Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 452: tea protection

Just when Chen Wangping wondered who Li Jiang was chatting with.

The liquid in the teacup suddenly poured back into the teapot along the teapot's spout. Then, a huge aphid like a liquid crawled out and said impatiently: "What's the hurry, I will handle all the feed vines in the river. After that, if there are no bugs, no matter how much he tossed it, it must be flooded, and it is impossible for the law enforcement officers to stop you."

Li Jiang said anxiously: "Cha Hufa, can't we replace the Law Enforcement Department with our people? You have even succeeded in replacing the eldest brother. Isn't it easy for the Law Enforcement Department's people? When the time comes, you don't need to be reasonable, say arrest. Just catch it!"

Cha Hufa slapped his **** and threw a stream of tea on Li Jiang's face: "Why don't you have any brains at all, the head of the law enforcement department is a sixth-level peak powerhouse. If I have that kind of strength, would I still use this method? Honestly. In fact, go to the investigation, you must control Li Shu, use a valid reason to control it, go away, don't bother me if you have nothing." After finishing speaking, it climbed back into the teapot and rested, scolding inwardly. The one who developed Li Jiang before was also an idiot, can't he find a smart support? But it thought about it again, if it was smart, it would definitely not be trapped by the Insect God Cult.

Forget it, anyway, the three sons of the source master of the source of water are now in control of two, and the remaining one can be destroyed as long as they are caught.

We must not let the eighth-level powerhouse appear in the water source land again!

Once you get this credit, you can start to break through to the mid-level 6 when you go back. At that time, your status can be improved again.

Just when Cha Hufa had a perfect dream and was ready to sleep for a while.

Suddenly, it felt that the teapot it was sitting on was suddenly picked up.

Cha Hufa said impatiently: "Li Jiang! Didn't I tell you to get out, don't disturb me!"

"Don't bother you? I'm sorry."

Accompanied by the voice, a strong power of thunder and lightning was injected into the teapot, and in the blink of an eye all the excess tea in the teapot was electrolyzed. Transparent giant aphids.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Cha Hu Fa Dian's body twitched, and when he saw that the strong man broke his wrist, he immediately dropped the part of the liquid body that was close to Chen Wangping, and jumped in the air, jumping to the side.

Feeling the numbness on his body, Cha Hufa said angrily: "Damn lightning power user! You dare to attack me, wait to die!" After roaring, its liquid limbs suddenly swelled for no reason. It became the size of a water tank, and the whole body was a touch of green tea, but all the contaminated ground left obvious green traces, obviously with toxins.

Chen Wangping had not fought against such water bugs before, and he was still on guard against the attack of the tea protector.

But at this moment, Cha Hufa suddenly burst open, and countless liquids contaminated with toxins flew around.

Don't think that this is its attack method, in fact, it is taking this opportunity to jump into the gap on the ground, turning around and trying to escape along the water pipe arranged in advance.

At the moment of the fight, Cha Hufa realized that he was no longer the opponent of this uninvited guest.

Let's not say that people are the lightning-type ability users who restrain themselves. Just looking at the energy quality, this lightning-type ability user is at least mid-level six, and can't beat it at all.

Gotta get out!

Water escape!

Chen Wangping instantly took out countless steel plates to block the venom, glanced at the movements of Cha Hufa on the radar, and shook his head helplessly.

I can really run.

Gu Wei

He stomped **** his feet, and the gravel on the ground burst like a humanoid chariot. Then he threw out eighty-one thunder formations, and attacked the water pipes with full coverage of thunder and lightning.

"boom boom"

The rich thunder and lightning energy instantly swept the entire small courtyard.

In just two seconds, Chen Wangping found out the true location of the tea protector with the feedback of thunder and lightning, moved it in an instant, and slammed it hard.


His punch was very powerful, but when he hit the tea protector, it seemed to hit the wall, and the effect was very small.

At this time, the tea guardian has turned into a fist-sized tea aphid, and it panicked: "You, who are you? Why do you want to go against my Insect God Cult, I warn you, my companion is nearby, you are now When we stopped, we also said that if you kill me, you don't want to stay in the whole water source land."

Chen Wangping didn't care about Cha Hufa's words, he smiled and said, "Water bugs are really interesting, give me another punch."

Accompanied by Lei Guang, another punch slammed heavily on Cha Hufa.

This time, the water element controlled by Cha Hufa failed to harden and could not stop it, and Chen Wangping punched him into three amputations.

But after the three limbs flew out, many tiny tentacles grew out of the fracture, as if they were still connected to each other, and their vitality was extremely tenacious.

The end with the mouthparts is still struggling: "Multiple friends are better than multiple enemies. Who are you? Is there any misunderstanding between this?" A special liquid that transmits information through water pipes.

Being able to be a Dharma protector depends on a variety of means.

Chen Wangping hadn't discovered these special liquids at this time. He pinched the body of Cha Hufa and asked, "I ask you, why did you murder Li Jiang? I have been favored by Li Jiang before, but how did he become like this now! It's all your fault. have to!"

Tea Hufa secretly scolded Li Jiang for bad things, and quickly explained: "Friend, you misunderstood, we are helping Li Jiang to be the source of the water source. He used to be the weakest among the three heirs, and now we have our help. , has become the strongest one, shouldn't you be very happy as his friend?"

Chen Wangping said coldly: "But his eldest brother is also my good friend. The three of us are sworn brothers. You helped Li Jiang~www.readwn.com~ What should I do with the boss?"

Tea protection method: ""

When did Li Jiang appear as a sworn brother!

It just wants to live, doesn't care so much, and immediately shakes off: "Li Hai has been secretly sent to the headquarters of our Insect God Cult, and now Li Hai is just a puppet, you don't have to worry, this water source is you. Three brothers! We are also a family, how wonderful."

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand and squeezed the two limbs of the tea protector: "You lied, I can feel that Li Hai is already dead. To be honest, did Li Jiang ask you to kill him?"

Cha Hufa looked at the two stalls of mashed meat with distress, "Yes, yes, it was ordered by Li Jiang, and it was your brother's order. We are just acting according to the order, can you let me go?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "The last question, who are you?"

Cha Hufa's body trembled with anger, co-authoring you don't know who Lao Tzu is, just pinch Lao Tzu!

"I am the protector tea aphid in the water source of the Insect God Sect, my friend, can you let me go?"

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