Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 342: Upgrade animal husbandry technology! Level 2 Life Crystal!

The latest website: Hearing this question, the attitude of everyone eating grilled fish has not changed at all, but it has become more delicious.

"Benefactor, if you ask this question, there must be no answer!"

"That's right, we said to follow you before, so it must have been following you!"

"Everything is going, the central part is definitely not as cold as this side!"

"I heard that you can pick up gold by bowing your head in the middle. Shall we leave now?"

Xiao Fang said to Xiao Tieniu: "Benefactor, don't worry, we will go wherever you go."


Chen Wangping turned over and took out ten machine gun off-road vehicles, and took out the space device and handed it over: "There is enough food and fuel for more than 40 of you for three months. There are ten vehicles. Tomorrow you follow the map and go. Find me at the appointed place, remember, there will be less disputes on the road, and you will spend money to avoid disasters when you are in danger, as long as people arrive."

Seeing ten cars, Xiao Fang and Xiao Yu were very moved, and nodded in succession: "Don't worry, benefactor, we will make arrangements and find you smoothly."

Chen Wangping nodded, took out most of the swamp icefish caught earlier and explained, "If it's too cold on the road and can't hold on, then eat fish to fight the cold, and I've prepared clothes for you, so be careful on the road."

Xiao Fang took the things, nodded vigorously, turned around and arranged.

Chen Wangping returned to the base and breathed a sigh of relief.

The golden eagle's bearing capacity is limited, and at most he can only carry himself with Tang Xi and the two of them.

If these people drive, they can arrive in less than a month under normal circumstances. Forty people and ten vehicles have already prepared several times the margin, so there should be no problem.

As for the base, Chen Wangping took out the high-purity wood-based crystals and walked to the side of the small iron wood, lightly placed it on its branch, and muttered: "Little iron wood, try your best to absorb it, there will be more battles soon. I know if I can take you with me."

It can be seen from the way that the little iron wood came back today that the golden eagle cannot carry it, and can only be moved by a vehicle.

If you can't take it, Pingbai loses a powerful fourth-level combat power.

Hearing Chen Wangping's words, Xiao Tiemu shook the crown of the tree vigorously, stretched out the branches and rolled up the high-purity wood-based crystals, crushed them, and quickly absorbed them.

When absorbed, the light effect is very obvious.

The dark green light surged towards Little Ironwood's whole body from where it was absorbed, rapidly increasing the wood-type energy in his body.

After absorbing for a while, Xiao Tiemu shook the branches, indicating that it was not enough, and he wanted it.

Chen Wangping simply took out all the high-purity wood-based crystals and handed it to it, allowing it to absorb it by itself.

If Tang Huoniu saw this scene, he would definitely call Chen Wangping a prodigal, and he himself was not willing to use so many crystals in one breath.

After Chen Wangping finished feeding the little iron wood, he went straight to the life crystal manufacturing table and counted, and found that there were more than 500 first-level life crystals.

He glanced at the giant cedar chicken coop with emotion, "It really can live."

Finally can upgrade animal husbandry technology.

Unlike mechanical technology, there are no blueprints for the creation of secondary life crystals after the previous agricultural technology and fishery technology were upgraded.

Chen Wangping opened the technology tree, looking forward to the upgrade of the animal husbandry technology tree in the location.

【Congratulations on your successful upgrade of animal husbandry technology】

[You have unlocked the [Hunting Trap] blueprint, [Fermenter] blueprint, [Animal Shack (All Animals)] blueprint of the animal husbandry series,]

[Congratulations on successfully upgrading all life technology trees to level three]

[You got a reward: Plant Growth Halo (can be turned on or off)]

[Plant Growth Halo: All plants in the territory consume soil fertility to accelerate their growth, the probability of seed germination is greatly increased, and the amount of results is greatly increased. 】

[Remarks: People take food as their heaven]

Looking at the new drawings and rewards of the animal husbandry series, Chen Wangping expressed his interest.

Especially rewards.

Plant Growth Halo!

Depletes soil fertility to accelerate growth.

If there is enough fertilizer, the plants can grow fast enough.

"When we get to the central part, we have to find another oil mine to dig. Fortunately, there are enough reserves now, and it can be used for a while if it is released."

Chen Wangping clicked on the drawings and checked them one by one:

【Hunting trap】

[Purpose: Catch animals by arranging traps]

【Material: 【Stone】×20, 【Wood】×15, 【Steel】×2】

[Remarks: Hunting traps with simple materials need to consume a meat bait (available internal organs) each time they are used.]

"Hunting traps? The materials for this thing are really not complicated. You can try it when you camp on the way back."


【Use: Ferment all fermentable items】

【Materials: 【Natural Yeast】×1, 【Wood】×10, 【Stone】×10】

[Note: Natural yeast is widely found in grains, fruits and fermented products]

Seeing this, Chen Wangping couldn't help laughing.

Ferment everything?

That's a lot, juice cider jam, ham sausage pickles.

It's all ferment.

Good luck later.

It is this natural yeast. He doesn't know where to find it yet, and he will look for a chance to look at it on the road.

After the last blueprint is opened, it is very complicated. According to the different types of materials, we will talk about it after catching those other exotic beasts.

Putting away the drawings, Chen Wangping pointed to the life-related technology tree, and found that the farming, animal husbandry and fishery technology tree was merged into a single technology tree further up.

After clicking, the upgrade materials that appear above also change.

【Secondary Life Crystal】

[Materials: [☆-level fish scales] × 1, [☆-level animal meat] × 1, [☆-level crops] × 1, [☆-level tree sap] × 1]

[Purpose: Light up the high-level life technology tree]

[Note: The blueprints of the high-level life technology tree are various totems]

"Tech tree merged?"

Chen Wangping carefully looked at the material of the second-level life crystal, and suddenly felt a little headache.

No wonder they merged. These secondary life crystals incorporate high-quality products from farming, animal husbandry, fishing, and logging, making it more difficult to collect.

Of course, there must be more gains.

"Totem? The effect of the totem should be similar to the plant growth halo rewarded this time~www.readwn.com~ are all scoped?"

Chen Wangping was quite interested.

From the experience of raising sunfish, he can also feel that fish scales must be in line with the living habits of fish in order to promote it, and presumably the same is true for the rest.

After closing the technology tree, he walked to the manufacturing table and arranged the construction plan for fifty hunting traps. Then he walked to the table, spread out the map, and took out the two tokens given by Tang Huoniu, as well as the one he got from Feng Thorn. bunch of tokens.

Chen Wangping placed the tokens one by one according to their geographic locations, stared at them and thought about them carefully.

The most important thing in choosing a territory is safety.

Resources can be bought, robbed, and shipped.

Based on this idea, he pushed away the two tokens of Tang Huo Niu, stretched out his hand and pressed it on one token and paused.

That's it!

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