Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 409: The magic of rape

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

"Flame supports combustion? Flame gathers?"

Looking at these special effects, Chen Wangping immediately thought of the previous battle with oil bugs and crabs.

If these flame flowers are added, wouldn't it be possible to reduce consumption and obtain oil quickly?

Tang Xihe also picked up a flame flower, closed his eyes and felt it, and said with joy: "Brother Ping, this thing can help me reduce the burning time, if I use it all, I'm sure I will put these oil worms away in three days. The crabs are all killed."

Hearing this news, Chen Wangping smiled mysteriously, waved his hand and said: "Wait, I have other ideas, you rest at home first, consolidate your cultivation, and the next battle in Thunder Dragon City may start at any time. , you have to be ready for battle, so that the miners of the coal mines and iron mines don't go too deep."

Tang Xihe hugged Chen Wangping's arm and said, "Brother Ping, where are you going? Take me with you. Now I am stronger than you."

Chen Wangping pulled out his arm, reached out to hug Tang Xihe, and said softly, "It is precisely because you are stronger than me that you leave the base to guard you. Don't worry, I will be back soon."

Tang Xihe hugged Chen Wangping reluctantly, "Then you must bring me something delicious when you come back. I haven't seen you cook recently."

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand and pressed Tang Xihe's lips, "Don't say such things, you can observe these flame flowers again and see if you should close them now, or keep them for a few more days, maybe the flowers will bloom even bigger. "

Tang Xihe nodded and waved his hand.

Chen Wangping called for the golden eagle to return to the vicinity of the oil bug and crab, and found a corner to hide.

The reason why Tang Xihe didn't come over to burn the oil bugs and crabs was because Chen Wangping thought of a better way to use the oil bugs and crabs.

He closed his eyes, focused on the radar, and gave instructions to King Malu, who had not been under control for a long time, to rush here.

Under the ground in an unknown town, Malu Wang just swallowed several of his kind. After receiving the order, he immediately shook his head and ran towards Qingshui Town.

The Insect God cultist who was in charge of looking after the bugs saw this scene and immediately shouted: "Come back, where are you going?"

The companion who was releasing water in the distance shouted: "What's the use of shouting with a bug, hurry up and use the insect flute."

"It's useless to blow it! Stop urinating, hurry up and catch up with me, this Malu is the elite of the elite, and I'm counting on it to ask the guardian for rewards!"

"Understood, hurry up to chase, these Malu's sense of smell is much stronger than ours, maybe they found some treasure!"

After half an hour.

King Malu successfully arrived at the Qingshui River with two Insect God followers.

After arriving here, Malu Wang smashed through the ice with one head and voluntarily dropped his back into the ice water. At the same time, countless insect feet moved, attracting the oil insects and crabs underneath like fishing.

The Insect God cultist next to him was stunned, he quickly recorded the scene and prepared to report back.

Insect God is above, this Malu King even has the ability to learn!

This is something I raised with my own hands, and I will definitely be rewarded!

In the hidden place, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Chen Wangping's head. To be honest, controlling Malu Wang to make such delicate movements was very brain-intensive.

Fortunately it was all worth it.

After more than ten seconds, countless oil bugs and crabs crawled out along the gap and launched an attack directly at Malu Wang.

King Malu responded quickly, opening his mouth and biting.

After a while, the two insect gods discovered the excellence of these oil insect crabs. They were large in number, strong in strength, and had such a high defense.

Just in case, they took out the lightning crystals and tried it out. They were pleasantly surprised to find that these oil bugs and crabs were still protected from lightning!

This is simply a born fighting elite!

The black-robed cultist named Insect Twelve said excitedly: "Insect fifteen, you immediately send a signal, I will hold them back, and the Dharma Protector must come and control them personally, we are too weak!"

Insect fifteen nodded, opened his black robe, took a fist-sized green beetle from his rib, and threw it into the sky with force.

The green beetle's skin is so thin that it trembles restlessly when exposed to the air.

When it reached the sky, it suddenly exploded, and bodily fluids splashed out.

At this moment, the body fluid of the green beetle spontaneously ignited without fire in the air, and a dazzling fire was ignited in the air.

Chen Wangping glanced at the flame, and judging from the flame reaction, it looked like white phosphorous mixed with iron filings burning.

He thought for a while, "Can this worm **** sect develop this kind of communication method? I don't know what the strength of the protector is, so avoid it first."

Soon, one person and one eagle hid thousands of meters away along the channel dug before.

Not long after, a strong humanoid creature wearing a red robe flew from the air and landed on the ground with a strong momentum.

As soon as they landed, the two black-robed believers lay down on their stomachs and said, "Meet Protector Ma."

The voice of the guardian horse was like a knife tearing, and he said impatiently: "If you can't tell the reason for calling me here, you two will become my dinner!"

Worm Twelve's heart trembled~www.readwn.com~ hurriedly pointed to the oil bug crab next to him and explained it, and even deliberately brought in King Malu, who was pretending to like eating oil bug crab shells, as an actor.

Bug Fifteen's reaction was a little slower, and he quickly hugged Malu King to explain that he spent a lot of time taking care of him, and that he was able to find these oil bugs and crabs, and the main credit must be on himself.

Hufa Ma looked at the two of you asking for credit, and waved his hand impatiently.

I didn't see how strong he was, but as soon as he touched the two black-robed believers, he beat them dozens of meters away, and when they landed on the ground, there was a sound of fractures.


Protector Ma walked to the side of an oil insect crab and punched the hardest edge of the oil insect crab.


The crab shell shattered, and the oil inside fell to the ground.

Hufa Ma threw the oil in disgust, and took out the lightning crystal to try the anti-electricity performance reported by the two.

After the test, he laughed happily, "Insect God is on top! Thank you for letting us get another batch of elites before the big battle. No, these should be called commanders, I call them crab commanders, Fight for the Insect God!"

Chen Wangping: "...No, you should thank me."

After speaking, Hufa Ma took out a flute like a bone, poked it into his chest at will, and nourished the flute with its pale green blood. Countless unpleasant scales.

The amazing thing is that after hearing the sound of the flute, these oil bugs and crabs all crawled onto the ice surface obediently, formed a neat team, and followed the Ma Hufa towards the next underground passage.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wangping was happy, "Go, go, eat more good food, and try to purify the oil again."

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