Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 332: Depleted Uranium Shells

Latest URL: "Whoosh"

At this time, a rock on the mountain was knocked down by the boulder, and it just fell on top of Chen Wangping's head.

The shield module activates, blocking the gravel.

At the same time, the discharge defense module was also activated.

I saw a flash of electric light on Chen Wangping's body, and a semi-circular electric field suddenly appeared, instantly bouncing off the gravel, and the reaction speed was extremely fast.

"It works well."

He nodded with satisfaction and returned to the base to continue his visualization.

the next day.

Chen Wangping rubbed his eyes, looked at the gloomy weather, and patted the radio:

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, the temperature near Huo Niucheng will drop, with light snow and wind force two to three.

【Tips for Wasteland】

You can use a shovel to put away the placed buildings, be careful, each move will only reduce the durability of a thousand]

【Indescribable reminder】

Energy jump, life rises.

【The sound of the wind】

"Boss, this single master is really rich, which force is it?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, it's level 4, you still don't understand the truth?"

"Understood, hehe, I don't know if there is a beautiful eldest lady in that city. I haven't been on a mission for two months, but it's suffocating me."

"Don't make trouble until you're done."

"Boss, you're too cautious. You're level five, plus four level four, it's just a small northern town. It's very easy."

"Okay, hurry up, we'll be there in two days."

After listening to the radio, Chen Wangping reached out and tapped on the table while eating breakfast.

One fifth, four fourths?

The fifth-level was handed over to Tang Huoniu to block, and the remaining four were fourth-level, Jindiao one, Xiao Tiemu one, and Tang Xihe and one person one, just enough to be able to fight one by one, so as not to be defeated.

The problem is, these so-called golden assassins in the land of wind must be masters of killing, and will not create a one-on-one situation.

One hit is successful, if it is not turned into retreat, this is the assassin.

"It seems that we have to entangle them after we lead them out."

Chen Wangping wrote down this matter, and planned to discuss it with Tang Huoniu the next time he saw him.

After eating, he checked the base.

After one night, the centrifuge processed more than 100 pieces of uranium ore, of which [uranium 238] × 98 and [uranium 235] × 13.

From the ratio, it can be seen that if you want to get enough nuclear fuel, it is not enough to rely on more than two hundred uranium mines.

Need to find more uranium mines.

However, it is also beneficial to have more uranium 238. At present, ten rounds of depleted uranium shells have been produced.

The reason why so many are built is that the depleted uranium shells formulated by the system will not cause damage to the land.

【Depleted Uranium Shells☆☆】

[Large area damage: 10000 points ~ 20000 points]

[Damage Type: Mixed Damage]

[Special Effects - Depleted Uranium Burning: Depleted uranium shells will release internal radiation within 50 meters of the enemy after hitting the enemy, regardless of enemy or friend, causing continuous irreversible physical damage]

[Special Effects-Precision: The precision of the depleted uranium shell with integrated circuit board can be controlled within five meters of the target]

[Remarks: Depleted uranium shells are precisely configured and will not damage the land]

Although it will not damage the land, the radiation of this thing is still very strong.

After feeding the chickens, Chen Wangping came over with Tang Xihe, and rushed over to the Seventh Research Institute again.

On the way, Tang Xihe said with a smile: "Brother Ping, fortunately, you took me to the Seventh Research Institute and saw the situation of radiated bugs. After we went back, we checked and found that there were already small-scale radiated bugs near Huo Niu City. , and some homeless people picked up the radiant corpse and went back to study."

Chen Wangping shook his head, "Research? This is really courageous, not afraid of death."

Tang Xihe nodded in agreement, "Those two are really not afraid of death. They were sent by other city hunters to investigate. If they didn't feel good, they have already been dealt with."

Chen Wangping snorted, "It's not just the Hunter Club. The Land of Fire has bought a gold-medal assassin team from the Land of Wind to assassinate you. The people are already on their way, and they will arrive in two days."

Tang Xihe said in surprise: "Golden Assassin team? To have a gold medal reputation, at least a fifth-level ability person leads the team! I'm afraid my uncle can't stand it alone, his fighting ability is actually quite poor, or we Set up an ambush on the road ahead of time?"

Chen Wangping was a little helpless, "Don't be afraid, since they are assassins, their biggest advantage is that they are concealed, and we may not be able to ambush if we set up an ambush. In two days, we should just explore the Seventh Research Institute first. One shot at a time and it's over."

Tang Xihe nodded, and after hearing what Chen Wangping said, she was relieved.

The goal of those people is herself. If it really doesn't work, she still has a hole card.

Soon, the two returned to the entrance of the Seventh Research Institute.

There are no traces of insects walking near the entrance. It seems that the previous radiation damage was very serious, and the density of nearby insects dropped significantly.

Chen Wangping took out the key and put it in again.


The channel opening was opened, revealing the spiral channel.

Tang Xihe smiled and said, "It seems that the charge is enough."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Let's go, hurry up, I hope you can last longer this time."

Rush down the spiral passage, and after reaching the hall, seven or eight uranium mine spiders appeared here again.

Strangely, one of the uranium ore spiders is still eating a piece of uranium ore, and there are two rotten human bones inserted obliquely.

"Human bone? Uranium mine?"

Chen Wangping immediately guessed that there should be uranium mines underneath, and those human bones might belong to miners.

It is good to have uranium mines. This time, he brought a lot of electric mining machines and sulfuric acid, just waiting for a mine to be excavated.

Before the war, he took out the exoskeleton module and the discharge defense module, installed them on Tang Xihe one by one, and taught her how to use them.

Tang Xihe raised his hand and tried it, and said in surprise: "Brother Ping, if this thing is energy-produced, one population in the city can be used as ten people."

Her thinking is similar to that of Chen Wangping, and she can see the huge productivity contained in this thing.

Chen Wangping smiled: "You will know when you go to the central part."

After he finished speaking, he called out the tank, loaded the standard bomb, and blasted it towards the uranium mine spider.

The place here is too small, he didn't dare to use depleted uranium bombs, and he would be in trouble if he hurt himself.

Tang Xihe raised his hand and raised the fire python, and followed Chen Wangping to quickly destroy the uranium mine spider.

After destroying it~www.readwn.com~ Chen Wangping quickly rushed to the uranium mine spider and grabbed half of the uranium mine from its mouth. After getting close, he could see that the uranium mine was brighter than before. is brighter, and obviously has a higher concentration.

【Uranium-rich ore☆】

[Use: Refine uranium 235 and uranium 238]

[Special effects - enrichment: the uranium 235 content in the ore has been increased to 1%]

[Remarks: It is an artificially enriched uranium-rich ore]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping was a little surprised.

Artificial enrichment?

There is such a high-tech thing in the seventh research institute?

This institute is good.


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