Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 255: throw a hug

Half an hour later, Chen Wangping arrived at Huo Niu City.

Judging from the state of most of the residents of Huo Niu City, the impact of the destruction of several major forces is still great.

The people walking on the road looked a little wary around them. They walked fast and didn't talk to each other.

Fortunately, it is better to be wary than chaos, at least there is no problem with the current order in Huo Niu City.

After a while, Chen Wangping entered the Huoniu City Outer City Office. As soon as Aunt Ren at the door saw him, she trotted over in a hurry, "Are you alright? Listen to Miss Fang, don't go to the Heiyou Ruins. Don't fight him head-on, he is so powerful now that he will suffer in vain when he fights!"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Thank you Aunt Ren for your concern, I won't suffer, what about Xihe?"

"Here, here, I just got out of the customs, but unfortunately I'm still one step away. I haven't broken through to Level 4 yet."

Accompanied by the voice, a beautiful figure wearing an orange-red skirt appeared. While walking, the light and shadow around her fluctuated a little, apparently the fire element was out of control.

Chen Wangping smiled and said: "Don't worry, wait a minute, your clothes are very beautiful."

Tang Xihe smiled and nodded. In fact, she had received the news when Chen Wangping entered the city, so she went to dress up. Now that she was praised, she was very proud.

Aunt Ren saw the situation and left here with interest.

Tang Xihe asked: "By the way, did you avoid Fang and say goodbye yesterday? Today, I heard Xiao Fang's voice saying that Fang is not going to retreat, but what is there worth retreating? Black oil has nothing to do with it."

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "I asked Xiao Fang to spread the news."

Tang Xihe said in surprise: "Ah? What if Fang Bie noticed something was wrong? Wait, you, are you fighting against Fang Bie?" Seeing Chen Wangping's expression, she immediately guessed that Xiao Fang must be free now .

In this way, Fang Bie is definitely the one who is not free.

Chen Wangping said directly: "After fighting, it is quite troublesome to kill him. Now that the main mansion of the outer city has been cleaned, and several major forces have been cleaned with other hands before, now the inside of Huo Niu City can unite as one."

Tang Xihe opened his mouth in surprise and couldn't close it for a long time.

In fact, since she came to Huo Niu City, she has been thinking about how to solve the predicament of Huo Niu City. However, this internal and external difficulty is the most complicated. Tang Huoniu himself is not strong enough, and his strength cannot be recovered.

She is so difficult.

But who would have thought that now Chen Wangping would quietly clean up the inside of Huo Niu City, smash all the major forces, and throw the pot on Fang Bie's head, and now he silently kills Fang Bie. Now, I took over the Outer City Lord's Mansion smoothly.

This is already a beautiful scene that Tang Xihe had never imagined.

She couldn't help but reached out and hugged Chen Wangping hard, and said excitedly, "Brother Ping, thank you! You, you are so kind."

The girl's body was always soft, and with the fiery temperature, Chen Wangping suddenly became hot, and his face was a little red.

He put his arms around Tang Xihe awkwardly, patted her head lightly, stroked her short smooth hair, and said softly, "What are you talking about, now you don't have to be so stressed."

Tang Xihe nodded vigorously, hummed, but did not resist, laying quietly in Chen Wangping's arms and resting for a while.

After a while, Tang Xihe stood up blushing, his stomach growling.

Chen Wangping couldn't hold back, laughed out loud, raised his hand and took out two pieces of roast beef and handed it to her: "I'm hungry, let's eat something to fill my stomach first, by the way, is there any movement from uncle? Why does the dialysis take so long? ?"

Tang Xihe took the roast beef, bit and shook his head and said, "I don't know. I saw him still inside last time, and his breath was quite stable, so let's go over and have a look."

Chen Wangping also had this intention, and after eating something with Tang Xihe, they rushed to the inner city together.

With Tang Xihe's company, entering the inner city was much faster this time.

Today's inner city is no longer as prosperous as before. The buildings of several major forces are empty, and there are many things inside, but no one dares to take them. Even the thieves in the inner city are afraid of Fang Bie and dare not go in and take them away.

After Chen Wangping saw it, he sent a message to Xiao Fang, and asked him to take advantage of Fang Bie's reputation to pack up all the things inside. Even if it was not used, at least the wooden frame could be used as firewood to burn.

Xiao Fang was too busy to forget this place, and immediately agreed to lead the team to the inner city arrogantly to search for resources.

After entering the inner city, they walked all the way to the depths, and the two soon arrived at the inner city main mansion.

From a distance, Chen Wangping could see that the soldiers in the City Lord's Mansion seemed to be in a low mood and had no temperament.

Tang Xihe didn't notice this, and after brushing his face, he walked towards the secret room with Chen Wangping.

Chen Wangping looked at no one around, and asked in a deep voice, "Uncle, these soldiers are in a very low mood. Is the military salary too low? Or is there no battle and nothing to do?"

Tang Xihe shook his head and said: "Since Fang Bie appeared, the soldiers of the city lord's mansion in the inner city have become like this, maybe it's because they don't have the heart of glory. kind of guard around you."

Chen Wangping nodded, thinking that it seemed that he had to let Tang Huoniu stand up as soon as possible. If this continues, without the management of several major forces, the city will become more and more chaotic.

Soon, he followed Tang Xihe to the outside of the secret room.

Through the glass, Chen Wangping could see that the blood of Tang Huo Niu was connected to the dialysis machine.

At this time, there is really no special reminder on the machine, it seems that everything is normal.

But Tang Huoniu, who was lying on the bed, was extremely red, and even felt like he was about to bleed~www.readwn.com~ frowned, and the surrounding air was more distorted than Tang Xihe.

Tang Xihe also noticed something was wrong and said anxiously: "Brother Ping, the fire element in here is a little too active, and it is getting more and more active. Is there something wrong with my uncle?"

Chen Wangping touched the door of the secret room and found that it was heavy steel, and it would definitely be impossible to push it open.

Seeing this, Tang Xihe immediately opened his stance and said, "Brother Ping, let me go, I'll melt it."

Chen Wangping smiled and waved his hand: "It will take a long time to melt it, I'll just cut it." After speaking, an extremely strong but tiny electric light emerged from his fingertips. Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his Putting his fingertips close to the steel plate, he instantly cut a hole with melting marks.

Seeing that he could, Chen Wangping moved his fingertips, quickly cut out an entrance above the steel door, and walked in quickly.

As soon as he entered, four or five fire bulls condensed from the elements suddenly appeared near Tang Huoxing, and they charged at Chen Wangping, with an amazing posture.

"What's the situation?"

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