Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 400: Super Refining Electric Furnace! Sulphur Ore Mutation

Looking at the new drawings, Chen Wangping's first reaction was to continue to upgrade the production technology.

Whether it's a Tier 3 steam generator or a large solar panel, a Tier 3 Crafting Bench is required to craft it.

There are still more than a dozen secondary mechanical crystals that are still missing.

Now, let's build a refining electric furnace and uranium fuel rods and try it out.

Chen Wangping found the materials for refining the electric furnace, put them into the manufacturing table one by one, and clicked to create:

[The refining electric furnace is being built, it is estimated that it will take one hour]

"It's another hour. I hope the third-level manufacturing platform can be built faster."

Later, Chen Wangping dug out the materials for the uranium fuel rods. However, before this build, he deliberately built a sealed house with standard concrete, and connected the manufacturing table and the circuit, and then added materials to choose and build.

After all, it is related to radiation, so it is better to be cautious.

[Uranium fuel rods are being built, it is expected to take half an hour]

Seeing that the construction process had begun, Chen Wangping walked to the planting place and checked the recent progress of these plants.

The black rice mugwort is still the same as before, with various bonuses, the mugwort is about to mature and can be harvested again.

In addition to these harvested ones, the growth of more than 30 flame flowers is also very good, and it is obvious that their growth frequency is moving closer to Chaotian pepper.

Chaotian peppers grow taller, and they grow well, and Chaotian peppers form bone buds, and they also form bone buds.

If they can bloom together, then the cultivation of flame flowers will be quite successful.

Chen Wangping touched the flame flower and said with emotion: "I planted the flame flower to open up the situation in Thunder Dragon City. I didn't expect the situation to open now, and the flower has not yet bloomed. The future is always unexpected."

After looking at the plants, he looked at the animals.

The fry and small exotic beasts that Qian Duoduo had been looking for were all sent to the base. He picked them out earlier. About half of them had system rays and could be used as conventional breeding animals. Although the other half were not used as system creatures, they were handed over to Volcano. The people of the tribe can raise them casually, and they can be used as sources of meat when they grow up.

The growth rate of the animals is also very good. After all, there is a halo inside the territory, which reduces the chance of getting sick. It is really a fragrant food.

After wandering around for a while, Chen Wangping felt an unprecedented ease. In the past few days, apart from running around and cultivating, he was not as relaxed as he is now, and vaguely, he could feel the thunder and lightning tenderness on his chest cheering.

Back at the fabrication stand, he saw that the uranium fuel rods had been made.

Chen Wangping took it off. From the outside, the uranium fuel rod was a green, stubby rod. From a distance, it looked a bit like a beer bottle, but it was heavy to pick up.

View properties:

【Uranium fuel rod】

[Use: burning to release energy]

[Special effect - high-energy combustion: uranium fuel rods will release high-intensity energy, which can produce a large amount of electricity after connecting the heat exchanger and the steam turbine]

[Negative special effects - Radiation: Radiation will leak out during the burning process, causing damage to surrounding creatures]

[Note: The uranium fuel rods will become spent fuel rods after being burned, and a small amount of uranium ore will be recovered after being put into the centrifuge]

Chen Wangping weighed the uranium fuel rods, "High-energy combustion? Will it release radiation?"

It's a pity, if this thing can be stuffed into the tank, the tank must be super fierce.

Or wait for the next energy technology upgrade, click on the nuclear reactor and then use this thing.

After continuing to rest for a while, the refining electric furnace was also built.

Chen Wangping picked an open space and put down the electric refining furnace.

From the appearance, the electric refining furnace looks like a mechanized swallowing beast. The standard concrete around it is held up high, and the thick inlet and outlet show its smelting ability. Even if it has not moved, you can feel its smelting ability. power.

【Refining electric furnace】

【Grade: Level 3 Production Equipment】

【Maximum power: 100kw】

[Number of raw materials stored: 500]

[Number of fuel storage: 50]

[Effect-Arc Smelting: The refining electric furnace has higher smelting energy, and the output metal sheet must be ☆ level and above]

[Effect - High Quality Recycling: Refining Electric Furnace can recover metals from any obsolete equipment]

[Durability: 10000/10000]

[Note: The only disadvantage of the electric refining furnace is power consumption]

After reading the properties, Chen Wangping silently felt a little liver pain.

One is one hundred kilowatts.

Even the oil refinery is only 60 kilowatts.

This refining furnace is also too power-hungry.

Of course, the system has always been a consumption and an output.

The consumption is large, indicating that the smelting effect of this thing is definitely better.

If nothing else, just from the properties, it can be seen that the quality of the metal sheet it produces will be higher.

Chen Wangping first connected the electric refining furnace, then took out the armor of the fire hammer and threw it in, ready to see what good things could be produced.

After arranging these, the new secondary mechanical crystal next to it has not been built yet.

Chen Wangping walked over and took a look, and found that there was no shortage of steel and silicon plates, but the sulfuric acid in the battery was missing.

Xiao Fang hasn't come back to deliver the sulfur today, so he plans to just go and get it himself.

Just as he was about to set off, Tang Xihe came out and asked, "Brother Ping, where are you going? My current flame perception is almost at its peak, and the ascetic practice is of little use. I want to follow you around."

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "Then let's go together. I'm going to go to the sulfur mine to get some sulfur and come back. I'll take you to Thunder Dragon City tonight."

"Okay, okay." Tang Xihe jumped up, landed on the back of the golden eagle, and said in surprise, "Brother Ping, the golden eagle has grown a lot these days, and the color has become more beautiful."

Chen Wangping looked down. He was with the golden eagle every day, but he really didn't pay attention. Looking at it now, he found that the golden eagle's feathers were more metallic, and the body was much larger. It looked like he was about to break through. .

"Okay, Diaobao, what have you eaten recently? It's growing so fast."

After Jin Diao heard it, his small eyes rolled, and he patted his stomach proudly, indicating that it was Lei Tie! It had swallowed a lot before, but today it was slowly digested, and the effect came out immediately.

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "That's not bad, I have the opportunity to take you to the Thunder Pond and let you eat!"

The golden eagle nodded ~www.readwn.com~ and snorted, waving its wings vigorously and rushing towards the sulfur mine.

After arriving at the sulfur mine, just as Chen Wangping was about to land, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He said to Tang Xihe, "Xihe, do you feel that it seems too hot around you?"

Tang Xihe said, "It's hot? It's not hot, it's not because the weather is just right." After speaking, she also reacted, looked around, and said in surprise, "It's strange, something's wrong, it's obviously winter, why does it feel like spring here? Same, I just said how come it's so warm after coming here."

Chen Wangping didn't have time to explain, and shouted loudly to the people below: "Everyone, retreat immediately, leave the mine, Xiao Fang, organize everyone to retreat!"

Something is wrong here!


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