Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 304: Ice Fir Leaves

The latest website: (The last paragraph of the last chapter has been changed by 200 words. Friends who have read it can pull down to refresh and read it again. If you don’t read it, it will not affect the later.)

The two were silent for a while,

Tang Huoniu took out an ice crystal-like leaf from the space device and shook it, and said seriously to Chen Wangping: "Xihe's biggest concern is her own physique. Her parents died too early, and her childhood grief led to a riot of flame energy in her body. Although we helped her sort it out later, the riotous meaning of her flames has been completely integrated, and she will lose control from time to time. She can only resolve it by sleeping. The middle part is very dangerous. "

Only then did Chen Wangping understand why Tang Xihe never spent the night outside, always thinking about going back to rest, and he didn't have much time to wake up.

The source is here.

Hearing this reason, he felt a little uncomfortable.

This is a riot caused by sadness, how sad she must have been at that time.

Tang Huoniu looked at the leaf in his hand, and handed it to Chen Wangping with a complicated expression: "And the key to solving the problem of Xihe is this."

Chen Wangping quickly took the ice crystal-like leaves and looked at them.

The veins of this leaf are similar to the Metasequoia tree at home, but the leaves are larger, blue and transparent, exuding a strong chill, and the fingertips tingle just by holding it for a while.

Tang Huoniu introduced: "This is the deepest part of the Icefire Swamp, the core leaves of the ice cedar. The reason why I was seriously injured by the sneak attack on the Spirit Palace was because it consumed too much energy when I went to the Icefire Swamp."

Chen Wangping asked, "Since I have it, why not give it to Xihe?"

Tang Huoniu smiled bitterly: "How can it be so simple, the leaves of the ice fir are not enough, you also need to get the wood core of the ice fir, use the wood core to light the fire, and use the ice fir leaves to suppress the riots, the two can be completely eradicated by combining the two. Xihe's problem."

Chen Wangping said: "Then go and chop it down. You can get the leaves, but can't the tree fall down?"

Tang Huoniu smiled bitterly and sighed: "The temperature in the depths of the Ice Fire Swamp is too low, and it is very heavy to suppress the power of the flame. Although the ice fir is a fourth-level alien plant, it can live in groups, and it has the advantage of the location. , even I don't have the certainty of winning, and now that winter is coming, the time has not come."

Chen Wangping got up and said, "When will we wait? Noon in summer? Are you planning to let Xihe suffer from the riots for another half a year?"

After speaking, he stopped looking at Tang Huo Niu, and took the leaves to check the attributes:

【Ice Fir Leaves】

【Use: special material】

[Special effect - pure heart: after use, the cluttered thoughts in the power of the elements can be eliminated]

[Negative special effects-elimination: when eliminating, part of the energy melted into the cluttered thoughts will be cleaned up, resulting in a decrease in strength]

[Remarks: The core of ice fir can significantly increase the energy of the fire element]

In terms of attributes, what Tang Huoniu said is true.

It seems that before going to the Seventh Research Institute, it is necessary to go to the Ice and Fire Swamp.

Well, Chen Wangping wanted to go in and see it before, but now that he has Tang Xihe, he has to go there.

Tang Huo Niu saw that Chen Wangping was angry, so he didn't talk any more. He picked up the glass and drank it, secretly scolding himself for being so useless. He was only a fifth grader after living for so many years, and even his niece's disease could not be cured. Not to mention taking his niece back to the central part to get his things back.

My Tang Huo Niu is really trash!

Just thinking about it, he suddenly saw Chen Wangping turn around and stretch out his hand, "Where's the map? What are your preparations? Give it to me."

Tang Huo Niu still didn't react a little bit, he was stunned before he recovered, "You, you want to enter the Ice and Fire Swamp? No, let's wait until the summer. It is too dangerous to enter the Ice and Fire Swamp in winter. Let you understand Xihe's concerns, don't do stupid things."


Chen Wangping stretched out his hand again and said nothing.

Tang Huoniu was stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand and took out a map with many smear marks, followed by two stones that exuded high temperature as soon as they were taken out, "This map was summed up by me after many explorations, two years have passed, it may be There is a change, this stone is the essence of lava in the center of the extinct volcano next to Los Angeles, it can keep your body temperature and give you something, but I still advise you not to go there in winter."

Chen Wangping didn't say anything to him, took the things, turned around and was about to leave.



Several attacks in succession broke the formation here.

Tang Xihe broke into the formation, looked at the map and the lava essence in Chen Wangping's hand, and shouted angrily at Tang Huoniu: "I already said that I would take it when I became stronger, you and I will take it. What did he say this for?"

After yelling at Tang Huo Niu, Tang Xihe walked to Chen Wangping's side again, reaching out to grab what was in his hand.

Chen Wangping turned his hand to put away the things, stretched out his hand to hold down Tang Xihe, who was like a fried cat, and stroked her hair: "When your strength becomes stronger, the riot will also become stronger, and then maybe the ice fir will become stronger. It's useless."

Tang Xihe said unconvinced: "Then I'll find something else! There are so many icy places in the world, there is always a solution. You are not allowed to go, I have long been used to it."

Chen Wangping took Tang Xihe's hand, ignoring Tang Huoniu, went outside and said with a smile: "Xihe, this is a dead end, the cold things you get by your own strength can't suppress the riot in your body, besides, the ice fire The swamp is a dangerous place for your uncle, but it's nothing to me, it's just cutting down trees, is it that difficult?"

Tang Xihe still shook his head and said, "That won't work either. You can explore the Seventh Research Institute now, so there's no need to go to the Ice and Fire Swamp! Listen to me, you're not allowed to go."

Seeing Tang Xihe's angry look, Chen Wangping thought it was a little funny, reached out and scratched her little nose: "Anyway, you'll fall asleep later, I'll sneak in while you're sleeping~www.readwn.com~you You can't stop it if you want to."

Tang Xi and Zhang Kou were just about to say something, but they found that they couldn't refute them, so they lowered their heads in a low voice, twisting their fingers.

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand and hugged Tang Xihe in his arms, comforting: "Okay, I'll go to see the situation first, I won't die in vain, if it's too cold and I can't hold on, then I'll wait until summer, go and see It doesn't matter anyway, I'm also a level 4 powerhouse."

Suddenly being hugged by Chen Wangping, Tang Xihe felt that his body was a little soft, and nodded lightly, "Then I want to go with you and watch you."

Chen Wangping smiled slightly and said, "Yes, you can go back to rest that night, and I will call you in a few days."

Tang Xihe nodded, fell into Chen Wangping's arms and stayed silent for a while, until he couldn't stand the sleepiness, and then left floating.

Chen Wangping didn't turn around, he raised his hand and waved at Tang Huoniu, who was looking here.

Go home and prepare for an adventure.

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