Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 155: Otherwise

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four

The fright that Mr. Zhou received was not trivial. The mutated creatures on the island were terrible, and the number of deaths can already be seen from the number of deaths on the island.

At this moment, the snake was so close to him. His sighed red letters, and the two fangs flickered with cold light. Mr. Zhou's scalp numb in extreme panic, and the hand holding the gun froze immediately. .

The snake moved up and down slowly around his shoulder. It was not heavy in size, but wherever it climbed, Mr. Zhou only felt that the shoulder of his right hand was weak and weak, and his fear even overwhelmed the severe pain of the broken wrist.

This short blink of an eye is like a year for Mr. Zhou.

He might be so scared that he couldn't even make a scream.

At the time of life and death, Mr. Zhou had a vicious idea in his heart.

He and Song Qingxiao fell on this stone step, this woman is not good at stubble, she has great skills.

It is too dangerous to be alone with her by twisting the box.

Whether she was attacked by bats on the boat or the several thrills after entering the island, Mr. Zhou actually wondered deep down in his heart that the gun in his hand could put her to death.

She was injured, and half of her body was almost unable to move due to pain. The wolf and the others fell down the mountain and didn't know whether Zhou Xueli had come down yet.

Isolated and helpless, if the first shot fails to kill her, I am afraid it will be me who angered her and died.

The snake came just in time, and Mr. Zhou swallowed his saliva, and he couldn't help showing a weird smile on his face, both frightened and proud.

He quietly retracted the hand holding the gun, picked up the snake with the head high with the gun body, and threw it in the direction Song Qingxiao was in!

After the snake was attacked, it became fierce and instinctively opened its mouth to bite.

The slender body twisted in the air like a rope, and was thrown by Mr. Zhou to Song Qing when he was young.

In fact, Song Qingxiao was already alert when Mr. Zhou moved.

When Mr. Zhou picked the snake to her, he moved fast, and Song Qingxiao reacted much faster than him!

She swung the dagger in her hand vigorously, and the little snake was chopped in two with a ‘hiss’ sound, blood splashed out, and the lower half of the snake’s tail fell to the ground with a ‘pop’.

On the side of Captain Song Qing's dagger, he used the blade of the dagger to open the upper half of the snake's head that flew quickly. The snake's head rolled onto the moss, and blood continued to gush from the cut.

After suffering such a fatal injury, the snake's fierceness remained undiminished. On the contrary, its aggression might have been triggered by the pain. It even jumped up with a broken body and tried to bite Song Qing's small leg.

But the moment it bounced, Song Qingxiao was also raising his leg, stepped on it hard, and stepped on its toe.

As the snake's head hurt, he instinctively curled up his upper body and bit into Song Qing's little feet.

The snake didn't look big, but its fangs were very sharp. It bit the toe of the shoe easily and didn't let go after biting it to death.

In the distance, Mr. Zhou, who was undecided, saw this scene, his face was overjoyed.

The snake has long and slender teeth. Since it bit through the shoe under this bite, it must have bit Song Qing's small toe.

The organisms on this island are genetically disordered, and snakes must be very poisonous. Song Qingxiao was bitten by this, even if it was a god, it would be difficult to save.

"Haha." In his joy, the hands holding the gun were shaking:

"You were bitten, I will give you a ride, so that you will suffer less."

At this point, Mr. Zhou pointed his gun at Song Qing's small body and was about to pull the trigger.

But after she was bitten by a snake, she did not fall to the ground, instead she strode quickly towards Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou pulled the trigger, maybe one hand was injured, so that he could not hold the gun body firmly, coupled with his emotions and excitement, coupled with the rapid changes in Song Qing's movements, he couldn't react,'bang' When one of the gunshots sounded, the bullet'swish' shot into the cliff, knocking out a large piece of mud.

The car behind the gun shook Mr. Zhou's hand. Before he had time to regret that the gun failed to hit Song Qingxiao, Song Qingxiao had already appeared next to him.

There was still the snake that was biting her, holding a dagger in one hand, standing condescendingly on her feet.

Mr. Zhou turned from joy to worry, his eyes were gloomy when he raised his head, and he trembled:

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Longevity? Longevity?..."

It may be the previous gunshots that Zhou Xueli on the cliff heard.

Her shouts came from top to bottom, with some horror and some worry.

Mr. Zhou gritted his teeth, wishing that Zhou Xueli would immediately appear in front of him, and also imagined that the snake was extremely poisonous, Song Qingxiao immediately fell to the ground and died.

It's a pity that none of the things he thought happened. Zhou Xueli was a dozen or so high, and the distant water could not save the nearby fire.

But Song Qingxiao was not poisoned immediately after being bitten. She raised her dagger, and Mr. Zhou's cheeks twitched, her voice a little astringent because of fear:


His pupils shrank The dagger that Song Qingxiao raised brought a gust of wind when it fell.

The knife didn't fall into his heart or neck as he imagined, but aimed at his wrist.


Mr. Zhou’s screams were so painful that Mr. Zhou’s screaming sound deformed.

The sharp dagger slit his torn wrist open, and blood gushed out from inside, exposing his bones.

The pain of breaking a wrist is not trivial. Mr. Zhou is neither a strong man nor extraordinary endurance. He howled miserably, his nose and tears flew:


As soon as the palm of his hand was cut, the box that was connected to his body fell. Song Qing waved his hand, quickly stooped to pick the box into his hand, and kicked Mr. Zhou's gun in his hand.

In the severe pain, his body curled up like a cooked dried shrimp, unable to resist Song Qingxiao's movements at all.

He only heard a'pop', his hand was kicked, and the gun in his hand fell off and fell on the moss. Song Qingxiao originally bent over to pick it up, but Zhou Xueli seemed to have heard Mr. Zhou. She screamed and felt something was wrong. This woman didn't know what to do with Mr. Zhou. In a hurry, she didn't care about her own safety. She seemed to loosen her hand holding the thorn vine, and her body began to'swipe' down against the cliff. .

Mr. Zhou's eyes were blood red, and he was convulsed with pain: ","

This is not the time to entangle with them, she is not afraid of the **** Mr. Zhou in front of her, nor is she afraid of Zhou Xueli, who is very protective of the calf.

But there are No. 1, No. 3 and No. 7 on the top of the cliff. She initially promised Mr. Zhou's words. When she was going to descend the mountain ahead of time, her idea was to get the box in Mr. Zhou's hands, which only represented the hope of body evolution. Research results.

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