Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 727: doubt

Although the ground is still trembling with "Kang Klang Kang" and is mixed with the surging of water, but the impact of the devilish energy has all rushed to the ghosts in the air, making the Yulun Void Realm on the verge of collapse collapse. The speed of disintegration stagnated.

   Song Qingxiao saw that the situation was under control, and the tight heartstrings couldn't help loosening, and then he slowly stood up.

   ‘buzz—’ The ground was still shaking, and some rubble bounced up, making a crisp sound.

   She stood up swayingly, her blood and spiritual consciousness were consumed a lot in the process of forcing the contract token. After completing this task, it may take her a while to meditate and recover.

   But to be able to obtain such a treasure as the "Eight Treasures Harmony Order", this loss is not worth mentioning to her.

   Song Qing glanced at the ghost head in mid-air, and then walked in the direction of Demon Spring.

   In the pile of chaotic rocks, Xiang Si's body, which was originally covered by the collapsed jade wall, was rushed out by the gushing devilish energy, mixed with a large number of rocks, and flew around.

When Song Qingxiao found her, she was pressed by a huge stone beam, and half of her body was lying face down in the spring in a very distorted posture. The devilish energy corroded most of her clothes and jewelry. She looked terrible.

   Even with the tyrannical physique of the cultivator of the Infant Transformation Realm, he couldn't resist the terrifying sound of the heavens and the earth about to burst when the temple collapsed.

  , coupled with the gushing out of the magic spring, made her hurt even more. At this time, Xiang Si was already on the verge of dying, but luckily there was still a breath remaining.

   After Song Qing swept her little consciousness and found her, she flicked her fingertips, a weak spiritual power mixed with the breath of ice flame, and a ‘swish’ bounced on her back.

   Mars splashed on her back with a ‘pop’, and ‘chizou’ burned a large piece of skin.

   Under this movement, the body of Xiang Si who was held down by the boulder suddenly trembled.

"Ah -" Xiang Si was seriously injured and unconscious. The moment he was touched by the ice flame, he was like a dying fish, his head slammed up, hit the boulder, and let out an extremely long sound. Screaming, I only felt as if a chill had penetrated into the lungs from the back and penetrated into the veins, as if to freeze her spiritual power and vitality.

   But the chill seemed to be carrying flames, burning the little power remaining in her body like a maggot with bones.

   That kind of pain is really unspeakable, and abruptly awoke her from her sleep.

   Fortunately, Song Qingxiao’s spiritual power was exhausted at this time, and his shot was measured again, only to wake her up and not to kill her, so he restrained a bit.

   The ice flame on Xiangsi's back burned her into a palm-sized wound, and then quickly annihilated.

"——Ah——Cuckoo——" Xiangsi's tight body loosened as the ice flame extinguished, and his face was slammed into the spring water again, and the screaming scream was submerged by the water. It turned into a splash of'gugu'.

   After this tossing, fortunately she was completely awake.

   The undecided Xiang Si fiercely smashed the huge boulder covering his body, turned and sat up from the spring water.

   Her face was corroded by demonic energy, shedding large pieces of skin, and her eyes were still horrified, but when she saw Song Qingxiao, the eyeball quickly found the focus, as if she was relieved:

   "Song San——"

   She spoke with one mouth and affected the injuries in her body.

Before    was fainted by Song Qing Xiaopai, she had forcibly vomited a stream of blood, originally to resist the star formation, but she did not expect it to be wasted in the end.

   The back-flowing essence and blood poured into the lungs again, and before he could adjust it, he spat it out again at this moment, and Xiang Si instinctively reached out to take it.

   "Me, what happened to me?" She held her hands on her chest, and the red blood dripped down her fingers. Her memories remained at the moment before she was knocked out, "Fan Wu——"

Before    had finished speaking, she could see the ruins in front of her clearly.

The top of the    Holy Temple has been completely dismantled, the evil spirit that permeated the Yulun Void Realm dissipated, and the brilliance of the rising sun shined in from the top of the mountain corner.

   There is a huge ghost head in the air. It was released by Fan Wu. Xiang's expression changed rapidly: "——Is he still dead?"

   But she quickly noticed something was wrong.

   The ghost head did not spit out a large number of skull ghost heads to attack people as before, but absorbed the black air in the water pool into the huge mouth to nourish the ghost head himself.

   Song Qingxiao looked more embarrassed than before, as if she had suffered some injuries. Her hair twisted into strands of dust fell down, but her eyes were like sharp swords, chilling.

  Xiangsi until this moment, did he later detect his own sea of ​​consciousness with divine consciousness, and noticed that the task reminder had changed to: kill the dragon king! (completed)

  Mission completed: 10,000 bonus points.

   Until this moment, when Xiang Si thought about the cause and effect, he naturally remembered his previous bizarre coma.

   Fan Wu was replaced by Song Qingxiao as a sacrificial item by the reversal of stars at that time, and summoned Jiulong.

   At that time, she was both excited and excited. Since she entered the God Prison, the trialists have always killed each other and guarded each other, and had never met someone like Song Qingxiao who'speaks credit'.

  Because of Fan Wuyi's death, the mission was about to be completed, and Xiangsi lost his guard under the ecstasy, so he was knocked out by Song Qingxiao at a critical moment.

   When thinking of this place, Xiang Si only felt a chill in his back.

   The horrible chill formed after the fear was firmly attached to her waistcoat and extended to the veins and veins of her lungs, making her feel painful all over, so she subconsciously stretched out her hand and wanted to brush the chill away.

  'Hiss! ’

   Xiangsi grabbed his back with his backhand, first took a breath, and then let out a surprised exclaim:

   "Huh? Why am I really hurt."

   The feeling of cool swoosh on her back is not because of fear, but because there seems to be a palm-sized piece of flesh being shoveled away.

   Although the ice flames have dissipated, the remaining prestige is still there. After a soak in the spring water, the devilish energy invaded, and it was originally painful, but Xiang Si's whole body was injured too badly, so I temporarily ignored the injury here.

   At this moment, she stretched out her hand unsuspectingly and grabbed it, naturally it hurt in her heart.

   "Magic Qi." Song Qingxiao responded to her, Xiang Si believed her in this evil.

   She had a calm face when she spoke, and she didn't look like a lie at all.

   In addition, during her coma, she did not kill anyone with such a good opportunity. The same reason can be proved that even if she has an injury on her back, it should not be her.

  The magic power here is indeed fierce. From the fact that the temple collapsed so thoroughly, after she fell asleep, the dragon king appeared, and the momentum of the war might be extremely shocking.

   In such a situation, she could survive her death, but was only seriously injured. Xiang Si actually felt that she was taking advantage of it?

   She clutched her chest, tremblingly trying to stand up, but she couldn't help it several times.

   The magic power surged extremely quickly, driving the ground up and down.

   Big and small rocks bounced and fluttered, Xiang Si felt like a boat in a violent wind and huge waves. The roots themselves could not help but dangling along the water flow. After a while, he was turned upside down and vomited another mouthful of blood.

   Fortunately, as soon as the two mouthfuls of blood were spit out, Xiang Si felt that although his vitality was severely injured, the disordered tendons were smoother, and it was more comfortable than before.

   She put her hands on the boulder she pushed aside to stabilize her figure, but the corner of her eyes looked down at Song Qing.

   Song Qingxiao wore the dress that Yulun Void Realm gave her that day, but at this time, after a great battle, he was also torn into a human shape, and the exposed skin was covered with blood.

   Her face was pale and her breath was weak, but she stood extremely steady.

   If you say that she is a boat drifting with the waves in the wind and waves, she will never really fall down like a **** who can hold the sea.

   Xiang Siyi thought of this and couldn't help but feel chills.

This kind of idea is like a seed. Once planted in her heart, it will be difficult to swallow it, and it may become her demon in the future, so that she may not be able to give birth to an enemy to Song Qingxiao and defeat her in this life. heart.

   This kind of instinctive fear, like a powerful law, penetrates into her mind and restricts her spirit.

   "Cough!" Xiang Sizhong coughed heavily, as if trying to wave away the thoughts in his mind.

After    for a while, she adjusted her thoughts and barely calmed down before saying:

   "The mission is complete."

  The Dragon King is dead.

   Needless to say, the reason Song Qingxiao stunned her is probably because she still has some secrets and cannot see people.

She already knew Song Qingxiao’s hand that could transform the dragon into the heavenly slaying sword, she knew that she had that simple blue lamp, and she also knew her star formation and mystery. Each of these treasures was extremely powerful. , Once it is leaked, Xiang Si can imagine the existence of'Song San', and I am afraid it will spread all over the world, and even Tian Waitian will know.

These'secrets' seem to Xiang Si herself that she knows too much, and she feels uneasy, but from Song Qing's reaction, it seems like she'allows' herself. The visible range.

   There are also some boundaries, within her control, she is not allowed to peer into it for half a minute.

   As for what this secret that cannot be known by himself is, Xiang Si couldn't imagine it, and he didn't dare to ask.

   As soon as she finished her voice, she subconsciously raised her head to look at Song Qingxiao, only to see her raising her head and looking into the air.

   Xiang Si followed her gaze and saw the ghost head in mid-air at a glance.

   At this time, the ghost head is filled with endless demonic energy, and the color is getting darker and deeper.

   Fan Wu took out the token and turned it into a skull. When the gate of the Nether opened, the skull was gray and black, not pure. Compared with this time, there was a feeling of bluffing between the teeth and the claws.

   And after the magic power was inhaled, the color of the skull changed from gray to black, and it became almost blue in a short time, and the translucent body began to solidify, and it looked more and more crippled.

Accompanied by the influx of devilish energy, the skeleton's aura became vigorous. While sucking in the magical energy, the spirit of Xiang Si seemed to hear the'hehe haha' ghost whistling sound, which made her tremble with the sea of ​​consciousness and did not dare to try anymore. Look, I'm afraid that I will be affected by it, and my soul will be hurt when the time comes, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

   Xiang turned around in a hurry, sealed the sea of ​​knowledge with divine consciousness, and then asked carefully:

   "This is Fan Wu's token, right?" This thing was extraordinary at first glance. Fan Wu took it out when he was dying. It was a desperate attempt to hold Song Qingxiao to complete the task.

   I didn't know that he died eventually, and such a baby fell into Song Qingxiao's hands.

   From the look of Song Qingxiao, it is not difficult for Xiang Si to guess that this thing has probably been contracted by her. There is a lot of evil spirit in the Yulun Void Realm, which is just to nourish this treasure.

Thinking of this trial, he found nothing, and Song Qingxiao received the help of Yichang and others before he died. Not to mention, now he has received Fan Wu’s magic weapon, which made Xiangsi’s eyes flushed with jealousy, but He didn't dare to show a half point.

   "Yeah." Song Qing responded indifferently, not afraid of her being greedy.

   Although she has suffered some injuries and exhausted her spiritual power, suppressing Xiang Si is not a problem.

This'Eight Treasure Tong Ming Card' has been contracted by her, and the evil spirit on the token cannot harm her, so she is not affected when the token makes ghost howls like Xiang Si, and the deity is closed. knowledge.

She noticed the strangeness of the skeleton ghost head for the first time. Under the irrigation of the devil energy, the skeleton ghost head faintly condensed into a physical posture, and at the same time, a ghost of the body began to appear under the ghost head, causing Song Qing. Little was surprised and delighted.

   Even Xiang Si glanced at her secretly, her expression was a little weird, she didn't pay attention.

   After receiving Song Qingxiao’s response, he confirmed the token identity. Xiang Si was jealous, suddenly thinking of something, and stammered:

   "Yes, it's that, I need..." She gestured as if it were a little hard to tell.

   Song Qing turned her head and glanced at her. Her eyes were a little sneaky, as if she was making some idea, which made her vigilant.

   "No, it's okay." Xiang Si didn't know that Song Qingxiao was suspicious of her at this time, but the scene of Fan Wu'kissing' with the skull ghost when he used this token flashed in his mind.

   After Fan Wu was sucked, his whole body seemed to be hollowed out, and he was twenty or thirty years old.

   Thinking of this, Xiang Si's jealousy about Song Qingxiao's acquisition of the token seemed to be lost.

   Just mentioning Fan Wu, Xiang Si remembered one thing.

"The points are wrong!" As soon as she talked about business, she regained her previous shrewdness, and her eyes became calm and sharp, but her face seemed to be corroded by the devil, and she looked serious and serious. Doesn't match.

   Song Qingxiao actually noticed the wrong points.

   The initial bonus points for this ‘Kill the Dragon King’ mission is 6000 points per person.

   There are five people participating in the task, so the total reward is 30,000 points.

   After the death of Ma 1 and 2, the rewards that originally belonged to the two people were divided equally by the remaining three. The reminder at the time was that after the task was completed, each person could get 10,000 points.

In theory, with the death of Fan Wuyi, his 10,000 points should be divided by Song Qingxiao and Xiangsi who completed the task for 5,000 each. That is to say, the two should have received 15,000 rewards each at this time, and the total should be divided equally. The 30,000 points of her are right, but Song Qingxiao’s reward has not changed at this time, and the situation in Xiangsi should be similar to her.


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