Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 337: Absorb radiation

Latest website: After listening to the radio, Chen Wangping smiled coldly.

Human slave? Massacre?

These people really don't take Huo Niu City seriously.

I'd like to see what's up with Fengyuan Land.

Judging from the weather forecast, the temperature will be lower tomorrow and the snow will be heavier, which is considered a weakening for fire-type abilities.

However, such weather is more suitable for the golden eagle to play. As for Tang Xihe and Tang Huoniu, Chen Wangping has his own way.

Turning off the radio, Chen Wangping walked to the garment making machine, took out the white down jacket he had arranged earlier, and put it away.

After you have the dye, you can try to make some other colors of clothes.

After a while, the water in the big pit was also filled.

Chen Wangping aimed at the big pit, took out the war elephant and put it in it.


The war elephant fell into the water and quickly absorbed it, while expelling some impurities.

Sucking and sucking, its body became bigger again, like a hill.

Chen Wangping closed his eyes, and according to the method of mental control, he put his mental power into the war elephant, found the control core of the war elephant, and controlled it with mental power.

The control process was unexpectedly smooth.

Chen Wangping can feel as if he is wearing a VR eye, and he can view the scene from the perspective of the war elephant. Its field of vision is only gray and white, and it is easy to distinguish individual outlines, but the details are not very good.

The method of control is also simple, that is, use mental control.

He tried to control the war elephant to get up from the water.

"Boom boom"

The war elephant got up and smashed a splash of water, making a lot of movement.

Little Tiemu didn't know what was going on, but he immediately stretched out his branches vigilantly, ready to protect Chen Wangping at any time.

The golden eagle curled his lips in the air and sighed, even if this little iron wood can move, he is still stupid, when will he be able to carry the burden of Ping brother!

Chen Wangping controlled the war elephant and turned his head left and right. Only then did he realize that when he looked at the base, he could find that there were many small dark spots on the manufacturing area where the manufacturing platform was located, which were escaping around at this time.

"Is this the radiation in the uranium mine?"

Chen Wangping controlled the war elephant to take a closer look, and found that the manufacturing table near the manufacturing area was contaminated. Although the amount was not large, this thing can always be stained as little as possible.

He turned his head and found that even the little iron wood had a lot of stains on it.

"That won't work, you have to find a way to get it away."

As soon as the thought came out, the mental power also changed a little.

At this moment, the war elephant looked up, and saw that the end of its nose seemed to have a fan started, hummingly exuding suction, and drew a circle towards the small iron wood, and instantly put the small iron. All the dark spots of radiation on the wooden body were sucked clean.

Chen Wangping came back to his senses, and then realized that when he controlled the war elephant with his mind, he could drive its functions. He circled around the little Tiemu and looked at it, and smiled suddenly.

No wonder it has the shape of a war elephant. Its limbs are used to move and fight. The trunk of the elephant is like a vacuum cleaner, specially used to absorb radiation.

I don't know who came up with the biomimetic method, it's amazing!

Just as he was about to control the war elephant to walk towards the base, stretch out his trunk to inhale the radiation inside the base.

The war elephant raised his foot halfway, and suddenly stopped.

Chen Wangping also felt that his spiritual power was plunged into darkness, like a power outage.

He understands that this is no energy.

I walked around the war elephant and found that the energy source was placed under the war elephant's ears. Two ears, one for energy storage and one for energy storage, were provided with external elephant ears for additional protection and safety. This design Not bad.

Chen Wangping put ten solid fuels in it at a time and closed the elephant ears.

The mental power was put back into it, and this time the war elephant returned to normal again, walking towards the base, waving its trunk around, absorbing the radiation.

After cleaning up the base, Chen Wangping put away the war elephant, got on the golden eagle and rushed to the vicinity of the uranium mine again.

Tang Xihe said hello: "Is it okay? Nothing happened here, not a single person."

Chen Wangping shook his head and walked over to add sulfuric acid to the electric mining machine and replace it with a new battery. He estimated the progress. The further down the road, the worse the environment and the lower the efficiency of the electric mining machine. The dug is clean, and it is estimated that it will not be dug until tomorrow morning.

He told Tang Xihe about this and the fact that the Land of Wind came to the vicinity of Huo Niu City about tomorrow night.

Tang Xihe frowned and said, "If their target is me, then the battle is best placed in the Huo Niu Great Array, so let's go back to Huo Niu City to make some arrangements, and let my uncle free up a fight. area, you will meet again tomorrow morning after you finish digging."

Chen Wangping nodded and said: "Half a day is enough, in terms of combat, leave the fifth-level to uncle, and the fourth-level you, me, the golden eagle, and Xiao Tiemu each stop one, and then I arrange the rocket soldiers to find an opportunity to make a breakthrough, as long as you kill one first It'll be fine."

Tang Xihe nodded, then sighed again, "The Gold Assassin Team in the Land of Wind, it will cost a lot of money to invite them. Tang Bing is too cruel."

Chen Wangping patted Tang Xihe on the shoulder, "Don't think about him, I'll give you a present." After speaking, he took out a brand new white down jacket and handed it over.

Tang Xihe took the down jacket, and still didn't understand what kind of clothes it was, "This clothes is a bit weird, why is it so bulging? What's inside?"

"Come on, reach out and I'll put it on for you."

After putting it on, Tang Xihe immediately felt very hot.

Now that the weather is cold, in order to maintain her body temperature, she usually allocates a little energy to surround her body.

It's okay not to wear a down jacket, but after wearing it, my forehead is hot and sweaty.

She recovered her energy, reached out and touched it, and jumped again, and immediately felt the light but warm comfort of a down jacket. In fact, she also has animal skins for warmth~www.readwn.com~ But those are too much Thick, ugly and hard to wear.

Now that I have this bulging clothes, I don't need to maintain fire energy, I can save a little.

Tang Xihe hugged Chen Wangping excitedly and buried his head in his arms, "Thank you, Brother Ping, this is the best gift I received."

Chen Wangping patted Tang Xihe on the shoulder, "If you like it, I'll make you other nice clothes when the weather gets hot."

Tang Xihe nodded vigorously, "Mmmm!"

Afterwards, Tang Xihe rushed to Huoniu City in a golden eagle, arranged manpower, dispersed the people, and discussed the battle plan with Tang Huoniu.

Chen Wangping took out the war elephant here, and used the war elephant to absorb the remaining uranium ore radiation one by one. First, it was to avoid the problem of mutated bugs. Second, the war elephant absorbed radiation but could release it. The more it is, the more violent it may be released.

Gold Assassins? I don't know if they've seen a radiation attack.

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