Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 249: 20,000 lives?

After arriving near the Heiyou Ruins, Chen Wangping first found Xiao Yuan and Xiao Tieniu who had come earlier.

After Xiao Tieniu saw Chen Wangping, he turned around and reported: "Benefactor, I saw Xiao Fang bring someone in just now, and his face was a little ugly."

Xiao Yuan smiled and said: "Tie Niu, you don't know my brother, I saw that the corners of his eyes were upturned, although he looked dignified, but it was a secret pleasure in his heart, I said, don't do it now. The losses must have been heavy."

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "Everyone, come with me, we'll go in from another entrance."

Xiao Tieniu said in surprise, "Is there any other entrance to the Black Oil Ruins?"

Xiao Yuan patted his head and scolded with a smile: "Follow up, needless to say, that entrance must have been dug up by Brother Chen."

Among the black oil ruins, Fang Bei's face was really ugly.

After exhausting all the energy cannonballs, they finally got rid of these twenty large octopuses.

But what about the result?

Nothing gained.

After he killed this large alien beast in the ruins before, he would gain something more or less.

But this time there is nothing!

Even the octopus meat gave off an unpleasant smell of oil. If it only stinks, then he cut a piece to feed it to the mouse, and found that the mouse died on the spot after eating it, obviously it was highly poisonous.

You can't eat it, you can't use it.


What is this!

He pointed to the building in front of him that was submerged in black oil, and shouted: "All of them, dig for the building below this! I don't believe that there is nothing to dig!"

Since Fang Bie left the border, he has never suffered such a big loss, and now is the time for his anger.

After half an hour.

Just as Fang Bian was holding his stomach full of fire, he suddenly heard a familiar sound.

Turn around and look.

It turned out to be five large octopuses rushing towards the soldiers who were digging for black oil.

"Again? What's the situation? Could it be that there is a treasure in that direction?"

Fang Bian frowned, pressed the anger in his heart, and continued to leap to block these large octopuses.

On the other side, Chen Wangping, the initiator, has taken everyone to hide in the rock wall. Relying on the cover of black oil, the rock wall here is very concealed.

Xiao Tieniu looked at the back of the large octopus and asked in doubt, "Benefactor, does this trick of the large octopus still work? Isn't Fang Bie no energy cannons?"

Chen Wangping put away his reluctance to add oil bacteria, and smiled slightly: "The trick is not old, it is useful, the large octopus can consume Fang's physical strength, and, most importantly, the three large octopuses appear from us in a row, Fang Bie will definitely I can't help but come to investigate, and then it will be his death!"

Xiao Tieniu nodded, supported the armor on his body, and was ready for battle at any time.

After a while, Fang Bie fought and retreated, and took the initiative to attract five large octopuses toward the crowd near the rock wall.

He has also seen it now. Anyway, even if these large octopuses are killed, there will be nothing to gain. It is better not to kill them, as long as they are led elsewhere without affecting the digging of black oil.

It must be a treasure that can spawn these large octopuses!

If you can get it, you can catalyze some big soldiers to become dead soldiers!

With this thought in mind, Fang Bie searched around for traces while fighting.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a few bright and dark rays of light emerging from a shore, and there were still some octopuses around. Valley

"This is the baby?"

Fang Bie rushed over excitedly, blasted the adult octopus with several punches, stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards the light.

Chen Wangping saw that Fang Bu had been fooled, and immediately released the line that controlled the battery, turned his head to aim at Fang Bu with the shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, and pressed the launch button with a command.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Five lightning energy rockets were launched at the same time, leaping a short distance of 100 meters in the blink of an eye, instantly hitting the Chinese side.

Fang Bie over there caught the abnormal vibration the moment the rocket was launched, and turned around urgently to mobilize all the shock abilities to form a defensive shock wave shield in front of him. At the same time, he also activated four or five life-saving treasures on his body.

"Boom boom boom!"

The violent explosion blasted all the nearby black oil into the sky, and the surrounding rock walls sprinkled countless rubble.

In just an instant, all the life-saving treasures on Fang Bie's body at the center of the explosion exploded, he vomited blood, and his back was burned by the high temperature, which made him very embarrassed.

Immediately afterwards, the fragments of countless rockets brushed past him, leaving bloodstains one after another, turning him into a **** man, and his internal organs were seriously injured.

In the rock wall, Chen Wangping looked at the blood strip on Fang Bie's head in surprise, secretly saying that he was well prepared.

After this side don't break through the fifth level, there are as many as 20,000 health points!

Five lightning energy rockets blew up the life-saving treasure on his body, and the remaining power blew up more than 10,000 points of his health.

But even so, don't look at the embarrassment, in fact, there are more than 9,000 health points left, and the fighting power is still there.


Chen Wangping shouted to Xiao Yuan and Xiao Tieniu, who were on the machine gun car and the machine gun off-road vehicle at this time. After receiving the order, they turned their guns and controlled the metal storm to sweep towards the embarrassed Fangbi.


"Damn it, **** it!!!!"

Fang Biexin, who had survived the explosion, was dripping blood. He could feel the injury of his internal organs, but what he felt more distressed was his own life-saving treasure~www.readwn.com~ These are all from others. Grab it from here!

Now it's all gone!

He turned his head angrily, but saw two substantial metal streamers covering him.

"Small tricks for carving insects! A group of ants dares to attack me! Die to death!"

Fang Bian raised his hand to activate the vibration ability, and all the bullets that flew in front of him were bounced off in an instant, and he couldn't get close at all.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped on countless broken corpses of adult octopuses and rushed towards the rock wall where everyone was hiding. He was aggressive and full of ferocity.

Chen Wangping didn't expect Fang Bie to resist armor-piercing bullets so easily, and he didn't have many lightning armor-piercing bullets on hand, so he certainly wouldn't be able to deal much damage.

It seems that the long-range attack can no longer be counted on right now.

He shouted, "Don't suffer!", and rushed out wearing rubber inner armor.

When Fang Bie saw Chen Wangping, he said with a wicked smile on his face: "I thought who would dare to do something with me! Chen Wangping, it seems that your parents made a lot of good things in the black oil ruins! You are now taking the initiative to pay Come out and I can spare your life."

Chen Wangping snorted coldly, "Five lightning bombs didn't kill you. It seems that five more rounds are needed. The second position is ready to launch." After saying this, he immediately rushed towards another rock wall.

Seeing Chen Wangping's actions, Fang Bie's heart trembled, he immediately gave up his current attack target, and followed Chen Wangping.

I can't take this lightning bolt anymore, I have to stop him!

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