Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 334: Hidden lab test items

Latest website: When collecting the bones, Chen Wangping found that there were some radioactive material residues in the hands and forearms of these bones.

It can be seen that the process of their research on green ore, that is, uranium mine, is not so smooth, and many people's bodies have been mutilated.

Just as they were wrapping up, Tang Xihe walked over with a slate and handed it to Chen Wangping: "This was found on a single-person desk, and the status of the owner of the desk should not be low. This slate is of high quality. , the words above are a bit interesting, look at it."

Chen Wangping turned his head to look, and the slate read: "Little Fatty, I can't take care of you anymore. Fortunately, I added enough nutrient solution last night. I hope you can hold on for some more time until the big army comes. You I won, comrades-in-arms who saw this sentence, I hope you can go to the research office directly below my office to rescue Xiaopang as soon as possible, it has a great effect, I hope you will treat it well."

"Little Fatty? The research office directly below?"

Chen Wangping took the slate and looked at the ground, activated the mineral detector to check the terrain, and found that there was really a huge space below. "

Tang Xihe guessed: "This chubby should be its pet, or one of the research projects here. He must have died in the past three hundred years, but studying its corpse may also yield something."

Chen Wangping nodded, "I'll look at it later. I'll dig out the uranium ore purification device under Director Li's desk first."

The two gathered the bones in their hands, then moved away from the desk, took out the pickaxe and smashed it.

Soon, the concrete cracked, revealing a metal box.

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand and lifted it, but he couldn't lift it. He didn't know what it was made of, and it was extremely heavy, so he couldn't even lift it.

Fortunately, he has an exoskeleton module.

After activation, the hands hooked out on both sides, the exoskeleton slowly rose, and the metal box was easily lifted out of the groove.

There is no chain on the hasp of this metal box. Obviously, Director Li knows that anyone who can find the box will definitely be able to open the lock, so there is no need to add a fault.

After opening the metal box, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction.

He saw the dark green system light, proving that the machine was still functional.

If you look closely, the machine is about the size of a dining table. It is wrapped with layers of oilcloth, and there is a cotton cloth on the side to absorb shock and buffer. There are no traces of moths on it, which is very important.

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand to put it in the storage compartment and checked the properties:

【Uranium ore enrichment device☆☆】

【Use: Mining device】

[Enrichment range: radius of twenty meters]

[Energy consumption: 100kW]

[Durability: 3420/10000]

[Special effects-enrichment: This device can enrich the uranium ore within the radiation radius, consume ordinary uranium ore, and increase the content of uranium 235 in the rich uranium ore]

[Note: This is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Seventh Research Institute]

This is it!

Chen Wangping admired it very much. With this thing, whether it is building a nuclear bomb or a nuclear reactor, it can greatly save time.

It's simply an artifact.

Moreover, according to Tang Xihe's description, five years later, the detonation bomb, which may have been a nuclear bomb, was detonated.

Tang Xihe was also very happy to see Chen Wangping's happy appearance, and happily ran to the other desk, aimed at the ground and smashed the little fire python over and smashed it away.

After the ground cracked, a dark hole was revealed.

Chen Wangping asked Tang Xihe to throw a small flame in, and found that the flame could burn normally, proving that it was not completely enclosed.

After expanding the hole, the two jumped down.

After landing, I looked around with the light and found that there was not a single skeleton in it. There were various machines for research all around, and there was a large, fully enclosed metal cylinder ten meters high and five meters thick in the middle.

The two split up looking for clues. Tang Xihe looked left and right, and found a desk with exactly the same items on the desk of the man above. He walked over and flipped through it, and found another slate on the desk. She greeted Chen Wangping said: "Look, there are words here."

Chen Wangping heard the voice and walked over, and found that the handwriting on it was similar to the previous one, apparently written by one person:

"The estimated time for Xiaopang's transformation this time is three months. I hope it can hold up. The isolation effect of the newly allocated LD alloy is really good. I have to hide the dissolving agent. If it is lost and cannot be opened, it will be troublesome. already."

"Would you like to write down the location? If you forget it, it will be troublesome."

"But if you write it down, it may be seen by others. Forget it, my memory is so good, I shouldn't forget it!"


"Come on! Where did I put the LD alloy dissolving agent? Little fat! Wait for me to rescue you!"

There are still some scratches and some flowers on the last line.

After reading the slate, Chen Wangping and Tang Xihe were speechless.

Tang Xihe pointed to the large cylinder next to him and said, "Is this the LD alloy he said? Is the little fat inside?"

Chen Wangping said: "It should be, there are no other metal products here."

Tang Xihe turned around and condensed the fire python and said, "Then I'll try it first and see if it can explode."

Chen Wangping stared at the slate, vaguely remembering it.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Tang Xihe thought he had acquiesced. He raised his hand to condense dozens of fire pythons. With a wave of his hand, the fire python slammed into the large cylinder.

"bang bang bang"

There was a lot of fire in the cave, and there was a lot of movement.

But when the fire python dissipated, there were only some dark marks on the large cylinder, and there was no sign of breaking.

Tang Xihe was surprised: "The performance is so good? Even if I pass this pass, even the steel plate will deform." After speaking, she said helplessly: "Brother Ping, it seems that we can't open this thing today, then I have never heard of LD alloy dissolving agent, more than 300 years have passed, where can I find it?"

Chen Wangping turned around and smiled, flipped his hand and took out a bottle and said, "Don't worry~www.readwn.com~ I have it."

He thought about it just now, and finally remembered that from Wang Jin's relics, in addition to the key, he also got Thunder Bamboo seeds and this LD alloy dissolving agent.

Didn't expect it to be used here.

Fortunately, the modular armor added a lot of extra storage compartments, otherwise he might have thrown it at home when he cleaned up this time.

Tang Xihe looked at the LD alloy dissolving agent and was eager to try it, "How about I use it? This thing should be similar to applying skin care lotion."

Chen Wangping pointed at the slate and said: "Not necessarily, you can see that the LD alloy has a strong protective power on the slate, and there may be residual nutrient solution in it, which may erupt after dissolving. Let's call Jindiao over and start dissolving from the top. ."

After a while, the two squatted in the previous office and looked down from the hole.

The golden eagle grabbed the LD alloy dissolving agent, smashed it on the top of the large cylinder from a distance, and then wiped it evenly with the wind, waiting for the effect.

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