Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 406: dog bites dog

In the Peace Pavilion.

Chen Wangping is taking a leisurely bath.

On the table next to it, three empty space devices were placed on top of three iron shells of the same size, which looked a bit like six space devices.

After taking a shower, Chen Wangping picked up these things and said with a smile, "It's really good that Diaobao's hands are covered with iron. If you look back if you are really poor and can't open the pot, it's not bad to be a robber."

In fact, the whole process is very simple.

At the beginning of the Treasure Pavilion, the carved treasures were hidden behind to see the size of these space devices, and a thin layer of the same color iron shell was specially made.

When handling the space installation in the restaurant, Chen Wangping installed the iron shell directly.

Using the cover of the explosion, he used the magnetic field to attract the space device to levitate, and at the same time grabbed it with a small hand.

After various bonuses, Chen Wangping's shot speed was faster than that of the sixth-level ability user, so the two naturally didn't find it.

In this way, a full one thousand and one hundred flame crystals were obtained without spending a penny.

It's enough to build two rocket loading docks!

He even found more than 2,000 gold coins of private money in Tang Shui's space bracelet.

This time, the food and wine money spent in the restaurant is not lost.

"Who made you the Great Elder, you are greedy and greedy!"

Chen Wangping went out, just to see a lot of money coming back.

Qian Duoduo was overjoyed and said, "Senior, those two have been guarding the gate of Shenbing Pavilion and yelling, and they have also injured several elders of the Shenbing Pavilion. There are many people watching."

Chen Wangping smiled, "Have all the traces of Qizhen Pavilion been cleaned up?"

Qian Duoduo nodded, "It's all done, senior, you are really amazing, these are two fifth-level powerhouses, and now there is no place to spread the anger! Haha!"

Chen Wangping smiled and waved his hand, "It's just a small matter. By the way, the number of the free regiment is almost the same. There is no need to expand on a large scale. If there are cured patients, we will arrange for them to go out of the city to Fangshan Town."

Qian Duoduo nodded and happily ran to make arrangements.

Chen Wangping is also a little confused, this kid is taking the wrong medicine.

How can I be so excited to see myself robbing someone else once.

Forget it, leave him alone, I have to hurry up and train the people of the Freedom Regiment.

After today's excitement, if Lin Dao couldn't help but launch it immediately.

Shenbing Pavilion door.

Tang Qiu and Tang Shui were full of anger at this time, the ground under their feet was constantly softening, and they could feel the high temperature on their bodies from a distance.

Tangqiu pointed at the Shenbing Pavilion and shouted, "Linkeng! Come out for me!"

Ke Qing, who had fallen down nearby, did not dare to go up. They knew that both of them were level 5 powerhouses, so how could they beat them.

After a while, Lin Dao and Huo Hammer came out with gloomy faces. They were discussing the details of the action, but they were interrupted by this kind of thing.

If it wasn't for the investigation that these two people really came to Thunder Dragon City from the land of fire, they would even suspect that the plan was exposed, and they were ready to launch it in advance.

Lin Dao reluctantly said, "Your Excellency, did you admit the wrong person? I have never had a person named Lin Keng in my Shenbing Pavilion, and I will not be involved in the acquisition of flame crystals."

Tang Shui sneered: "Okay, don't recognize the things that robbed our fire source."

Lin Dao raised his hand with the knife and released the breath of a fifth-level powerhouse, as did the fire hammer next to him, shouting: "If you don't recognize it, if you don't take it, you don't have it, and the land of fire can bully the land of thunder. people?"

At this moment, the second commander, Long Khan, arrived, and as soon as he arrived, he began to take a side and scolded Tangqiu Tangshui, completely posing as a guard.

In fact, Tangqiu Tangshui has calmed down now, and has also discovered the strangeness in it.

But the two of them could never admit that they were deceived.

In this way, the elders can't explain it.

Right now, this **** bowl must and can only be thrown at Shenbing Pavilion and the others.

Tang Qiu shouted angrily: "Okay, you are a nest of snakes and rats, you don't even dare to go in and show me, I am here, Tang Qiu, this matter can't pass like this, I will definitely find evidence. Your Shenbing Pavilion is too black-hearted!"

Tang Shui also followed to set off the atmosphere and shouted, posing an attitude that he would not do anything but would always investigate.

In this way, you can stay in Thunder Dragon City for a while.

If you lose something, you can't go back directly to receive the punishment.

Lin Dao looked at the two of them and understood what was going on in his heart. It was really unfortunate to scold him secretly. How could there be a liar who borrowed the reputation of Shenbing Pavilion?

Could it be Wang Ping, the pavilion owner of the Peace Pavilion?

But his breath clearly did not enter the city, and the investigation team did not find it.

Forget it, let these two dance, the fool at the early stage of the fifth level is nothing more than adding some rations to the insect king.

Lin Dao waved his hand and said, "If you want to check, just check, two idiots."

Watching Lin Dao and Huo Hammer go back, Tang Qiu and Tang Shui also left.

The melon eaters next to them could not help but let out a sigh of disappointment.

It's a pity that it didn't start.

Hearing these sighs, Tang Qiu had the urge to kill everyone around him.

Of course, just on impulse.


In the Peace Pavilion.

Chen Wangping was also a little disappointed to learn of this situation.

However, he was also more vigilant.

There was no fight, which means that the two parties are not stupid, they understand the situation, and they are planning something.

Chen Wangping knew in his heart that if the worm tide was really launched, then his Peace Pavilion would definitely be the focus of the Insect God Sect, and the firepower might be stronger than that of the City Lord's Mansion.

Others are unreliable, and it is impossible to count on Thunder Dragon City's guards to rescue them.

Only on your own.

He got into the free regiment and taught seriously.

This teaching is one day, directly into the night.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there are a total of 200 members of the Liberty Group who can be put into battle. They are basically on the edge of awakening abilities. Their physical strength is much better than that of ordinary people, and they can withstand the recoil of the submachine gun. The remaining 100 logistics personnel I can also use a gun, but it is not very accurate. It can also be used to help hand some magazines or rescue the wounded during the battle.

In addition, the Rockets who were previously arranged to come from Fangshan Town have also arrived~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Tieniu led the team. A total of five came, all of them experienced veteran Rockets.

Chen Wangping was a little tired, he called everyone who was equally tired but excited to stop, and said loudly: "Everyone, the battle is coming soon, after this battle, I believe that many of you will break through yourself and find another way It feels like you remember that our enemy is the Zerg, a race that can't shake hands with humans at all, only by killing them can we live better!"

"Kill the Zerg!"

"Kill the Zerg!"

"Ah!! Da Da Da!!"

Chen Wangping: "...Lao Liu, restrain yourself, bullets are expensive, Xiao Tieniu, put down your rocket launcher for Lao Tzu!"


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