Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 446: Golden Eagles advance

the next day.

Chen Wangping had a good night's rest, his body finally recovered, and he felt much more comfortable.

After getting up, he could clearly feel that the prison department was much more lively.

The faces of the prison officers who walked around were full of confidence, and there were basically people with problems next to them.

Chen Wangping went to the land of Leiyuan to feel it, and found that it was only one night, and the mission hall was already full of people. Everyone wanted to take the mission and escape the current riot.

There are also good changes. The identity authentication office is crowded with people. Many people have long wanted to mark their contribution point tokens, so that they can place their contribution points securely.

Just walked to a small shop, sat down and ordered two meat buns, Lei Prison and the guardian elder also came over, the former raised his hand and played a protective cover, the latter handed a space device to Chen Wangping and said: "Young Master, I saw you release that spider war beast yesterday, I think you must have a large space device, but this is left by the source master before, there are thousands of squares in it, you can take it together."

Chen Wangping nodded, took the space device and sunk in to take a look, and found that the thousands of square meters in it were now filled with more than half of the resources, of which the metal resources of thunder and iron accounted for the majority, and there were also some special food from the land of thunder. and seeds.

Lei Prison explained: "Young Master, we can't stop you from leaving, but I hope you will accept this support. After all, you have been living outside for so many years, and the land of Leiyuan failed to take care of you. It is ours. dereliction of duty."

Chen Wangping smiled and waved his hand, "Don't say that, the two seniors, I really need this thing, so I will accept it. Besides, when the prison department is strict with the outside world, don't exaggerate the rights in its hands. , a supervision department should be established within the prison department, and the personnel should be selected from those who have nothing to do with it, to supervise internal rights, be careful that the dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon."

After listening to Thunder Prison, he nodded vigorously, "Young Master, don't worry, I'll go back to make preparations."

The elder guardian was still a little unwilling to say: "Young Master, do you really not plan to stay for a while? I have a formation here that the source master practiced back then, which can extract the energy in the thunder pool to enhance the thunder and lightning trees. The background, maybe half a year can help you break through the seventh level."

Chen Wangping smiled and put his arms around the shoulder of the guardian elder: "Elder, I am not a flower in the greenhouse, why don't you let me withstand the wind and rain? Goodbye." After he finished speaking, he turned over and took out all the black rice on his body and handed it over: "Elder, your physique is deficient, eat this black rice every day and see if it works. If the effect is good, take it down. Goodbye, I have a chance to make you enter the eighth level as well."

After hearing this, the guardian elder's eyes lit up, and he quickly picked up the black rice and nodded: "Okay, then I will complete the task given by the young master and wait for the young master to call."

Chen Wangping ate a full twenty meat buns, and then felt a little full. He cupped his hands towards the two of them and smiled, "See you in the future."

After finishing speaking, he easily opened a small opening in the protective cover of the Thunder Prison, jumped out, and left along the passage from the Thunder Origin Land.

Looking at Chen Wangping's back, Lei Yu murmured, "This young master is so different from the source master."

The elder guardian smiled and said: "But they have also changed the land of Leiyuan, the old prison, and then some are busy."

Lei Prison retracted his thoughts, nodded and said, "Let's go, let's see which brats are abusing their power."

after an hour.

Chen Wangping returned to the ground and called for the golden eagle.

After a while, a golden-grey figure whizzed down from the sky, and before it reached the ground, countless winds and waves were already provoked.


The golden eagle dodged and knocked Chen Wangping flying from the ground, and then grabbed Chen Wangping to the back, complaining angrily why it took so long to come out, and kept beeping.

Chen Wangping looked at the golden eagle, rubbed its head with a smile, took out two huge grilled eels with his backhand and stuffed them into the golden eagle's mouth: "Okay, don't scream, isn't this coming out, taste it now Try this, it's delicious."

The golden eagle snorted, obediently opened its mouth and bit down on the grilled eel. Not long after it was eaten, the feathers all over its comfortable body glowed with electric light. It looked very funny and sizzling.

As soon as it finished eating, countless winds appeared in the gap between the golden eagle's feathers, and then it turned over one after another, and its size also increased.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wangping jumped off the golden eagle's body, quickly took out the thunder iron ore, and threw it over, "You can eat it before you can process it."

The golden eagle opened its mouth like a black hole, constantly swallowing thunder iron ore, and as it swallowed, its body size was also growing rapidly, its skeleton, wings, and even feathers were constantly improving.

two hours.

The golden eagle has successfully advanced to the sixth level. At this time, its body size has expanded greatly, and its wingspan has even reached an astonishing eight meters. It flies in the air and is extremely oppressive!

In its attribute interface, all skills have all disappeared, replaced by the two original abilities of gold element control and wind element control.

That is to say, now that the golden eagle's control over the two elements has reached the point where it does not require skill assistance, it can condense it on its own.

Chen Wangping was in a good mood. Although he spent nearly 4,000 pieces of thunder iron ore, after the Golden Eagle was upgraded to level 6, his travel time was greatly reduced, and the team's strength was greatly improved.

Moreover, the wind element control, the ability to capture the taste in the wind must be stronger.

Chen Wangping pointed at the ground and said, "Diaobao, go down and look for the horse protector and the stench of those bugs, and kill the horse protector today!"


The golden eagle also remembered the embarrassment of running away before, and now that his strength has improved, he must find this place back!

It flew towards Thunder Dragon City below, UU reading www. At the same time, uukanshu.com said proudly to Chen Wangping that although his body size is getting bigger now, if the search situation is like this, he can also get smaller himself!

After that, its size shrunk again, becoming the size of a two-meter wingspan of an ordinary flying alien beast.

"Nice job!"

The golden eagle glides to the top of Thunder Dragon City, and can capture the corresponding breath wherever it flies.

After a while, it sent a signal that it had found the breath of the guardian horse.

At this time, the guardian horse was hiding in a private house in Thunder Dragon City, and there were many bugs gathered in the surrounding underground.

It looked like he was planning something bad again.

Chen Wangping glanced at the direction of the city lord's mansion. He didn't plan to deal with the new city lord anymore, so he left after killing Ma Hufa.

"Diaobao, let's go down."

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