Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 388: Grab your resources and go!

In the afternoon, there were not many people in the slaughterhouse, everyone was packing things, and there were not many pedestrians.

Chen Wangping circled around the slaughterhouse, "Strange, after a circle, there is no breath of life underground. Is it possible that they have moved? Or their stronghold is below 150 meters underground?"

He walked to a property that Qian Duoduo had purchased before, took out the mineral detector and probed it underground. The detection target chose ordinary soil.

The scope of action of the mineral detector is more than a thousand meters, and a miniature light group is quickly constructed, showing the nearby terrain.

I saw that in the nearby terrain, the soil within 300 meters from the ground is still normal, and there are at most a few small pits and holes.

But as soon as it reached 300 meters below, there was a lot of missing. Among them, there was a lack of soil about the size of several football fields directly below the slaughterhouse, and there were many authentic forms on the periphery.

Looking at the intricate vertical and horizontal traces on the light group, Chen Wangping was very surprised.

It really deserves to be the sect of the insect gods. The digging is also very good. It extends in all directions. If you really find something, it is very convenient to run or chase.

It's a pity, no amount of tunnels can't stand the mine detector.

Are you afraid that you can't get out of the maze with a map?

Chen Wangping changed several positions in a row, and constructed all the tunnels near the slaughterhouse.

It's just that the distance is too far to see the guard force, so we can only wait to explore after entering the tunnel.

After recording the location, it was almost dark.

It's a good time to get started.

Chen Wangping walked along one of the passages to the Peace Pavilion, checking the surrounding situation as he walked.

The more he looked, the more shocked he became.

From the east of the city to the south of the city, nearly a quarter of the Thunder Dragon City underground has been filled with holes extending in all directions.

The residents of Thunder Dragon City, they never dreamed of how many bugs were hidden under the road they walked every day.

When these bugs broke out, the residents of Thunder Dragon City couldn't run away if they wanted to.

Chen Wangping returned to the Peace Pavilion to investigate, feeling a little nervous.

There are dense tunnels under the grounds of the Peace Pavilion and the entire shop nearby.

To be honest, he himself had never thought of such a situation before, never detected it.

Fortunately it's not too late.

Chen Wangping thought for a while, "It's definitely not possible to fill the hole, it's easy to startle the snake, so, after grabbing the metal, first use the ordinary steel plate dug out of Fangshan Town to put a layer of isolation tape on the ground to see."

As for the tunnels in other places, he didn't plan to resist it himself.

The reason for saving the civilians is that the Lord Long Changming of Thunder Dragon City doesn't care at all.

But if it really involves the safety of the entire Thunder Dragon City, this Long Changming will definitely not be able to sit still.

As long as the lid is lifted, the one who is anxious is the ruler of Thunder Dragon City.

At that time, he can also help himself share some of the chasing firepower of the Insect God Sect.

Chen Wangping figured out the escape route, and immediately prepared to start grabbing resources.

He used the van to disguise and returned to the residence near the slaughterhouse with the golden eagle.

Entering the room, Chen Wangping called for the golden eagle to cooperate, and quickly dug a big hole on the ground. Gu Gon

The golden eagle flapped its wings and controlled the tornado with the rotating blade, which was faster than the excavator. Chen Wangping acted as an assistant, and put the excavated soil into the storage compartment.

Soon, one person and one eagle burrowed towards the ground.

Although he was concerned about the vibration of digging, the golden eagle deliberately controlled the speed and did not drive to the maximum horsepower.

But even so, it could dig five or six meters per minute, and soon reached a position of 150 meters.

At this position, the surrounding air has begun to become a little thin.

As Chen Wangping fell, he reached out to pat the surrounding soil, and tried his best to ensure air circulation.

After continuing to dig for two meters, Chen Wangping finally saw a group of Zerg wandering around on the radar. The leading Zerg red dot was the size of a green jujube, and it seemed that it should have about three levels of strength. The second-level strength, the wandering speed is not fast, it seems that it should be a routine wandering.

"These bugs are really digging. They dug three hundred meters underground. No wonder no one knows."

Now that he knew the rock formation they were in, Chen Wangping called the golden eagle and stopped digging. Instead, he digged directly in the direction of the slaughterhouse, and took advantage of his 150-meter radar to run to the warehouse. top of the head.


The vibration of the excavation was conducted by the soil into the tunnel of the Insect Religion.

The two new worm slaves at the door of the warehouse looked at each other, and the worm slave on the left discussed doubtfully: "This vibration seems to be a bit big, is there any movement?"

The insect slave on the right looked around, and quickly lowered his voice: "Don't make a sound, you forgot how we came here, if it attracts adults, even if nothing is found, it will kill us. This is so far from the ground, who will come here, let's be honest."

The insect slave on the left sighed, nodded and said, "That's right, hey, if I had known that I would end up in such a situation after joining the Insect God Cult, I would never have said anything back then, damn, I really didn't expect that I would be in this situation. My brother will lie to me."

The insect slave on the right said: "It's not the same for me. My mother told me that if I join the Insect God Cult, I can live forever, and I can still have supernatural powers. Now that I don't have supernormal powers, the aliens are developing very well. Damn! Even if there is a third level What about the strength, it's not like being a bug here! Damn it!"

Hearing the sound of footsteps in the distance, the two insect slaves quickly stopped and stopped talking.

After a while, Lin Dao's cronies hugged the two young girls, walked over arrogantly, and shouted, "Open the door for me." "

The two insect slaves nodded quickly, ran over to open the door, and watched Lin Dao's cronies walk in greedily.

As for the vibrations in this passage, no one cared about it.

After half an hour.

Chen Wangping and the golden eagle successfully dug right above the slaughterhouse.

Across so many distances, he used radar from a distance to tell where things might be hiding.

"There are a lot of bugs in the east, it shouldn't be."

"People on both sides of the north and south seem to be doing some work, going back and forth, and it should not be a warehouse."

"There are also some bugs in the west~www.readwn.com~ but they are all motionless. The light of the red dot is still slowly brightening, a bit like it is swallowing something. The three or four light dots at the door should be guarded."

"Just dig to the west."

After choosing the destination, Chen Wangping did not rush to let the golden eagle dig down, but turned around and dug up.

Since it is robbing things, then prepare a way out after robbing things.

After digging until it was only five meters above the ground, each person turned around and dug toward the warehouse again.

The Liberty Corps will be fully armed in no time!

Maybe even a tank army can come out.


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