【Do you know who the four biggest lickers in the animation industry are?】.......

See the title.

The concentrated creatures in the animation world were all stunned.

Licking a dog? What's this?..........

Doraemon plane.

A bunch of people are very fanatical about finding Nobita.

There are many talent scouts among them.

This forced Doraemon to drag Nobita and run to other places, panting, to avoid their frantic

"Nobita, although you have gained a little limelight"

"But everything has pros and cons."

How to deal with it?

It's a mixture of good and bad.

Mainly because it's too disturbing.

I guess the front door of my house is already surrounded.

"If you want to solve it, there is only one way."

I want to drive them away and make them calm.

Unless they are scared and feel inviolable.

But Nobita, does he have a fierce side?

Doraemon is thinking about whether to use any props

"Oh, Doraemon"


Nobita didn't seem to take it to heart, his eyes flashed and he pointed upward

"Licking a dog? I am a cat."

Doraemon saw this.

He touched his non-existent ear.���, it seems to have nothing to do with him.

Dog-headed Kingdom -

Several dog-headed soldiers wearing armor then subconsciously stuck out their tongues.

They looked at each other.

And immediately retracted

"Dog means us"

"That licking dog means the dog sticks out its tongue! ?"

"We who stick out our tongues?"

The dog-headed general thought the same way - but why did he suddenly mention them? Is there a great existence in the dog-headed kingdom ?

"Licking a dog?"

On a certain alien civilization spacecraft, they began to record carefully

"Perhaps it is a very powerful creature. Like Nobita, it is an unknown creature on earth and cannot be underestimated."

"At least for people on earth, it should not be underestimated"

"Take a closer look first".........

"The top four in the animation industry, do you mean four different worlds?!"

Super Beast Armed Plane.

On the Super Beast Team's side,

Long Jian and Tai Lei were a little unfamiliar with the term dog licking.

But Shou Shoujun and Huo Linfei's expressions became very strange. As people of the new century, Earthlings naturally understand this meaning.

Long Jian raised his eyebrows:"Do you understand?"


Slender Jun picked up his hand and pretended to cough,"This is a very fashionable word.".........


"Is it a vicious animal?"

The Adventures of Little Carp plane.

In the underwater world.

Bubbles, Two-faced Turtle, and Little Meimei and others are carefully analyzing and discussing

"With the word"lick", no matter how you associate it, it can't be said to be evil."

The double-faced turtle smiled innocently,"Maybe it is a very cute land creature."..........

Under the doubts of all walks of life.

The narration continues,

【Did you think you were going to say this? wrong——!】

【The four major licking dogs are actually bad memes.】

【What I really want to say is pure love】

【If there is a licker, there will be a scumbag——】

【Where there is a scumbag, there is pure love——】

【So what I’m talking about this time is the four pure love gods in the childhood animation world.——!】

【Of course before that.......】

【Let’s review, as summarized by netizens, the four biggest lickers in the childhood animation industry, and I’ll break this rumor by the way. 】

A combination monster popped up on the screen.

It has its hands on its hips - it has a goat's horn hair and a dark-skinned face.

The hands and feet are blue cat claws.

Has a turtle shell.

The red cloak on his body makes a rustling noise

【Combination picture.jpg】.........

"A feint? ?!"

Zhutian animation world.

Several keywords were extracted from it.

Scumbag, dog licker, pure love God of War...

I understood it at once, is this a comparison?

Before understanding the pure love God of War, they need to understand first, what Is it a licking dog?

Is this the creature in the picture?

"Pure love for God of War, added a God of War——"

"The opposite of the God of War, a licking dog?"

"Then maybe this licking dog is really not an ordinary person."

"Nonsense, you can tell just by looking at this creature. Does such a creature exist in our world?"

"Turtle shell, cat scratch, sheep head, creatures from mountains and seas?"

"A bit weird".........

At this moment.

Happy Gray Plane, Adventures of Little Carp, Tom and Jerry, Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit Plane.

Two-faced Turtle, Tom, and Black Tiger.

The three of them looked at this combination picture and felt both familiar and unfamiliar.

As for the Boiling Sheep— it almost tore his eyeballs out!!

This is obviously his face!!!

He subconsciously ignored why his head was a puzzle piece.

"Could this be my highlight moment?——!!"

"Same as Nobita."

Boiling Goat's eyes are shining!!

Nobita has learned from his mistakes.

He also cheered up!!

Pleasant Goat and others are both strange and unexpected.

"There are actually boiling sheep".........

In the video, a slightly sad piano BGM played.

As the video in the light curtain unfolds

『The first one』

『boiling sheep——!!』

『"Beautiful Yangyang, we are a team!"』

『"Don't stick around, it's annoying!"』

『"Disgusting boiling sheep, I never want to see you again!"』

『"Oh no, the beautiful sheep was kidnapped by Big Big Wolf!"Lazy and anxious come running!』

『"Ah, then I will save him now!"』

『Feiyangyang was still so concerned and immediately slapped the table and stood up!』

『"Let go of the beautiful sheep. I'll come over and be caught by you!!"』

『"Trade my life for his!"』

『After seeing the beautiful sheep being captured by Big Big Wolf, the dark-skinned Boiling Sheep took the initiative to come to Wolf Castle and was willing to sacrifice himself!!』




『"I don’t want to be in the same pot with him"』

『In the hot Wolfsburg cauldron, a lamb with a bow on its pink horns is in the same pot as the boiling lamb』

『But it's time——』

『Meiyagyang is more concerned about』

『But she doesn’t want to be in the same pot as Boeyangyang, even though Boilingyang has paid for her before!』

『"Am I really going to be cooked?"』

『Just when the beautiful sheep could no longer hold up, the boiling sheep used both hands to lift the beautiful sheep high!!』

『Like Optimus Prime——』

『"So touching, husband"』

『"If I get burned, will you be like him?"』

『The red wolf below is very moving.』

『Big Big Wolf looked at the exaggerated Boiling Sheep, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.』.........

Like the gray plane.

At Wolfsburg, Red Wolf stopped banging the pan and was quite moved.

As emotional as the red wolf in the sky.

It’s just—— looking at Big Big Wolf who didn’t take it seriously, he suddenly became angry.

"Big Big Wolf!"

"What's your expression!"

"If I was burned, would you not be willing to do it for me?……"

"No no no!!"

Seeing that there was going to be an unforeseen disaster, Big Big Wolf quickly waved his hands and shook his head!!.........

『Mei Yangyang pouted:"Fei Yangyang fights with his classmates all day long, how rude——"』

『Pleasant Goat was next to Boiling Goat and said,"Pleasant Goat hates rude sheep, do you understand?""』

『Feiyangyang understood instantly:"I understand, then hit me quickly... hit me quickly..."』

『"Bang bang bang!!!"』

『The Pleasant Goat beat up the Boiling Goat.』

『Boiling Goat:"Help, Pleasant Goat is so rude!"』

『Beautiful Goat:"Wow, Pleasant Goat is so awesome."』.........

Like the gray plane.


There was an awkward atmosphere.

Especially Lazy Yangyang, who covered his mouth with both hands and almost burst into laughter.

But Boiling Sheep himself.

But there was no reaction at all, and his brain seemed a little slow.

It feels normal.

He even straightened his back.

As if to say, see, beautiful sheep!

This is me!

I can do anything for you!!

Although there was a little embarrassment during the process, it was nothing!!

‘Beautiful sheep, if you don’t care about me’

‘He won't talk to me that much either’.........


『Two-faced turtle』

『In the underwater world, a green turtle is comforting pink jellyfish』

『Two-faced Turtle:"Your voice will definitely recover, don't worry"』

『Meimei turned around:"Who's anxious? I'm not anxious for myself, I'm anxious for Paopao.""』

『Meimei:"I'll stay with you, Bubbles"』

『Two-faced Turtle:"Meimei, whatever you say, I will do.""』

『Meimei:"Quickly make him happy"』

『The two-faced turtle deliberately pretended to be clumsy, dancing around and making a fool of himself. 』

Everything on the screen


『"Little Meimei!!"』

『"Bubbles, where are you?……"』

『"Ah, woo woo——"』

『"Two-faced turtle, why are you crying?"』

『"I was the one who saved you, but I wasn’t the first one you shouted when you woke up. I’m such a miserable double-faced turtle!!"』...........

As the video progresses, everyone roughly understands what licking a dog means.

It was simply shocking!

It was completely different from what they thought before.

It’s not a powerful creature at all!...........

Doraemon plane.

The dog-headed kingdom.

After understanding.

Not to mention the dog-headed general, even the king couldn't help but get up.

This term is simply an insult to their race!...........

Like the gray plane.

Feiyangyang shook his head like an old man

"Where are you from? Crying is so spineless."

"I can't stand this little setback."...........

『the third』

『Tom Cat——』

『When Tom saw her for the first time, he fell in love with her and became obsessed with her. From then on, he became a licking cat.——』

『And she is just a temporary novelty』

『It wasn't until Tom found out that she was in someone else's arms that he understood』

『But he still doesn't believe it——』

『Regardless of the little mouse Jerry's obstruction, he tried to save』...........

The plane of cat and mouse.

In a villa.

The hostess of the house was annoyed when she saw it!


She couldn't help but give it a hammer. Next to her was the confused Tom cat.

In the mouse hole not far away.

Jerry stuck his head out, also showing a disgusted expression............

『fourth place』

『black tiger——』

『"Blue Rabbit, Blue Rabbit, you wake up, I gave you a heart-opening pill!!"』

『"So, I deceived my father!!"Hei Xiaohu』...........


The rainbow cat and blue rabbit plane.

The Black-Hearted Tiger was originally full of expectations for his son, but when he saw this scene, he suddenly became furious!

Some people hate iron but not steel!!

Another forest.

Black Little Tiger is expressionless

"Even so, she still thinks about Hongmao"

"Hongmao, so, in what way am I inferior to him?"...........

"Black tiger! ?"

The plane of Jackie Chan's Adventures.

On a certain building.

Walon and the trio immediately looked towards Afu, who was standing alone with a cold figure somewhere.

"What's your nickname?……"

"My name is Heihu, Heihu Afu."

Afu corrected him sternly............

"So does dog licking refer to various animals?"

"So today, Xiaoxin learned a new vocabulary!!"

Crayon Shin-chan's plane.

Shin-chan jumped up and down............

The video does not end here. One more person was added to form the Five Tiger Generals.

『In fact, there is a fifth——』


『"Please use this, little love!"』

『"Although this is my birthday gift from my mother"』

『"But I'm happy to sacrifice for you"』

『"Come on, please step over"』

『A boy laid a piece of white cloth at the girl's feet and asked her to walk over. 』

The scene changed, and in order to make the girl happy, Masao even squatted on the ground and learned how to bark like a bitch!...........

"Is he a real man?"

Crayon Shin-chan's plane.

Shin-chan stopped jumping and opened his eyes wide.

Masao's mother was a little dizzy after seeing it.

Is this her son?...........

Like the gray plane.

Feiyangyang nodded appreciatively, like a judge.

Hanging the real man?

That's a test!!

Feiyangyang's thinking is different from others

"this is true love……"

"Boiling Yangyang, you are so boring."

Although Lazy Yangyang is slow, he also understands that all efforts are in vain.

Feiling Yangyang:"What are you talking about, Lazy Yangyang!!"

Nuan Yangyang hurriedly came to start the fight.

In fact, he was helpless.

God, who can make Boilingyang wake up?...........

In the animation world of Zhutian, my horizons have been broadened and I have seen the diversity of living things.

According to this standard.

When he started to wonder if the friend he knew was also a dog licker, the narrator suddenly changed his tone.

【Next is the time to refute rumors】

【The four biggest lickers? No——】

【In fact, strictly speaking, among the so-called four major lickers in the animation industry, there is only one real clown: Booyangyang.】

『"Beautiful Yangyang, you are my good friend, I want to protect you!"』

『A familiar voice sounded』........

"What a clown, I am not a clown!!!"

Happy Gray Plane.

Boiling Yangyang's face darkened.

This time he finally understood.

Dog licking = clown.

Where's the highlight?

Enough derogation. It's time to give him some highlights, right?

The result is even more Too much!

Is he alone?

"See if I don't smash you!!"

Feiyangyang picked up a stone and threw it into the sky.

Unfortunately, it flew only a small part of the way.

Due to gravity, it fell again and hit the top of his head instead.

"Boiling Sheep is so stupid——"

This made the beautiful sheep not far away covered her mouth and chuckled.

The boiling sheep is in pain.

Seeing Meiyangyang's smiling face, the gloom in her heart suddenly dissipated, and she smiled foolishly.

Of course I'm still angry inside.

He would like to take a look.

Why is he the only one who is a licker!!........

In fact, not only Feiyangyang, but also the rest of the animation industry were confused.

Why is it boiling sheep?

Two-faced Turtle, Tom, and Masao are also all humble, right?........

The narrator gave the answer - a cat with its head held high jumped out again!

【The first is Tom Cat. Take the most ridiculous, melancholy cat incident as an example. Tom Cat has received a response.】

【When giving the diamond, the white cat was afraid of blinding Tom.】

【We even specially prepared a mask for him.】

【This is definitely not the treatment a dog licker deserves.】

【and as we all know——】

【In the world of Tom and Jerry, Tom Cat knows many things to attract people. And the female cats she has pursued, from Lolita to Royal Sister, are all good!! 】

Tom in the picture is holding a cigarette in one hand - spitting out the words"Love You" in a smoke ring to a beautiful female cat, which is very romantic.

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