Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 458: Launch vehicle drawings

After observing for a while, Chen Wangping found that the two humanoids were very useful.

They turned out to be producing RIFA.

I saw them take out all kinds of flesh and blood from the space device to eat, and in just a few seconds, many small red fire ants rushed out from under their cloaks and ran to the ore next to them to receive radiation.

After observing the situation, Chen Wangping marked them all, and then returned to his base, where many radars and machine gun walls were placed nearby.

Ready, he returned to the base, clicked on the technology tree, looked at it for a while, and decided to upgrade the production technology first to see what was there.

The nuclear reactor of Energy Technology has not yet released uranium ore, and it is too late to wait two days.

He chose the production technology and directly upgraded it.

A thousand secondary mechanical crystals instantly turned into energy, which was continuously injected into the production technology of the technology tree.

Almost instantly, the phantom of a behemoth gradually rose from the bottom, with a slender shape, a towering head, and four pushers very conspicuous.

【Congratulations on your successful upgrade of the top production technology】

[You have unlocked the production series [Launch Vehicle Drawings], [Rocket Controller Drawings], [Rocket Component Drawings]

[Note: Produce rockets as soon as possible, it will help you change the situation]

Chen Wangping looked at the virtual shadow suspiciously, feeling a little puzzled.

Rocket? Change the situation?

Is it possible to go to the interstellar development?

Not right.

And this kind of rocket doesn't look like an attack type. It can't be launched to hit bugs, right?

He first opened the rocket blueprint and checked it out:

【Carrier Rocket】

[Use: to carry a large amount of materials and personnel]

【Material: 【Rocket Components】×100】

[Building method: rocket assembly platform]

[Note: The launch vehicle can reach the atmosphere]

【Rocket Components】

[Use: necessary materials for building rockets]

[Materials: [Lightweight Frame] × 10, [Rocket Controller] × 10, [Rocket Fuel] × 10]

[Building method: manufacturing table]

[Note: Just place the rocket components on the rocket assembly platform]

【Rocket Controller】

[Use: Control system components of rockets]

[Materials: [Processor] × 1, [Speed ​​Plug-in/Energy-saving Plug-in] × 1]

Gu Xing

[Note: the most advanced control element]

After reading the drawings, Chen Wangping took a deep breath.

The construction of this rocket is also too resource-intensive. He roughly estimated that at least 100,000 copies of crude oil and 100,000 copies of iron ore and copper ore are needed, and even water and coal mines require tens of thousands of copies.

He looked around, and if he was doing dry digging, he might have to hollow out the entire mine near Firebird City before it could be produced.

What is the use of this thing?

Chen Wangping looked at the build order of the manufacturing platform and adjusted it.

Now that you have the rocket controller, you can build three atomic rockets to pop out and see.

He put the materials and clicked on the drawings to build.

[The atomic rocket is being built, it is expected to take 12 hours]

After arranging this, he plans to build the secondary mechanical crystal with all his strength, and then he will point out the nuclear reactor in the next few days, and then build the rocket assembly platform and rocket components, so as to get the launch vehicle liver out as soon as possible.

After finishing his work, Chen Wangping rushed back to the place where the RIFA hatched, and found that the humanoid creatures had already left, leaving only a large number of RIFA hatching.

"No more hatching? It seems that these red fire ants will be used."

Chen Wangping returned to Firebird City, ready to investigate and see how the Insect God Sect was going to do it.

As soon as he walked near the city lord's mansion, he found that the radar showed the person he had marked earlier, and when he was following the city, the abnormal person composed of many small red dots stayed together.

Oh, that's kind of interesting.

Chen Wangping touched the vicinity and found that the two were chatting in the private room of a restaurant.

After entering, he also got a private box, ordered a few dishes at random, took out a grilled blind sea bass while Xiao Er went out, and ate it.

Before he could finish eating, Xiao Er went back and said, "Guest officer, this steamed perch is sold out. Do you want to change it?" After finishing speaking, Xiao Er looked up and saw Chen Wangping eating perch. , suddenly stunned, turned around and said, "Excuse me."

Chen Wangping didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He ate this blind perch to enhance his hearing. After eating, he concentrated on listening.

"Horse Protector, how is your situation? Have you found out Tang Xihe's travel plan? These enhanced RIFAs have a relatively low lifespan. If they are not used, they will all die in five days. It is better to use them as soon as possible. "

"Buzz, Ant Protector, I've investigated the situation very well. This Tang Xihe has been waiting for Chen Wangping to come over and stay in the City Lord's Mansion. Even if he hears someone being injured, he won't move. Well, I'll make some tomorrow. In a big case, see if you can seduce her."

"It must be as soon as possible. I have already placed 100,000 red fire ants near the mine. Even if Tang Dongfang came over, he would not be able to escape."

"Don't worry, we'll meet again tomorrow for a detailed discussion."

After listening to this, Chen Wangping understood. After eating, he waited for the sky to become completely dark, and then returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

After entering, he saw Tang Xihe was waiting for him in the study, and he also changed into new clothes, which looked very beautiful.

As soon as he saw him, Tang Xihe said happily: "Brother Ping, have you gone to the base? You're covered in ashes~www.readwn.com~ Go and take a shower."

Chen Wangping waved his hand, leaned into Tang Xihe's ear and said, "I'll leave after a few words, there is a strong man in your purchasing department with a scar on his right hand. Protector, I suspect that his body is full of wasps, just wearing a human skin."

Tang Xihe said in surprise: "Protector? Then let's get rid of him now?"

Chen Wangping shook his head and said: "No, it's not to get rid of him, but to use him. The ant elders of the Insect God Sect hatched many powerful red fire ants in the mine, but these red fire ants have a very short lifespan. They are in a hurry. Tomorrow The wasp protector will come up with something to lure you to the direction of the mine, but you agree and rush over alone. After you are near the mine, go to the mine on the right side of the base by yourself, and I will give it to you. Leave a passage, you can go directly to the base and wait, I will deal with those flamingo ants and insect gods."

Tang Xihe nodded, "Okay, then I'll definitely lead them there tomorrow, you have to be careful, do you need me to cooperate with the cannon?"

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "No, I have a more powerful weapon now. It's enough for you to enter the base as soon as possible. Don't fight when you encounter red fire ants on the road."

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