Watashi wa Teki ni Narimasen!

Fire that results in separation 1

"Mr. Aida!?

I tried to chase him unintentionally, but Mr. Cain prevented me from getting off the horse itself.

"It's dangerous, Mr. Chiara. Even enemies are not clustered around town. What would you do if you ran into bad luck after running away in town?"

".................. Yes"

Mr. Cain is right.

I'm vulnerable to accidents, and if I'm slashed with a sword, I'll be lightly defeated. Yet jumping into a town where there may be enemies is suicide.

"I think Aida knows it's dangerous and she's gone. Now that you're desperate, you'll try to shake Mr. Chiara off. If you try to stop someone like that, you could hurt Chiara and anyone trying to protect Chiara."

So it is Mr Emeline who has persuaded me that I have no choice but to give up.

I understand. But the regret doesn't go away because I want to help all the people I know. But I also know that I can't do that with my own hands.

That's why I nodded to Mr. Emeline, too.

- As a result, should I have followed Mr. Aida or not?

Later on, I didn't know.

◇ ◇ ◇

I heard Reggie's move from here on out later.

The town of Riadna, where Mr. Aida jumped in, contained Reggie and the knights and three thousand soldiers of the Marquis of Azur.

Because if you push too many people into town, in towns where the road tends to narrow, it becomes difficult to move the other way around.

For this reason the soldiers of Evrar, who were moving as Reggie's army, are once deposited by Mr. Growl with the rest of the soldiers of the Marquis of Azur, joining Alan.

As soon as Reggie and the others entered town, they said the fire was set on fire.

I looked up and the smoke was up everywhere. From time to time it also flowed down a path that just solidified the soil in the wind, so as to cloud my vision.

"I will pay for the powder of fire that will shake upon His Highness!

It was the Marquis of Azur, who led the cavalry, who entered the centre of the town with momentum.

Reggie seemed suspicious as he stepped inside the town with the ensuing infantry of Marquis Azur territory.

"Felix...... isn't this too soon?

"Is that the way the firehand goes up? Depending on how you feel about the air, it's unlikely."

"No, the scope of the fire is too broad. Enemy soldiers ahead of town so soon?

That's when another knight answered.

This little firewood shard came down from the top.

When the wary knights and Reggie looked up in unison, there was a figure of man in the upstairs window facing the road.

There he was, one bald old man. I lowered my head with my hands together to apologize for something, toward Reggie and the others in a loose motion.

Reggie quickly realizes.

"Retreat, get out of town! Let the Marquis know!

"Your Highness?"

The bewildered and the one who runs the horse to the Marquis of Azur only stagger for a moment. But soon they all followed Reggie without asking why.

Reggie tells them as she flips.

"The people of this town are being forced to do something on the Luain side. It must have been at the hands of the townspeople that the fire was also widespread at such an early stage. If we can recall the Marquis who preceded us now..."

"Your Highness. Ah!

It sounds like the Marquis of Azur screamed in a loud voice that would be heard from a distant mountain. The Lord of the Voice himself will soon catch up with Reggie with the other cavalry.

"A quick retreat is what happened, Your Highness!?

"This is a Luain trap. I'm sure they're letting people in town cooperate. There must be other ambushes besides the enemy soldiers who escaped."

Reggie, who informed the Marquis of Azur of his speculation, tried to get out of town in a hurry.

No matter how many soldiers you have as an army, it's a split few, and you don't know where enemy soldiers are coming from all over town.

The enemy soldiers must have been in a hurry to move the Reggies.

Perhaps we were going to lure him into the center of town more, and then hit him simultaneously, because he's trying to retreat faster than expected.

As a result, arrows began to be fired from the alleys and rooftops of the town.

I guess the Luein side also started shooting because they couldn't target this one well because of the smoke and because they could be at a distance. It was just arrows that didn't hit, but a few soldiers who were in the rear, wounded.


The cavalry went ahead and tried to make Reggie a priority and get away with it.

As soon as I let the horse run, it looks like he's out of range of arrows. Perhaps the enemy missaw the number needed to hold back.

But before they see the stone walls surrounding the town, Reggie and the others will loosen their steps.

"Miss Aida..."

Felix crushed the name.

Mr. Aida has been running, but when she spotted Reggie and the others, she stopped in the middle of the road.

"Oh, my God, why are you here?"

Marquis Azul answers and inquires before Reggie, but Mr. Aida ignored it and stared straight at Reggie alone.

"Your Highness, I will protect you. This attack from Ruein and Salehard will also stop you. Would you choose to be with me?

Reggie felt something suspicious in response to a sudden inquiry from Aida.

In the back, respond with instructions to the knights.

"With you? But how?"

"It's easy."

When Mr. Aida reaches out and says so, the branches of the tree she had are engulfed in flames.


Surprisingly, Reggie's knights moved to protect him. Aida laughs when she sees it.

Then the flame stretched up like a snake, moving to lick the roof of a nearby house to transfer the fire one by one.

More smoke to get up and dye the sky gray to go.

"Now it's okay. You will see with me, Your Highness, that the Salehardo soldiers who follow you from behind will not come near you."

One step forward, Mr. Aida, in addition to the knights, the soldiers who caught up with him try to interrupt in between.

But a small fire splashes from the flames in Mr. Aida's hands, falling to the ground and causing a small explosion.

The screaming soldier, Reggie lowered.

"It's something you don't force. In the meantime, she wants to talk to me."

Reggie, who also made the knights avoid from before themselves, said pale.

"So, what's your demand?

"… I have always dreamed only of admiring you and saving you. Though you didn't even remember me once in the royal palace."

"The Royal Palace...? Save me from what?

"The king, who was the biggest wall, has been eliminated by the queen. If your life is to come with me, the queen will miss it in celebration..."

While she spoke of her dreams, Aida's expression was not sunny.

He said he had a loving laugh, like one day he was blocked on the way and frightened to be scolded, but stirred up the desire for forgiveness.

"Was it the queen's hand?"

Pompous and crushed, Reggie answered after a short earful to one of the knights.

"I'm sorry to hear that. The most important thing to me is not my life. That's why I don't want you to give me anything."

"What the hell do you want? If I ask the Queen, I'm sure..."

"With your Lord, Queen Marianne, and the Count of Patriciere who obeys it, and Viscount Credias, there are those who cannot live in peace."

As she fought for the man, to Reggie, who said so, Ms. Aida let her face creep.

"I knew it... so here it is again... at least die at my hands before someone else kills me. I'll be right behind you. Then we can stay together forever and monopolize you... That's all we have to do now."

The flame in Mr. Aida's hand swelled up.

The soldiers scream at the flames that burned so loudly as to wrap a vortex around them. Some who ran from fear all over town are screaming in the distance.

"Your Highness!"

"Go around and discuss that magician!

As Reggie's knights moved, someone jumped out faster than anyone else.

"Go on, Azure people! Protect the prince!


Towards Mr. Aida, the Marquis of Azur runs away, sheltering his body with a shield. Shake off Reggie's voice.

"I betrayed you, you exotic woman!

The Marquis of Azur must have believed Mr. Aida's story.

Though I didn't know it, I was the one who brought an enemy named Mr. Aida this far. You must have thought about taking that responsibility.

The shield seemed to protect the Marquis, who entered with such a loud voice that the flames swayed.

Behind it are the soldiers of Azur trying to push them together.

When the Marquis's sword, which stormed to break the waves of the sea that pushed him over, asked him if he would reach Mr. Aida in a few momentum, the flames began to cause a blast.

Dozens of people who were surrounding Mr. Aida fall on the road, blown away by flames, punching their bodies against the walls of the house.

The Marquis Azul was also still burned by the flames without screaming after the shock of falling to the ground.

Beyond the red flame, the iron that shapes the shield, the sword swells and dyes the figure of the Marquis the man black.

Marquis' men screamed. Reggie and the others lose face, too.

By the time the flames were out, the Marquis of Azur had carburized black and rolled down the road.

"It's reckless to confront a sorcerer who has begun to practice magic with a sword."

Aida didn't seem to blame her heart at all.

Spread the flame in her hand again - so Ms. Aida pounded her tongue.

Again she blew up is the knight of the Marquis of Azur.

Even though the Marquis herself says she has been miserable, they rather come up against Mr. Aida by burning a fighting spirit.

Reggie's appearance had disappeared neglectfully while Aida was hassling the soldiers and knights who would hit her no matter how many times she blew it.

Many of the soldiers were also trying to disappear into the town of Riadna neatly.

The wall of fire that surrounds us to protect ourselves also seems to have helped hide Reggie's actions from our sight.

"You have enemies over there, how could you..."

But Reggie escaped in a town where his enemies lurked.

Aida, stunned without knowing why she was running away, tried to chase him, but she couldn't.

When Aida noticed, there was a sword looming from behind.

If I hadn't noticed the change in flames, I would have been stabbed through without knowing anything.

Still inevitable, my arm is slashed and torn.

But Aida has never been slashed on a battlefield. I blew my opponent out with an explosion... and breathed.

Because they were Mr. Felix.

Mr. Felix, who fell from his back on the road, had his cloak burned, his cheeks burned red, and his arms burned and whether it was skin or carburized clothes or black.

Because I was forced to cross the flames surrounding Mr. Aida and attacked her.

"Hey, why are you doing this!?

Ida, who I thought was running away with Reggie, accidentally ran over to Mr. Felix.

And Mr. Felix, who didn't make one move, grabbed Aida's wrist as soon as she knelt beside him.

"Let's have them stay here for a while. Until Your Highness escapes."

"Yes, why! Why did you do this! Until I was dying!

"To protect Your Highness. If you want to kill me, you can kill me."

"If you get hurt like this, you will die without stabbing a stop!?

Mr. Felix returned to Aida, who inquires with a voice that squeezes out of the back of her throat.

"Cry, if you want... stop, it's good, but..."

If it were normal, it would have been a reply that only sounded pale and cold.

But there was no resentful sound to Mr. Felix's dying words, because he really had the same tone as usual.

Aida couldn't say anything, but had to nag with a crying face.

It was then that I dived through the gates of the town and saw the two of them.

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