Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 432: Enter the Thunder Pond

Chen Wangping was also very excited when he got the contribution points.

450,000 points, it's really possible to soak in Lei Pond until you vomit!

But he is also very awake now, the Thunder Pond is definitely not a good place, and he needs to prepare more before entering.

He turned around and handed the token to Lei Prison: "Director, please take action with the brothers of the Prison Division today. In this way, I will dedicate 50,000 contribution points to our Prison Division."

Hearing Chen Wangping's words, Lei Prison stroked his beard with a smile, and he was not polite, and motioned Lei Meng, who was beside him, to step forward to pick it up.

After drawing the line, he laughed and said: "Good boy, you are too angry with me! That's right, when you go out, you must not cold the heart of the person who helps you."

Chen Wangping bowed his hands with a smile, and said bluntly: "Director, I feel like I'm about to break through the sixth level, and I want to enter the core of Thunder Pond to seek some opportunities. It just happens that I have enough contribution points now, so I want to enter Thunder Pond."

Lei Prison smiled and said, "I know you're in a hurry, but it's useless. Lei Chi can only be opened at 12:00 noon, and there are still a few hours left, so I just went to our prison department to take a look and get you something by the way. Our prison department is not a cheapskate."

Chen Wangping nodded and followed behind to leave the mission hall.

The protagonist here is gone, and the rest are in a hurry.

With such a large piece of fat, several parties are staring at it.

Who would have thought that Na Leiping would almost take it away just one day after it was hung up!

Lei Wen and Lei Ling immediately left the mission hall, and while transmitting the voice to the upper floors, they began to arrange for their own people to enter the Lei Pond.

Prison Division.

Before entering, Chen Wangping heard screams coming from inside, and lightning flashed on the eaves, which looked a little terrifying.

On the way, Lei Prison was busy with other things, and threw Chen Wangping to Lei Meng to deal with.

Anyway, the contribution points are all in hand, so I'm not afraid that people from the rest of the forces will do anything.

After entering the Prison Department, Lei Meng introduced Chen Wangping about the basic work.

He introduced it very diligently, but Chen Wangping didn't listen much.

After all, sooner or later you have to run away.

After talking about it, Lei Meng took out a map and handed it to Chen Wangping, and said seriously: "Brother Leiping, this map is a Lei Chi safety route researched by our Prison Department. Although this Lei Chi is usually safe, it sometimes There will be some lightning storms, and it may also kill people, once you encounter danger, don't hesitate, turn around and run, and the contribution points will be returned."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Thank you brother Meng, I won't be reckless. I don't know how many people can enter this thunder pool at a time? Will the other two make a trick on me?"

Lei Meng said: "The Thunder Pond is very expensive, and it usually takes a few days for someone to enter. You don't have to worry too much about the black hand. Even if you encounter it, just kill it. It doesn't matter whether you live or die in the Thunder Pond, yes, the upper limit of strength to enter the Thunder Pond. It is level six, which means that once you break through, you have to leave the thunder pool and can no longer absorb the lightning element."

Hearing this, Chen Wangping breathed a sigh of relief, the upper limit was level 6, and he was already at the peak of level 5, even if he encountered an enemy.

The two continued to chat for a while, and Lei Meng found a spacious room and arranged for Chen Wangping to rest.

outside world.

Both the Law Enforcement Division and the Administration Division have been informed.

Ling Mie, who was searching for the guardian horse outside, stopped moving, and his angry face was twisted. He was also counting on 500,000 contribution points to break through the seventh level!

"Lei Ping? Peace Pavilion? The pseudonym is Wang Ping? Where did this come from?"

Ling Mie wanted to come to the information collected by his subordinates and quickly analyze it, and a name that he had never met but had fought against many times suddenly popped up in his mind.

Gu Ya

Chen Wangping!

Counting the time, the time when the Peace Pavilion appeared was just after the end of the Fire Bull City.

It must be him!

Ling Mie looked at the land of Leiyuan with resentment, "Chen Wangping, I have failed to break through. I haven't looked for you yet, but you dare to take the initiative to come over and rob me of something in such a high-profile manner."

"How about entering the Thunder Pond? It's just an early level six, and it's still going to die in my hands!"

With this anger, he decided not to raise the horse to protect the law, and immediately killed it and returned to the land of Leiyuan to guard it.

Chen Wangping also didn't know that he had protected a large number of people from being killed by Hufa Ma.

The response from the Administration Division was not so drastic. Although he didn't get it, the Law Enforcement Division didn't get it either, so the result was acceptable.

In the land of thunder.

Seeing that the time was up, Lei Meng sent Chen Wangping to the entrance of Lei Chi.

The entrance to the Thunder Pond is placed on the edge of the Land of Thunder Source, which is higher than the Land of Thunder Source in terms of terrain.

The guardian at the entrance has a very strong aura, at least a sixth-level peak powerhouse.

From a distance, Lei Meng saluted respectfully: "I have seen the guardian elder."

Chen Wangping also saluted, handed the token over and said, "Elder Guardian, I want to enter the core of Lei Chi, and tentatively use up all the contribution points."

The guardian elder took the token and looked at it, smiled and nodded at Chen Wangping: "Yes, you have the vision, come with me."

Seeing this, Chen Wangping was relieved and smiled back.

On the way here, Lei Meng said that the guardian elder in this direction was also out of the prison department before, and he would definitely give Chen Wangping a way to enter the core of Lei Chi as soon as possible.

I have to say that the 50,000 contribution points are really worth it.

Anyway, they are all from the land of thunder.

The guardian elder led Chen Wangping to walk hundreds of meters behind, until he reached an intersection with dozens of lanes.

"The third one from the left, walk all the way to the right after entering, and you will reach the core of Thunder Pond in half a day. When you come out, go back the same way. You contribute 400,000 points. I will make the decision and you can stay for fifty days. Go, I hope you will come out again. It's already level six."

Chen Wangping bowed his hands~www.readwn.com~ Thank you, Guardian Elder. ”, then rushed into the roadway, speeding up the road.

Since he didn't know if there was any surveillance here, he didn't dare to use the mineral detector to check the surroundings, and he was going to talk about it when he got to the Thunder Pond.

Running and running, he found that the roadway was all the way up, and the angle was quite large.

"Continue to run, won't this return to the ground?"

After thinking about it, Chen Wangping can also understand, after all, the lightning pool needs to accumulate lightning energy, and it is impossible to form enough lightning element energy underground.

After running for a full three hours, he finally breathed exceptionally fresh air, which also meant that he was not far from the ground.

After running for more than ten minutes, Chen Wangping finally felt the light in his eyes. He slowed down and let his eyes adjust to the thunder light outside.

Then, step out.

In the field of vision, countless huge and sturdy thunder pillars falling from the clouds in the sky baptized the earth, destroying all substances that can be destroyed.

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