Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 413: It was the cannon from the Peace Pavilion!

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

In the Thunder Dragon formation, all the power users who fled in were anxiously staring at the large ball of worms.

Countless bugs in the worm ball are frantically gnawing towards the Thunder Dragon.

The rays of light flowed one after another on the great formation, and it looked like it was about to be unbearable.

"City Lord, let's do it!"

"Can't let the formation break, let's fight with them!"

"Those **** bugs!"

Listening to the noise of the people below, the butler of the City Lord's Mansion jumped into the air, revealing his aura, and he was actually a mid-fifth-level powerhouse. No one can get in or out under this circumstance, everyone must trust the city lord, the Thunder Dragon Great Array can’t be broken, it can even withstand the attack of a seventh-level powerhouse for a while, let alone just a bunch of broken bugs.”

After listening to the housekeeper's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly took out the food on their bodies and rested while eating.

Time passed by minute by minute, and in just a few minutes, the light on the Thunder Dragon Great Array gradually stabilized, and everyone relaxed along with it. What's more, they even thought of counterattack and wanted to kill them.

In the gap on the ground that no one noticed, wisps of fine white powder emerged from it, and then, these white powders quickly moved closer to the target under the cover of the night and the push of the wind.

On the roof of the city lord's mansion, Long Changming was adjusting his breath, and he felt a little pain in his heart. He was able to stabilize the Thunder Dragon formation because he used a piece of thunder marrow at the bottom of the press box. This thunder marrow was taken from Leiyuan. The treasure in the center of the land can quickly remove the remaining abnormal elements in the body and replenish the lightning energy in the body, even if it is absorbed, it cannot be continuously absorbed for a long time.

But this Thunder Dragon Great Array is in the same breath as him, and it will lose everything, even if it is distressed, it has to be used to stabilize the situation.

Long Changming murmured in his heart, "This Insect God Sect only has this little thing? Something is wrong, there must be something behind."

But then, he realized that something was wrong, his throat was so itchy, he couldn't help but want to cough.

"Cough cough cough."

"Cough cough cough."

Everyone looked up following the voice, and found that Long Changming was coughing, and his body was hunched up, revealing a situation that was very similar to the rest of the people with the cold and disease.

How is this going?

Just thinking about it, everyone suddenly saw Long Changming raised his head and shouted, "Cough, ah!", and behind the ah sound, it turned out to be a mouthful of blood that was spit into the air.

As his momentum waned, the entire Thunder Dragon Great Array began to become bright and dark again, and it was about to be breached soon.

After coughing, Long Changming also felt better, and quickly said loudly: "Don't panic, it's just some tricks, I'm all right now.".

But at this moment, the worm ball outside the Thunder Dragon formation suddenly spit out a bunch of swelled worms.

These bulging bugs are like exploding juice pearls. As soon as they land on the Thunder Dragon Great Array, they will explode, and a gap will be blown out on the Thunder Dragon Great Array in an instant.

"swish swish"

Immediately afterwards, countless bugs rushed in towards the Thunder Dragon Great Array along the gap like a flood, and the speed was extremely fast.

"crack clap clap"

The mantis at the head swung around with the knife arm at an extremely fast speed, killing a group of third-level ability users in just a few seconds.

Long Changming just planned to fight back, but the toxin of the Cold Insect King in his body came out again, suppressing him from being able to fully recover the Thunder Dragon Great Array.

Seeing this, Lin Dao laughed and said: "Don't struggle, even if you are at the peak of the sixth level, it will take at least five minutes to expel the toxin of the Cold Insect King. When that time comes, you can just wait to collect the corpse."

Long Changming said excitedly: "Impossible! Isn't the Cold Insect King outside? How can it be possible to enter the Thunder Dragon Formation?"

The fire hammer smashed the head of a fourth-level ability user, stretched out a slender tongue and licked it on the fist, and laughed loudly: "Who told you that we only have one cold insect king?"

Accompanied by his voice, the cold wave flocculent toxins transformed by the cold insect kings outside quickly poured in along the gap of the Thunder Dragon Great Array. .

Even the power user occupying the top, when blown by this cold wind, immediately could not help coughing and weakness, and then was killed.


Long Changming turned his head to look in the direction of Leiyuan Land, and scolded why no one came yet, so he was so reluctant to practice this winter!

Lin Dao stood on the edge of the Thunder Dragon formation and laughed wildly: "Haha, obediently fall into the arms of the insect god! Join us!"

But at this moment, the sky in the north of the city suddenly brightened.

Along with the light, there were eleven small and one large light spots in total. They dragged their long tail flames and flew towards the insect group next to the Thunder Dragon Great Array.

"What is this?"

"Could it be something from the Insect God Cult again!"

"Isn't there no one in the north of the city!"

Like the doubtful ability user, Lin Dao was also very puzzled, what are these things?

In any case, it is definitely not something of the Insect God Cult, it must be intercepted!

However, the speed of those eleven light spots was much faster than he imagined~www.readwn.com~Boom! ! ! ! "

The seemingly black standard bomb hits the bug ball and smashes open, just like the first shot of a tee shot on a billiard table. The bomb killed a third of the bugs in the bug ball, at least a million!

This is not over yet, before Lin Dao Fire Hammer organizes defense, the ten rockets also flew, and as soon as they landed, a raging flame was instantly ignited, directly igniting the grease on the insects, and the air was filled with the smell of scorched protein .

After two rounds of blows, the worm ball killed and injured two-thirds of the worms, and its size shrank extremely.

You know, these insects did not suffer such a big loss when they hit the Thunder Dragon Great Array.

Lin Dao looked at these corpses, and his heart was bleeding.

Who the **** is this!

How could there be such a powerful weapon in Thunder Dragon City!

But at this time, he found that eleven light spots lit up again in the distance.

That location!

He recognized it immediately.

Peace Pavilion! ! !

It's that **** Wang Ping! ! !

Lin Dao roared angrily: "Fire Hammer, immediately disperse the bugs and kill that Wang Ping with me! I suspect he is from the Revival Alliance!"

Fire Hammer was not very interested in Wang Ping before, but this time he also felt Wang Ping's damage and scolded: "Damn it! We must kill him!"

roar back roar.

Ten rockets and artillery shells fell regardless of what they said.


The smoke ignited with the flames, and the huge impact shook people unsteady.

After a few waves of baptism, the huge worm **** had disappeared, turning into worm corpses all over the place.

"It's a cannon from the Peace Pavilion!!"

"Peace Pavilion, it's even stronger than the City Lord's Mansion??"

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