Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 323: to build

The latest website: Chen Wangping was very surprised.

He didn't expect Tang Xihe to be able to extract the special effects of the giant ice fir core to him.

35% fire resistance, when facing the fire ability user in the future, standing still can block one-third of his damage!

Thanks to the fire resistance sent by the elder Tang Bing.

Continue to wait for an hour.

Before Tang Xihe's flame dissipated, he waited for Tang Huoniu's voice.

"Eldest nephew, quickly open the formation and let me see how Xihe recovers!"

Chen Wangping raised his hand and pulled away the miniature fire bull formation, let Tang fire bull come in, and said with a smile, "Uncle, how did you know that Xihe was here with me?"

Tang Huoniu pointed at the fire ball and said, "Now Xihe's flame is quite pure, and it is very conspicuous among the elements."

He looked at the traces of the ice fir things on the ground, and said with emotion: "Eldest nephew, you are much stronger than me, and the problem will be solved immediately after going out."

Just as he was talking, Tang Huoniu suddenly saw the fire energy stone.

At this time, the energy of this stone has been absorbed by Tang Xihe, and only the shape of a stone remains there.

Even so, he still recognized it.

Looking at the stone, Tang Huoniu's body trembled a little, and he pointed and said, "Nephew, this, shouldn't this be what you found in the Ice and Fire Swamp?"

In the face of Tang Huo Niu, Chen Wangping said bluntly, "Tang Bing put it in order to prevent you from helping Xihe restore the flame energy."

Tang Huo Niu slapped his thigh hard and scolded: "These bastards! Xihe is also their niece! They have already run so far, why don't you let them go!"

Chen Wangping shook his head and said, "As long as Xihe lives, it is a threat to them."

Tang Huoniu sighed, looked up in the direction of the middle, and said firmly: "After Xihe is successfully promoted, we will seize the time to explore the seventh research institute, and then you can take Xihe out of Huo Niu City as soon as possible, Tang Bing that Once people find that the giant cedar has disappeared, they will immediately send someone to investigate the situation, and once they know that Xihe has recovered, they will launch a second attack."

Chen Wangping asked directly, "Where are you going?"

Tang Huoniu replied: "Go to the central part, where I told you before, secretly contact the third elder, he supports Xihe, and I think you like mechanical creations, the minerals there are more abundant than here, and the area is also wider. Even there are many fields, enough for you to show off your skills and do a good job!"

Chen Wangping frowned and said, "It's no problem to go to the central part, and it's no problem to hide it, but these three elders, how can you guarantee that he will not betray? What if he is also a member of the group of the first elders? After contacting them, wouldn't they throw themselves into the net?"

Tang Huoniu shook his head, "Impossible, the third elder is Xihe's grandfather, whoever betrayed him would not be able to betray, if it wasn't for the sake of staying in the land of fire and helping Xihe to keep a hope, he came here to bring Xihe It's him."

Chen Wangping asked, "Grandpa? You said earlier that Xihe's father died unexpectedly. What about Xihe's mother?"

Tang Huoniu shook his head, "Xi and her mother had dystocia when they gave birth to her, and she died immediately. The third elder was the only daughter. At that time, he almost killed Xi and his father, and the relationship was very tense. Later, Xi and He grew up and got better."

Chen Wangping thought for a while, nodded and said: "Then it is tentative, you don't contact the third elder, and we will not tell you the itinerary of the two of us. It is safer to hide it. When the time is right, Xi and himself will also contact the third elder. Elder's."

Tang Huoniu wanted to stop him, but he thought of Tang Bing's method, nodded and agreed.

fair enough.

After setting things up, Tang Huoniu didn't plan to stay here any longer, and staying here wouldn't help much, but instead disturbed the other two.

"Wait until Xihe wakes up. I hope she can go well this time."

After speaking, Tang Huoniu got up and left the No. 7 mine base.

Chen Wangping looked at Tang Xihe's avatar's fireball, and felt that she didn't wake up so quickly. He got up and walked to the manufacturing table, ready to try something with the newly obtained materials.

He took out the giant ice fir wood, placed it on the manufacturing table with the germination of wisdom along with other materials, and clicked on the blueprint of the chicken coop and clicked to create it.

As soon as it was put on, a line of prompts appeared on the Wisdom Germination Manufacturing Platform:

[It is detected that the material has the possibility of improving the properties of the finished product, whether the probability is increased by adding materials multiple times]

"Anything like this?"

Chen Wangping immediately took out the giant cedar wood and added it to it.

Fifteen giant cedar woods were added in a row, and the light of manufacture finally appeared on the manufacturing table.

[The giant ice fir chicken coop is under construction, it is estimated to take two hours]

Looking at the prompt, Chen Wangping finally felt relieved.

"It should be possible to put all the chickens, ducks and geese in the house now."

After arranging the forging, he took out the ice crystal iron ore and placed it in the furnace to arrange the smelting process.

Afterwards, Chen Wangping walked to the paddy field to have a look. Considering that the ice and snow environment might also affect other crops, he simply went to the innermost part of the cave to re-dig four paddy field environments. its germination.

After coming into contact with the water source, the ice crystal flower seeds first exuded a slight chill, which quickly lowered the temperature of the liquid in the paddy field a lot.

It was not until the paddy field was turned into a mixture of ice and water that the ice crystal flower seeds stopped releasing cold air and began to absorb water.

The more it absorbs, the thicker the ice crystals on its surface.

Absorbed for a full hour.

The ice crystal flower seeds finally sprouted and sprouts came out. Along with the sprouts, there was a thick cold air that swept the surrounding area and quickly lowered the temperature of the nearby plots.

Small snowflakes slowly condensed on the top of the plot and fell down.

The ice and snow environment condensed successfully.

Chen Wangping, who was watching the standard cannonball, came back to his senses and saw this scene~www.readwn.com~ He smiled knowingly, took out the saplings obtained in the Icefire Swamp, and inserted them into the ice and snow near the ice crystal flower seeds one by one. Planted in the field.

It doesn't matter if he wants to leave later. He tried it when he transplanted it in Huo Niu City before, and it was no problem.

A day can be counted as a day.

Something can't be rushed.

After finishing planting, the ice crystal iron ore at this time has also been made into ice crystal steel plate.

After being quenched in the furnace, the ice crystals of the whole body have been completely integrated into the steel plate, and the surface temperature is extremely low. As long as it is exposed to the air, it will not take long for a layer of frost to condense, which is very unique.

Chen Wangping took out the marine tank, which was riddled with holes by the previous tree roots and needed to be repaired.

He had an idea that if he used ice crystal steel plates to repair land battle tanks, there might be some surprises.

Give it a try.

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