Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 347: Titanium that no one wants!

Remember [New] for a second,! Putting away the war elephant, Chen Wangping was not in a hurry to go in and explore the mine.

Find a place to place the base first, and start the production line as soon as possible.

Seeing his happy look, Tang Xihe leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Are there any good mines?"

Chen Wangping nodded, turned to Fangzhou Nan and said: "Old Fang, you take me around the town, I want to find a place with mountains and rivers, the place is big enough, and the location is hidden to build a base, and you will be in the town when you come back. Explain in the middle, don't come close."

Fang Zhounan came over enthusiastically and said, "Mayor, the place you mentioned really exists in the town. However, the place is a bit wicked, the crops are not growing well, and the broken stones produced are of little value."

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "Those are all right, take me there first."

Fang Zhounan nodded and said: "Okay, that place is not far from here, and it will be there after walking here for a while."

After a while, the three came to a nearby valley.

From a distance, the stone mountain with a height of several hundred meters can just be used as a backrest, and a small river about five meters wide flows on the side. Although the water is a little shallow, it is winter after all, and it is enough.

There are a lot of gravel at the foot of the mountain, there are large and small pieces. It can be seen that no one usually comes here, and there are few traces of alien beasts.

Chen Wangping was quite satisfied with this place. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw the golden eagle, who was watching in the air, let out a high-pitched sound, flew down from the air, and quickly flapped his wings to scrape off the gravel at the foot of the mountain, aiming at the dark red and black ones underneath. The ore beeped.

Chen Wangping walked over quickly and found that the piece of ore was emitting a dark red light that he had never seen before. He immediately took out the green steel pickaxe, and without saying a word, he aimed at the ore and chiseled it hard.

Seeing this scene, Fang Zhounan didn't react a bit. He has been traveling for many years, and he has never seen such a young man who digs so neatly.

No wonder we went to see the mine first.

The mayor's hobby is very unique.

He walked over quickly and explained after seeing the ore: "Mayor, we call this kind of stone broken red stone. There are quite a few in this mountain, but unfortunately no one wants it even if it is dug out. The smelting of Thunder Dragon City The master drove us out without even looking at it, saying it was a waste mine."

At this time, Chen Wangping had dug out a whole piece of ore. Looking at the sun, he could see that the ore had a well-established square columnar crystal shape, and at a glance, it was clear that the purity was very high.

【Rutile (Titanium Dioxide☆☆)】

【Use: Refine titanium ore】

[Special effect - high purity: one titanium plate can be smelted for every two pieces of gold red ore]

[required for refining: ☆☆ grade steel furnace]

[Remarks: The refining of titanium is very difficult and requires a high-grade steel furnace]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping looked around excitedly.

Where is Stone Mountain?

This is Baoshan!

This is titanium ore. Whether it is to build an aircraft rocket in the sky or a nuclear submarine that goes to the sea, as long as this thing is added, the performance will be different immediately, and it can be called a high-tech essential mine.

Abandoned mine?

Thank you so much for the people who can't see the use of titanium ore.

Chen Wangping turned his head to Fang Zhounan with a slight smile, took out five gold coins and handed them over: "Old Fang, I like this place very much, I'll give you a few tasks, one is to find some seeds for me, any kind of seeds will do; The second is to collect this kind of broken red stone in the hands of the townspeople, and the amount is as much as you get; the third is to block the coal mine, do not let the townsmen enter, and wait for me to let me know when the blockade will be lifted; the fourth is to inform the townsmen not to come near Stone Mountain, go."

Fang Zhounan didn't receive the gold coins, so he took out the notebook and wrote it down carefully: "Relax, mayor, I promise to complete the task, you don't need to pay for the money, I have a lot of seeds in my family, and broken red stones are even more worthless, they are basically children. Take it to play or dig too lazy to throw it over."

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand and stuffed the gold coin into Fangzhounan's hand. He smiled and said, "Go, I don't care about this money. What I care about is that no one is disturbed, you understand."

Fang Zhounan was happy, and no longer shied away: "I understand, I understand, then I will go back first, and then I will contact you later."

After speaking, Fang Zhounan hurried away, looking from the back, the originally hunched back was much straighter.

Tang Xihe squatted down and picked up a broken red stone and said with a smile: "It seems that Brother Ping has a good luck. It is really the right choice to choose this Fangshan Town."

Chen Wangping pulled Tang Xihe up and said with a smile: "It's your luck, let's clear the field first, and I'll set up the base later."

"Okay, Diaobao follows me and cleans up the venue, so Brother Ping can get you a delicious iron plate."

After a week of dealings, Tang Xihe also knew how to communicate with the golden eagle.

The golden eagle tweeted happily and quickly followed behind Tang Xihe to help.

One person and one eagle cooperated. First, the nearby debris and weeds were burned with a fire, the gravel was melted, and the insects were eliminated. Then the golden eagle used the wind to gather the debris and ashes in the garbage pit for landfill treatment.

In the past week, the two have been pondering the arrangement and handling of the base in addition to practicing, learning from the previous lessons, and striving to create a better base.

On the other side, Chen Wangping held a mineral detector, first entered the rutile ore into it, then carefully explored the surrounding terrain, and analyzed other mineral veins in the depths of Stone Mountain by the way.

After researching the ore veins, the clearing there is almost done.

He took out the prepared concrete and poured it on the ground together with Tang Xi and the golden eagle.

Since the stone floor itself has a good load-bearing capacity, and the concrete acts as an isolation, it is not too thick, and it is enough to control it at about ten centimeters in the early stage.

After half a day.

The original stone ground at the foot of the mountain has completely changed.

The nearly 10,000 square meters of concrete outside the planting area have been completely solidified, and the flat ground looks very comfortable.

In terms of arrangement, Chen Wangping plans to put the planting area in the upper reaches of the river, the breeding area in the lower reaches of the river, the industrial area away from the river and close to the mine, the water supply can be solved by pipelines, and the residential area away from the industrial area, relying on The town, on the one hand, the traffic is more convenient, and on the other hand, it can play a physical occlusion effect.

Before placing the equipment, he successively arranged the miniature fire bull array and the nine thunder arrays, just in case.

After making sufficient preparations, Chen Wangping quickly arranged the power grid system, water supply system, smelting system and manufacturing system in the original base.

Pump after pump hummed, activating the steam generator like a signal, as well as the many devices connected to the grid.

Chen Wangping picked out the steel plates on the star and placed them in ten manufacturing platforms, selected the drawings of the steel furnaces, and prepared to use several high-quality steel furnaces to smelt titanium ore.

Seeing that the forging process had begun, he took out the king carp seedlings from the fish tank, pulled two leaves of the ice crystal flower and put them in to feed them.

This was proposed by the carp king seedling himself when he was on his way. After eating the leaves of the ice crystal flower, its cold resistance has been greatly improved.

I saw that the little carp nibbled at the ice crystal leaves happily, and flicked its tail at the manufacturing table.

[Carp King Miao lucky special effect has been triggered]

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