chen Wangping raised his hand to put away the oil-loving bacteria, glanced at its attributes, and found that it really had an extra special effect:

[Special effect - earth rhythm: oil-loving bacteria absorb the essence of the earth in the process of devouring oil, and the effect of the output of oil fertilizer is slightly improved]

"Absorbed the essence of the earth? That means you can absorb other essences in the future? I didn't expect this little thing to grow quite well."

Chen Wangping called out the few drops of gray liquid newly produced by the oil-loving bacteria, and when he checked it carefully, he found that it also had some light yellow color on it, and the special effects also changed:

[Special effect - Unstable yield increase: Putting into soil before sowing can increase crop yield by 5% to 30%]

The bad attributes of the previous negative growth have disappeared, replaced by a production increase of at least 5%, which is much better than before.

However, in such a comparison, those petroleum fertilizers that were previously waited for in the first wave were a bit tasteless.

Gotta find a way to use them.

Recovering his thoughts, Chen Wangping walked to the end of the passage, glanced at the square, and found that the oil on the square was less, and because of the terrain, the concentration of poisonous gas on the square was not that high, and there are still some survivors here. The adult octopus devoured oil under the leadership of the giant octopus clone, even if it was not swallowed by oil-loving bacteria.

Then start training.

Chen Wangping returned to the vicinity of the entrance and called for the people waiting outside to come in together.

Xiao Yuan and Xiao Tieniu took the lead and walked in behind Chen Wangping. When they first walked in, they were still full of worries, but after they walked in, they found that it was actually fine, similar to the environment when they were mining sulfur mines.

Looking at the traces on the ground, Xiao Tieniu turned his head moved and said: "Benefactor, you actually helped us remove the source of the poison in such a thick poisonous gas, and it takes two hours to remove it!"

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "Don't think too much, wait for me in the square first, and I'll pick up the golden eagle."


Chen Wangping walked out of the black oil ruins, raised his hand and shot an electric current towards the sky, and then controlled the electric current to explode in the air, making a crackling sound.

The golden eagle, who was walking around, saw that the signal finally appeared, glanced at more and more alien beasts and bounty hunters around, raised his claws, and directly swallowed the minced meat of this giant octopus king in his belly, and turned around. With a wave of his wings, his speed suddenly increased, and he left everyone's field of vision in the opposite direction to the black oil ruins, and then circled back to the Chen Wang plane.

Chen Wangping glanced at the golden eagle's satiety. He raised his hand and took out the steel plate and handed it over, "Eat some padding first, and I'll get you some fresh octopus to eat later."

The golden eagle nodded again and again, followed behind Chen Wangping and flew into the passage.

When he got to the square, Chen Wangping saw that all the 23 people were standing there waiting for him, all of them holding a stone pillar in their hands.

Xiao Tieniu shouted proudly: "Benefactor, this is the stone pillar I made based on the weight of the rocket launcher. We have all been familiar with this weight together, and now there is no problem!"

Chen Wangping smiled and patted Xiao Tieniu on the shoulder, "That's right, come on, let's try a few rounds first." After speaking, he called the three people in the front to come over. Counting Xiao Yuan and Xiao Tieniu, the total is Five people.

He took out five shoulder-fired rocket launchers and five rockets, and explained, "I'll teach you to load ammunition and aim first, and then listen to my command to fire it."


Soon~www.readwn.com~ Chen Wangping taught them one by one, all carrying rocket launchers and getting ready for launch.

Seeing that the weapons are ready, the enemy has not come yet.

Chen Wangping calmly took out half a barrel of refined oil, raised his hand and threw it into the air, and then an electric arrow exploded it from a distance.


Immediately, countless drops of refined oil scattered everywhere, and soon attracted a large number of adult octopuses, and they passed the information to the giant octopus king clone.

Soon, the Kuroshio surged in the direction of the crowd. From a distance, it looked densely packed. Obviously, there were quite a few adult octopuses surviving.

The people holding the bazooka were a little excited, and even their necks were red.

They had seen Chen Wangping launch rockets before, and they were full of expectations when they knew the power of this thing.

Chen Wangping estimated the distance and gave the order: "Prepare, one, two, three, launch!"

The five of them pressed the launch button in unison.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Five rockets sprang out of the bazooka at the same time, and in the blink of an eye they flew into the swarm of adult octopuses.

Instant explosion.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The flames of the five rockets are all fused together, and the power is huge!

One of the charms of hot weapons is that quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes!

The power of the explosion swept through the octopus school, blowing it up in an instant.

Everyone felt that there was a heat wave in front of them, accompanied by the smell of oil coking and the smell of cooked octopus.

On the black oil surface, the adult octopus stumps flew around, and the giant octopus king clone saw something wrong and turned around and ran away.

"Diaobao, grab it and make it up for you."



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