Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 314: Magnetic field accelerates!

Chen Wangping was digging here, while the golden eagle was eating with big mouthfuls, and a layer of ice crystals condensed on the feathers, looking a little embarrassed.

He was a little worried, reached out and knocked the little head of the golden eagle and said: "Don't be foolish to eat too much, this ice crystal iron ore has a chill on it, be careful if it freezes, just eat it simply, you can bake it after returning to the base. Eat on the stove."

Jin Diao shrank his neck, shook his body vigorously, sprinkled a piece of ice crystals, nodded embarrassedly, and began to flap his wings to help Chen Wangping clear the rocks, and stopped eating.

Continue to eat, it is really worried that it will become an ice sculpture.

The digging took one hour. With a Qinggang mining pick that did not need to be charged, Chen Wangping was able to mine very quickly.

When he checked on the mineral detector before, he found that the scale of the ore here is not very large, and there is only such a piece.

According to the current progress, the ice crystal iron ore here can be completely hollowed out by digging for another half an hour.

It's digging.

Suddenly, Chen Wangping felt something was wrong.

He reached out and touched the stones under the ground, then walked up and touched the stones on the ground, and was surprised to find that the temperature of the stones under the ground seemed to be too warm.

Although the stones under the ground are not blowing cold wind outside, it is normal for the temperature to be higher.

But these stones are too hot, and the temperature difference is nearly ten degrees.

Not right.

When he was at the periphery, Chen Wangping squatted on the ground and felt a passing warmth.

Now the closer we get to the core, the more obvious this situation is.

Ice and Fire Swamp.

All I see now is ice.

What about fire?

Could it be that the name here is really because of Tang Huoniu and Han Bingfeng?

Chen Wangping had doubts about this statement, wrote down the abnormality of the stone in his heart, and continued to dig.

Half an hour later, all the ice crystal iron ore was dug up, and a total of [ice crystal iron ore] × 354 was harvested. According to the calculation of high-purity special effects, this is more than 170 iron plates.

You can make a lot of interesting things with savings.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, climbed out of the mine, and looked at the moonlight.

The moon tonight is half a month, and it's quite bright.

The snow in the Ice and Fire Swamp became heavier and heavier, but the wind stopped, and the temperature drop was acceptable.

The golden eagle also climbed out, and as soon as he stepped on the ground, he couldn't help but jumped his feet. It flew up and beeped, saying that Brother Ping, let's hurry up, finish it early and go back.

Chen Wangping smiled and said: "Not so fast, there is still a glacier in front of us, I guess we are going to sleep here tonight."

The golden eagle nodded helplessly, and beep said that it was fortunate that there was a charcoal fire, which would keep him warm when he slept.

One person and one eagle quickly rushed towards the glacier.

At this moment.

Tang Xihe, who was far away in Huo Niu City, finally realized something was wrong.

Why did Brother Ping sleep for so long this time?

It's time to re-steam it.

Why can't the communicator get through?

Regardless of the dark night outside, she quickly rushed to the No. 7 mine on her motorcycle.

At the back of the mountain, when Xiao Fang saw Tang Xihe coming, he didn't know what was going on, so he shouted from a distance, "Miss, Brother Chen has gone out and hasn't come back yet."

Tang Xihe said anxiously, "Go out? Where did you go?"

Xiao Fang shook his head, "I don't know. He said before that he would go out today and tomorrow, but he didn't say where to go."

Tang Xihe understood now, and stomped his feet angrily, "It's too much, so let's sneak it away!"

However, she also knew that she was just looking for them now, so she snorted angrily and asked Xiao Fang for some cotton-padded clothes, and she arrived at the base in a flash.

Little Tiemu naturally recognized Tang Xihe, and when she saw her coming, she graciously stretched out a branch to help her pour water.

Tang Xihe thanked him with a smile, turned his head to look at the messy base, tied his hair, rolled up his sleeves, walked to Chen Wangping's bed and started to clean up.

two hours later.

It was already late at night, and the snow was heavy one after another, as if it was leaking from the sky.

The golden eagle landed on the edge of the glacier, holding the steel plate and eating it in big gulps.

In the cold weather, the loss of body temperature is too serious, and it is reflected in the golden eagle that the hunger is lost too fast.

Chen Wangping himself was nibbling on the fire beef, his ears were frozen red.

Looking at the unforgettable glacier in front of him, he turned around, prepared to dig a hole nearby, and rested in the hole.

It was freezing cold along the way, except for some tree people, not even an ice bird was seen.

Seeing that the golden eagle could rest, he beeped happily and followed.

Soon, Chen Wangping saw a natural leeward **** hole. He went in and tamped the soil on the hole. He took out the mat and charcoal and started a fire. He also stuffed two yellow-hearted sweet potatoes into it.

The fire just started swaying, pulling the shadow of one person and one eagle for a long time. Chen Wangping was worried about what would be attracted, so he raised his hand to put out the fire, and just kept warm with the temperature of the charcoal.

He rubbed his hands, preparing to practice for a while, and then he ate and went to bed when the sweet potatoes were roasted.

Suddenly, a few unnatural spins appeared on the snowstorm not far away, and a dozen black shadows rushed out of the snowstorm and rushed towards Chen Wangping and the golden eagle.

"Diaobao, you are on my right."

Chen Wangping reacted quickly, quickly raised his hand to condense a thunder cage, and waited for the first black shadow to rush in to cover it.


Every time it hits the wall, the shadow hits a lot of lightning with the thunder cage.

But the power of this shadow does not seem to be large, and it did not break through when it hit the thunder cage, but its speed plummeted.

At this time, Chen Wangping also saw clearly what this thing was.

Bat, or should be called ice bat.

Its wings are nearly two meters long, and its whole body is like ice crystals condensed. It is full of icy wind and cold snow when it flaps. There are also ice crystals on its fangs, and there are some traces of gnawing on it. It seems that it has just returned from hunting.

After stopping, the ice bat revealed its ferocity, opened its mouth to emit invisible sound waves, and attacked Chen Wangping.

When Chen Wangping opened his mouth, he knew it was not good~www.readwn.com~ The next second, the ultrasonic attacked.

He immediately felt a little dizzy and nauseous, like being punched in the air, very uncomfortable, and his life value plummeted.

"Invisible sound waves, right? I also have invisible attacks!"

Chen Wangping threw a large number of lightning bombs at the ice bat with his backhand.

The ice bat was not afraid at all, closed its wings, and continued to open its mouth to send out ultrasonic waves against the thunderbolt.

"clap clap"

The lightning bomb left no trace, and apparently its ice layer was very hard.

But this is not the whole of Chen Wangping's attack. I saw him raise his arms and activate the magnetic field of his arms in anger.


Under the blessing of the magnetic field, countless lightning bombs accelerated several times in an instant, and staggered towards the ice bats along the direction of the magnetic field line, and the power was more than doubled!

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