Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 257: Spring thunder rolls?

Seeing that Tang Huoniu was in a hurry to recover his strength, Chen Wangping didn't ask any further, but took out the visualization manual and continued to ask Mr. Tang for advice.

Tang Xihe asked Chen Wangping to demonstrate, and she was more experienced when she pointed out his questions. Every time, Chen Wangping's visualization speed was increased by one tenth, and many doubts were answered.

While talking, Tang Xihe raised his hand to condense a flame, ready to demonstrate.

But at this moment, the active fire elements that were mobilized by Tang Huoniu near the secret room were like meeting relatives, and they all rushed into Tang Xihe's hands, instantly turning the little fire snake she was planning to visualize into a big fire. Snake, and there are two small bumps on its head.

The sudden change made Tang Xihe a little overwhelmed, and he subconsciously wanted to end this visualization and let the visualization return to his familiar rhythm.

But as soon as Chen Wangping saw that she wanted to extinguish the flame, he immediately stopped him and said, "Don't, don't back down, try to control this power."

Tang Xihe said hesitantly, "However, the little fire snake I visualized now does not match my perception, and it is very likely that I will visualize some kind of monster. Look at the two protrusions on its head. Haven’t seen it much? Could it be a bull’s horn?”

Chen Wangping interrupted immediately: "But you also said before that you have to try your own visualization upper limit. Right now, you haven't broken through the fourth level. Even if you visualize any monsters, it doesn't matter. This is a secret room, and it won't hurt if you lose control of your power. Whatever happens, with me here, rest assured to visualize and try."

Hearing this, Tang Xihe also gritted his teeth, decisively ended the recovery of power, but shifted his focus to control. She felt that Brother Ping was right, and now it is not visualizing in the body, even if it is a failure At most, the power is out of control and will not hurt the root cause.

Then just give it a try!

Chen Wangping looked at the little fire snake, no, the bulge on the head of the big fire snake gradually became obvious, and the scales on its body gradually increased. When he looked at it, he remembered the appearance of a python. It seemed that Tang Xihe's power was advancing.

He walked over to Tang Xihe, took out a pen and began to draw the pythons and anacondas he had seen in the zoo before, helping Tang Xihe to increase the details of the objects and speed up the visualization.

With Chen Wangping's help, Tang Xihe gradually became familiar with this process, and began to combine Chen Wangping's paintings and his own understanding of snake animals to enhance the strength of his visual objects, "Snake scales are a bit weak and too large. Instead, the scales are not suitable for sports, so the scales at the joints become smaller, and the scales at the key parts become thicker..."

Gradually, a fire python gradually took shape, and when it twisted, it was full of momentum. At the same time, the feedback of the fire element also made Tang Xihe's momentum gradually rise, and the temperature around him became hotter and hotter.

After the heat reached the extreme, only hearing Tang Xihe's body bang, the fire element energy exploded, and the fourth-level neck that had been bothering her for a long time finally broke through.

At this moment, Tang Xihe became a fourth-level powerhouse.

She slowly retracted the big fire python in front of her and said happily: "Brother Ping! Thank you, if I hadn't listened to what you said, I still don't know when I would be able to break through!"

Chen Wangping smiled, "You're welcome, it seems that I have to do my best. Level 3 is not enough now."

The two chatted for a while and practiced for another three hours.

Tang Huo Niu is back.

I saw Tang Huoniu put on the battle armor again, his eyes were bright, and his strength had stabilized. At a glance, he knew that he was in good condition.

As soon as he came back, he felt the fluctuations on Tang Xihe's body, and said in surprise: "Xihe, have you broken through to level four? Great! With such a speed, even if it is placed in the place of fire, it is definitely first-class. One genius!"

Tang Xihe smiled, "I'm not a genius. Compared with Brother Ping, I'm already very slow."

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about me, uncle, now is the right time. Let's explore the Heiyou Ruins and see if he is still there."

Tang Huoniu was also thinking of revenge, nodded and said: "Okay, go over to see the situation first, let go of resistance, and I will take you to move over."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand to surge the energy in his body, echoing the great formation that occupied the entire Huo Niu City.

In the next second, Chen Wangping was like watching a movie, the picture in front of him flashed rapidly, and when it stopped, he had reached the entrance of Dusk Forest.

Looking at Chen Wangping's surprised eyes, Tang Huoniu smiled smugly: "This speed is okay."

Chen Wangping asked, "Uncle, what kind of trick is this? Can I learn it?"

Tang Huoniu smiled and said: "This method is actually not uncommon, city lords above the fifth level can do it, and when you reach the fifth level, you can incarnate the elements, and the research is advanced. The large array of elements arranged in the city was moved, but unfortunately I was too poor when I built the Fire Bull City, so I could only move it here, if I lay some more fire-type materials, I can come and go freely in the entire Dusk Forest."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to Chen Wangping's space bracelet and explained, "That's why I just said that you don't have to worry about your way after level five. With that token, you can directly become a student in the Land of Leiyuan. , using the contribution points in it to learn the knowledge of formation, it will definitely be more powerful than my research in the future, and I can only take advantage of you for decades."

Chen Wangping wondered: "Student? The land of Leiyuan doesn't look at my identity? This token was stolen from Fang Bie."

Tang Huoniu smiled and said: "Don't you think Fang Bing is wrong? I don't know where he grabbed this token. The land of Leiyuan is different from other places of elements. You don't recognize the card or the person. After the spring of next year, you will Just take it and go directly."

Chen Wangping breathed a sigh of relief~www.readwn.com~ smiled and said, "Why wait for the beginning of spring? Can't you go after the spirit hall is settled?"

Tang Huoniu shook his head and said: "That can't be done, do you know the term spring thunder rolls, lightning is rare in winter, and the land of the source of thunder will fall into a state of dormancy and blockade, unable to enter and exit, only when the spring rolls, the land of the source of thunder will come to an end. It will reopen, and then there will be a chance.”

After hearing this, Chen Wangping nodded. After having the experience of the black oil relics, he doubted whether these so-called Elemental Lands might also be some kind of military camps in the old era. Listening to this spring thunderstorm, it is very similar to the energy consumption in winter. Dormant as much as possible, and then turn on again after collecting electricity in spring.


He suddenly thought of the news he had obtained before, and analyzed: "Is the main hall master of the Lingdian in the land of Leiyuan? If so, as long as he gets stuck in the blockade of the land of Leiyuan in winter or destroys the spiritual hall after that, then he will also Can't you come to help?"

Tang Huoniu nodded and said: "That's the truth, but they also understand the truth. The winter blockade days are different every year. The earliest blockade day is still about ten days away. Before that, they will definitely attack a wave. , to test my truth."

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